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I spotted this dark web game specially titled "ABOMELOK0408" the creator is apparently some snapchatter that goes by zoeeeeeeeee89 it has been hard trying to find full info about this game can someone analyze it in a VM?

game link: http://bcloudwenjxgcxjh6uheyt72a5isimzgg4kv5u74jb2s22y3hzpwh6id.onion/dl/URI:CHK:57kkwph323dehuofosu372t6qm:hvwwogggspuldbreeubbl6jdm4ym5nrw2muq2hdu2opzqpthr4kq:3:5:77544807/ABOMELOK0408.exe.zip


In your screenshot the executable file got the godot-game-engine icon. So it may be a game, although it's not hard to stick that icon on pretty much any file.

If you want to be sure it's safe to run this, it would have to be fuzzed for known security threats or better yet de-compiled and reverse engineered. Analyzing the behavior in a VM brings limited protection because clever malware can tell if it's run inside a VM, and to choose to only behave nicely while being analyzed inside the vm.

Try to get the creator to release the source code, that makes it a hole lot easier and faster to check.


If leftists could /tech/ then you would have money and if you had money you wouldn't be a leftist.


>muh true leftist
nice sectarianism


The creators name was zoeeeeeeeeee89 it was 10 e instead of 9 my mistake sorry.


new link because OP's link don't work I tried it analyze this weird shit and tell us what you find!

new link: https://file.io/BHECQI74URP5

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Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames? Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?


How do you draw the line between bad manners and "being an asshole"?


There is no line. I only do things I can be proud of in non-hentai games. In hentai games open season.
This isn't for some moral reason, but rather because I feel too guilty to have fun being bad in normal games, but being bad makes me cum harder than I feel guilty.

Guilt is probably good, it's extremely limiting and conservative, but I don't see a better way not to hurt people.


As long as directed towards the other team it's OK by me.


>Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames?
Not sure what you mean with this, but manners only exist in relation to sentient people. You can't be rude to a program. At least not yet.

>Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?

This is intriguing, were feudalists bad mannered ?


>Is it accelerationist
Not quite. Even if you'll manage 2 bully some fag out of this particular game xir could just move 2 1other.
Also, as any m*rxist you should always remember th@ actively being a fucking retard shapes you into a fucking retard, so don't be just a stupid uyghur faggot without any purpose 2 it. It's ok to be against the cuckitalist society, it's not ok to be antisocial in general either you slid into tranarchism.

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All right can someone explain why the hell there aren't more death race games? I've never been able to understand this. Why would I want to settle for kiddie kart racing where no one ever dies when I could strap guns to my vehicle and kill everyone in front of me?

It's always baffled me why there's a whole bunch of car combat games taking place in an arena, but nobody wants to combine the idea with racing. What gives?


>why the hell there aren't more death race games?
Are you sure ? Have you checked all the indie game makers ?

>Why would I want to settle for kiddie kart racing

It's the same game mechanic though.

There's a spaceship racing game which is somewhat popular. It has interesting maps that blend atmospheric and space obstacle courses. It also has various game modes with "strapon guns". I think it's open source and has fancy graphics as well. But i can't remember the name, sorry.


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Just remembered I played this like a billion years ago.

Also do kart racing games count? I guess that's where the genre went.


>I played this
what game is that ?


didn't see the game title was in the image file name


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Probably same shit for electronic viewfinders on digital cameras, but it's not as intense and constant.


LMAO imagine SAO-players waking up from their shit to have literal blindness


They spy on you AND they ruin your eyes.


NOOO, this can't be happening! What about my escapism and virtual companionship?!


[it's been] 4 fucking years, you massive autistiche faggot

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Is there even a single 4X game that's ever managed to solve the problem of tedious micromanagement in the late-game phase? It seems like this should be a solvable problem, yet I haven't encountered any that have pulled it off.


There are coding games, that require that you make, lets call it, deployable patterns. In a manner of speaking you would play the micromanagement once, record it and then it gets abstracted away from the game-play.

For coding games this is easy because it's like declaring a function. For a UI driven game where players are not expected to enter code, designing player input would be a challenge. I would try to record player actions, analogous to old-school desktop automation software. But you have to somehow shoe-horn that into a set of instructions that can be run in a loop. And you probably want more than one loop, so that the abstracted micromanagement patterns can be switched based on event triggers. Which means now we're making the player record different micromanagement instruction loops. Abstraction does have overhead.

Another option would be to design for constant gameplay complexity. That means you just stop simulating the low level gameplay elements once enough high-level gameplay interaction happens. After-all games don't have to be realistic.


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Although it doesn't relate to the current phase of the game at all, Freeciv does this to a certain extent with its auto-governor system. It allows the player to program certain priorities in how they want their city managed, and then the optimizer will figure out exactly the best way to arrange citizens for any given city. This massively reduces the tedious city-by-city citizen management that was a characteristic of early Civilization games.

One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.


>One way of relating something like this to game progression I think is to unlock this stuff as a technology or event, making it unavailable to the player until they've passed a certain progression threshold.
That's actually kinda brilliant, it stops being UI and it becomes game content. But you really do have to nudge players hard to activate it, so they don't get stuck playing in first gear.

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Why did this game suck so bad? Capcom had just finished making Mega Man X2, arguably one of the best platformers in the entire Mega Man franchise.

And then came this turd… Sure it looks and sounds great, but mechanically it's full of problems. It inexplicably gives Mega Man a giant sprite (like 50% larger than Mega Man X or Mega Man's size in the NES games), and consequently is full of shallow platforming and somewhat frustrating, claustrophobic action. It also only lets you play four levels at a time (reducing replayability), and for some reason they chose to completely ignore the finely tuned weapon charge mechanics from the Mega Man X games and gave you a gun that takes so long to charge up that you mostly don't want to bother ever charging it at all. I've always had a hard time understanding why this game turned out the way it is.
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I suspect it was a carry over of game design for arcades were you had to put coins into to play so making it insanely hard was a profit motive to keep people putting coins in the machine.


From the perspective of making a free open source arcade game. I wouldn't even conceive of levels. But rather a treadmill. Game-play elements are placed onto the treadmill in the front. As the player moves forward the game-play elements are interacted with and when they reach the back of the treadmill they disappear. From that perspective it's natural to consider procedural generation with a element of randomness. Instead of perfecting level design, it's about tweaking the procedural generation. The treadmill principle also works with multiple dimensions of movement, just like canned levels.

>I suspect it was a carry over of game design for arcades were you had to put coins into to play so making it insanely hard was a profit motive to keep people putting coins in the machine.
Seems about right. But there probably are players who see this as a feature, you know something to chew on.


If you're describing a game that plays infinitely until the player concedes from exhaustion, there's a reason arcade games largely dropped endless play after the early '80s. Part of it surely had to do with players hogging machines for hours after paying only a quarter, but it's also grounded in a good design principle. Most arcade games after the early '80s targeted about 30-40 minutes, it's too much to stay focused on a tense self-contained action experience for much longer than that.


>If you're describing a game that plays infinitely until the player concedes from exhaustion, there's a reason arcade games largely dropped endless play.
I had not considered that, since people don't run on a treadmill until they collapse from exhaustion either. But i can see your point.
>players hogging machines for hours after paying only a quarter
Ok but that doesn't apply to a Foss game you play on your computer.

>it's also grounded in a good design principle. Most arcade games after the early '80s targeted about 30-40 minutes

So how do you achieve that ? People replay levels over and over too, so that's not really sending a natural halting impulse. Treadmills have timers that beep. There has to be something better than making annoying sounds ?


>So how do you achieve that ?
Just don't make your game too long, it's not that complicated.

Maybe I'm still not clear on what I meant though. It's not about total time played in a session, it's about restricting the overall time of a complete playthrough of the game. What happens in for example a single-credit clear, especially in an arcade game which can't be paused, is that you're challenging yourself to focus at a high level for the entirety of the game experience. As you get closer to the end, with more time passed, few mistakes made, and the challenge ever increasing, an experience of thrill and reward is created that doesn't happen in any other game genre. But it's also stressful. When your hardcore action challenge is too long, it starts to feel like a chore near the end because it's too hard to stay focused for that long.

It is a bit tangential that we're having this conversation in a Mega Man thread though. I include "arcade-like" in the discussion because Mega Man games don't really have the arcade endurance structure I'm describing. They have a lot of hard stops (Mega Man 7 has quite a few intermissions for dialogue), and the player themselves can take a break and come back at any time thanks to password or save systems.

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How do you deal with this asshole?
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Why don't you settle your conflicts with words instead of resorting to violence?


Does this look like the kind of bloke who will listen to reason?


get the pc version the internet says it's got better difficulty settings, that let you beat the game.

It's a really hard enemy character from a really hard 2d side-scroll game
go to time index 00:04:44


From my experimentation, aggression will get you nowhere but a quick death. The trick is to patiently wait for him to do a swooping attack at you, and then jump backwards away from it while shooting at him.


Give peace a chance

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Can we talk about how video games like Age of Empires/Civilisation etc are conduits to right wing thought about political economy of globalisation?

Simply, they portray human society and civilisations as inherently atomised and singular in their development as well as presenting culture as essentialist.

Also, an anon posted an academic article related to this recently, but I've lost it, if anyone could repost that would be great.
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Actually no, Civ is kinda materialistic despite minor bonuses civs get, the success of a Civ is 90% based on external/material factors

An essentialist game is actually EU4


if I remember correctly it used to be clowned on but the existence of "Barbarians" in Civ (although possibly recently removed? I stopped playing after 5) is pretty essentialist. a group of people who fundamentally, cannot be civilized, even though they operate like a civilization, in some games outright equivocated with wolves.


I don't know what civ you played but in VI they form city-states after awhile


>lose at Rise of Nations so badly I empathize with anti-colonial movements
is there a term for this


Yeah, not being a cuck to the more powerful ones.

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>The Market is unavailable for the following reason(s):
You must have a valid Steam purchase that is between 7 days and a year old with no recent chargebacks or payment disputes.

>To remove this restriction you must make a purchase in the steam store
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If you mean sell them, I can't since the market ban exists or that would be my goto

If you mean trade them, I don't understand
Where do I trade them to and with whom


>I can't since the market ban exists
Oh that's right I'm a dumbass
>Where do I trade them to and with whom
There's a trade forum, right? I've never done it because I don't wanna learn the complexities of it just to get digital cards


unironically based and cringe at the same time.


>buying games
But why though? I only have steam for TF 2.


Maybe not solely Steam but:
>game is on sale
>game with all the DLC packs costs close to (or exceeds) 60 bucks
Is this bullcrap or what? Paying for the standalone game on sale is like paying for a longer demo.

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Currently stuck here. I kinda wish the special world wasn't as easy to find, because I don't wanna back out until I beat it but I got bored of trying this level.


<playing proprietary slog from the infamous copy-monopoly-take-down mafia.
may i suggest 2 FOSS games

Similar to Mario, but it has a portal gun
Well polished plattformer featuring Tux


Super Tux has turned into complete garbage these days, with the devs removing any semblance of risk-reward dynamics by taking out the lives system. Now they expect the players to collect the coins in every level… just because they're their and the player is assumed to be a perfectionist who finds that interesting. If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.


>If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.
Today i learned Super Tux Advance exists.
thanks for letting me know


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Speaking of Mario, what's the deal with this game? I've always really admired its creative level design, and then it occurred to me recently that it was made as a sort of advertisement for a technology expo. How could they put so much effort into that?


AIR this game's got the same case as Quake 2, which is not Quake in the first place.

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