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>No animal crossing thread for 10 pages
Absolutely disgusting you uncultured plebs.
Post friend codes and Island codes, or just screenshots in general.
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Wow thank you. I really didn't expect a positive reply.


animal crossing won’t help you have sex. you might as well play a real video game, creeps.


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Is Tom Nook a real uygha for letting you pay off your debt or is he still a jerk?


bump for answers on the Tom Nook question


Haven't played that game and don't know the Nook character, so i'm just saying something about debt.
From a materialist perspective debt is not a reasonable idea. It's a negative quantity and that makes no sense. You can't have less than zero of something.

Many people are being tricked to accept the concept of debt because they are being deceived by ideology that conflates the organic social relation-ship of owing somebody a favor with debt.

The system however is not operating like a human and it does treat debt like a negative quantity, which contradicts the very fabric of reality. This contradiction is cumulative and eventually it leads to a crisis, where the system either chooses a debt-jubilee. Or it goes to war to expand the system in order to find new means to paper over this contradiction. That is what the Roman empire did. But eventually it couldn't expand anymore, after that debt became one of the factors that lead to the collapse of the Roman empire.

One of the reasons why many Marxists want to create an economic system with labor-time and resource accounting instead of money is because that won't let you do negative quantities and then this problem never arises.

In theory you could do capitalism without debt too. You just have to gift people money to enable the creation of new capitalist companies. I guess you'd create multiple organizations that can gift money for this purpose and then you periodically cull the worst performing one that doesn't fund enough companies that become viable according to capitalist criteria (capital accumulation). Once you culled one, a new org gets chosen at random. I imagine you would not lack for applicants that want to have a go at shaking the magic money tree.

If you think this is retarded, keep in mind the limited goals of this thought experiment. Now lets look at the pitfalls. There would be fewer reasons for banks to lend money and big capital investors would be less attractive than free money from the magic money tree. Banks will be opposed to that because having a lot of debtors on a leash is a form of power, and big capital will be opposed because they want to be able to buy into new companies when they are still small. So making this politically viable in a bourgeois political system would be tricky.

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General for all Nintendo Games and Nintendo related discussion!
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pic related

So did you buy the steamdeck ?


No, I didn't a buy a Steamdeck nor a Switch, I just kinda forgot about it and continued playing on my PC..


>I just kinda forgot about it and continued playing on my PC..
That works too.


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Gotta go with my boi Bumper.


Had to reverse image search, cool pick


All right, fine… It's been 18 years, and I'll finally admit it! As much as I loath this insulting trash game for daring to call itself Mario Bros. (and the trend of dumbed down trash games that followed in its wake), Koji Kondo at least managed to belt out another irresistible banger for the main stage theme.

It's a testament to a composer's skill that I find myself getting this theme stuck in my head all the time, imagining that it's some nostalgic theme from a much earlier Mario game. But no, in fact it had the great misfortune to be attached to this turd. Well done, Kondo-san.


Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22. Clunky gameplay, god tier soundtrack. I listen to it frequently.

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How do you deal with this asshole?
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Does this look like the kind of bloke who will listen to reason?


get the pc version the internet says it's got better difficulty settings, that let you beat the game.

It's a really hard enemy character from a really hard 2d side-scroll game
go to time index 00:04:44


From my experimentation, aggression will get you nowhere but a quick death. The trick is to patiently wait for him to do a swooping attack at you, and then jump backwards away from it while shooting at him.


Give peace a chance


Buy him a beer and he'll come around

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Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.


games have gotten objectively worse in many ways

Current games often have defects that prevent you from owning what you buy unless you perform major restorative interventions in the technical guts.
Physics simulation has deteriorated a lot in quality and render speed (technical regressions are unusual, i wonder why that happened)
There's lots of stuff that interrupts game-play like for example the nickle and dime mechanisms "in-game purchasing"
Multiplayer has been ruined with root-kit-malware that pretends to be "anti-cheat" with doubtful effectiveness in stopping cheating.
Many games don't work while offline, and while fixing that malfunction is often possible, that stuff should just work.


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Yes, obviously the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has been progressively making games worse over time. Now what about the test, anon? You're not so rose-tinted to the past to assume that your first youthful experiences were the best ever… are you?


I don't really understand what you want with this nostalgia question. I think i get the most fun out of low-brow modding, you know messing around, finding some variable that can be tweaked with hilarious effect. So in my mind easier to mod = fun game.


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indie games that mimic the 16 bit era are often more fun than AAA games. lack of loading time, lack of being forced to go online, lack of skinner box mechanics, lack of bullshit. Hell I even enjoy ncurses console games like picrel more than a lot of AAA shite


This was originally made by the Dwarf Fortress guy Tarn "ToadyOne" Adams back during the George W. Bush administration, but since it's open source there are many independent fan versions. I love this piece of shit game. Maybe I'm mentally ill. Something about making a Blanquist terror cell and grinding their skills while they do cringe adventurism is super fun to me. I wish there were a more communist-flavored version of this game.



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forgot image

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Thoughts on Roblox game 'Dress to Impress'?

Gameplay revolves around each person dressing up according to a theme and people vote whose fashion walk they liked the best, which is related to democracy in Marxism, because of voting.
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Whatever, post your fits


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>It's related to Marxism because democracy is a thing in Marxism, which relates to how people vote in the game.
Can they vote on how the video game company is run ?

so it's fashion for aliens ?
pic related


cute tbh


First one looks like a Masha from Moscow, and the second one looks like a Becky from Brooklyn. 7.5/10

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I am a modder for Hearts of Iron IV and I'm currently updating my old mod. My main issue is that I need loading screens/menu screens. The image given is a filler so I'm looking for something different.

The images need to be 1920x1440, and they SHOULD be appropriate to have on the Steam Workshop. Thanks!
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That one lewd Marxist-Leninist cosplayer that became a small meme for doing that maoist cosplay. You know, that one.


/v/ is now the roulette board, please go there for your video game related discussions.






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Can we talk about how video games like Age of Empires/Civilisation etc are conduits to right wing thought about political economy of globalisation?

Simply, they portray human society and civilisations as inherently atomised and singular in their development as well as presenting culture as essentialist.

Also, an anon posted an academic article related to this recently, but I've lost it, if anyone could repost that would be great.
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its really ugly game i don't know why its popular (maybe because microsoft in the title)


critical support for Rise of Nations

there is no such thing art for the sake of art!




>Can we talk about how video games like Age of Empires/Civilisation etc are conduits to right wing thought about political economy of globalisation?
These games are literally tankie simulators where you the player are the ultimate dictator and economic central planner.


This is retarded. All war economies are command economies, regardless which economic system preceded it. Also Age of Empires is clearly feudal, not socialist. Why do you use the anti-communist label ?

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Whether real-time or turn-based, probably somewhere around half the games in the strategy genre implement unit promotion in some form or another. But is it even good game design?

In the best-case scenario it gets implemented in a way that doesn't cause snowballing (Pikmin, which doesn't feature 2P versus play anyway). However, in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic, in effect reducing the overall depth of a given game. I'm starting to think this may have been the genre's Original Sin. What do you think anon?


>games in the strategy genre implement unit promotion in some form or another
Fighters gain skill during combat and get better at it in the real world too, so why wouldn't video games also reflect that ?

>However, in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic, in effect reducing the overall depth of a given game.

loosing is not a tactic
loosing is not depth of strategy
In battle you win when your guys stay alive and the guys on the opposing side don't. Everything else is just BS excuses made up by shitty generals, not wanting to admit they suck at their job.

>I'm starting to think this may have been the genre's Original Sin

No, the almost universally lacking game mechanic is troop-moral and supply-lines. If either moral or supplies get too low troops surrender. If you can add this element to a game with it becoming tedious micromanagement it would enable more interesting strategies.

OP, if you have a pathology where you derive enjoyment from sacrificing people, you have my sympathy dark impulses suck, however please don't try to make it a virtue. It's not a skill it's a curse that makes you ill suited for command. When officers tried to engage in "sacrificial play" they ended up with a fragmentation grenade in their tent. That's where the word "fragging" originally comes from.


I don't know if i just suck at freeciv, but my superior units are usually swamped by a lot of inferior enemy units. Promotion only came into play as a unit production buff.
>in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic
I think it only discourages sacrificial play, when troops can be healed without being overrun by the enemy. In this case promotion would be a reward for committing spare troops to hold the front.


Anon… you know games aren't real life right? Those little characters aren't real people. It's okay to sacrifice a pawn in a game of chess; why shouldn't it be a valid tactic in a video game?


Promotion in Freeciv / other early Civ games is mostly important from a defensive perspective, because unit defenses are calculated multiplicatively. For example, an unpromoted Phalanx on a hill tile that is fortified, under the civ2civ3 ruleset, will get 2 defense base * (1.5 for the hill) * (1.5 for fortifying) = 4.5 defense. That same unit with one promotion will instead get 2 defense base * (1.5 for the hill) * (1.5 for fortifying) * (1.5 for Veteran promotion) = 6.75 defense. I think promotions also apply a multiplier to attack but it's not nearly as impactful as defense since most units don't have any additional sources of attack bonuses.


>real people.
mostly fake.

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