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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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<How to Grow Leftychan
>A Tactical Guide

First, the why.

Why grow Leftychan?

Some of you fags honestly ask

The reason is simple. It’s a fun place to post about and read metadiscussion on the left. I like to post there, and I want more people to come and read my shit and effort posts.

and you fuckers needs to pick up the slack

It’s that simple.

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>Don’t waste time making a bunch of long effortposts. Those should literally be one tenth of what you post. This isn’t Jacofag Magazine.
Finally someone had to say it. Quit sniffing your own farts on essays and post more cheeky one liners.


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>Stir emotions
shaking is where it's at

trying out shit-posting


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Don't tell me what to do.


ok lets spread the live to OP


U wut, m8.

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<Does he have a point?
I've never read any of his books, but from what I understand, one of his central thesis goes like this:
>People with exceptionally disordered lives, who can't even manage to keep their own personal space tidy and clean, have a 0% chance of reorganizing the world for the better.

This strikes me as true. When I was more into activism, some of the most high and mighty r-r-r-revolutionaries had exceptionally disordered lives. Some of them couldn't even operate a vacuum cleaner (literally comical to watch them try). Or, more commonly, they would leave dirty dishes that their housemates had to clean. Yet, at the same time, they honestly believed that if they had control, they would somehow make a better world. It struck me at the time as rather arrogant and somewhat detestable. This has me wondering, regardless of whatever else Peterson is saying, does he have a point about the unfounded narcissism of some people of the left, especially those who can't even manage their own lives in a semi-self sufficient and positive way. Are we really to believe that those whose own personal space is in shambles would somehow do a better job if only they had more tasks and responsibilities, despite the fact that they fail at minor personal responsibilities?

If so, what are the political implications of this? How does this relate to organizing, the vanguard, etc?
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>I know, but lots of horrible shit predates capitalism. Just because people did something in the past, doesn't mean it's good praxis.

Then you admit that capitalism as the cause of all evil is an overused strawman.

>And categorically ruling out all child-labor makes sure that's never happening again.

It doesnt.
It just allows capitaists prey on second/third world kids.

>If you try to make exceptions on the basis that some types of child-labor have some kind of beneficial effect for the life-path of some people. You'll get overrun by every industry trying to bullshit you and all of society into letting them exploit children. You'd need insane levels of deterrence like forcing employers to wear a explosive neck-collar that gets detonated by child-protective services in case of abuse. I don't want a dystopian society where we blow up people's heads to make them adhere to principles. It's not worth it, we can raise productivity by investing into more advanced productive forces. And we'll soon be able to make sophisticated training simulations for children that only contain the good parts that produce some kind of beneficial learning effect.

The modern socio-legal positiin of children as charity cases is exactly what makes them vulnerable.

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>Compulsory schooling ended widespread illiteracy.
Haha no, most students that come out of US schools are functionally literate. The outcomes of students have little to do with being compulsory and everything to do with how well their funded ya petty tankie.


Funxtionally literate?

If so then yea.
People wanna accuse American students of being defective in evrything.

Thats not really true. Theyre not lacking in wanton or ability to learn. Its the teachers and parents whom treat the young as pets.

We are seeing an era where kids can solve algebraic equations in a blink of an eye, can recits poetry but they dont know how to rizz up the opposiye sex or do basic mechanical repairs.

American adults think precociousness amd childhood worldlyness is "evil."


>In fact, factory child-workers were only a recent addition amd limited only to orphans and unfortunate immigrants.

That's not true you fucktard.



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>why are the Yemeni people so based???

Vaxxies BTFO eternally
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Those grunts aren't for fighting. They're for experiments - that's what the military has been tasked with, and really war is a social engineering activity rather than the thing it purports to be, and the evidence of this is something invoked often by the true believers. They laugh at the stories of sacrifice and glory.

Besides, the empire can't inspire loyalty, and hasn't tried since the 1970s. They set up the story of losing Vietnam as the excuse to say the problem was that the country was too democratic and democracy sucks - ever since then you never hear an end to them bitching about mass armies being evil and incompetent and how great aristocracies are. For the purposes the empire wants, they don't want loyal and competent soldiers. They want technology so they can bomb the shit out of stuff from orbit. The US military is fairly good at that, when it chooses to do so. Whether it cares to actually "win" is a wholly different matter - why win? The worse they do, the greater the job security and the threat that can be used to bilk the people for more of their stuff. They only have to ensure that no one gets any idea that it could or should be any other way, and the weaker the people - soldiers and civilians alike - the stronger their hand. The Arabs are not an exception to this where they are the antipode to imperial suet. Their armies have historically been run like shit and turn on each other for a nickel, and the exceptional commander from that part of the world manages to turn that into something functional - usually by exploiting the incompetence of their neighbors when their pants are down. They've been using the Pals as props since 1948 and care not about ever winning. Again, why win? They know the empire isn't going away, and many of them know to cut deals with whatever the Romans are up to these days. There's nothing for le glorious jihad or whatever dumbass narrative the rubes believe in.

Vaxx uptake is certainly lower than reported. The colonies don't need to pretend, and if their leaders actually believed in that shit and did anything more than token acceptance of the latest eugenics shit, their own people would hang them from lamp-posts. COVID "works" here because eugenics is stronger and there is a critical mass of true believers. That shit doesn't exist in the rest of the world, and they've been laughing at these fuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Basically, most of what is said about America being "nothing but slavery and genocide" is the Zionists' preferred image of us, to justify taking more shit and demanding more aid money, which American leaders are happy to do because the leaders of America, as I mention, hate Americans more than anything else in the world. They want Americans to see nothing but the most depraved images of themselves, and they pulled off the greatest version of that with Trump - basically saying "this is you. you are retarded, like Trump."


It's the shit that child abuse does to fuck up the mind, and they have science and shit to guide them on how to abuse the people en masse and train them to think they're going to be raped at all times. Now the horror so many children live through is a mass thought form and a movement. It's been disgusting to watch anyone enable this faggotry and to see how it was destined since the 1990s.


sweet schizo thread


don't forget to take your tenth booster vaxxie

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Both of them got taken over by free speech retards. And this extreme free speech backfired and now they're dying website, of course Leftychan is dead as fuck not so much Twitter - yet…
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Retarded fantasyland gobblygook

Expect nothing less from the irrelevant left


>coping this hard as usual


>extreme free speech

shut up liberal


Leftychad has been more active than ever, tbf.


This, my friends, is what we call "pure eugenic creed". He doesn't understand the shit coming out of his mouth. Eugenics knows no other way.

People who come from different places get along all of the time. The idea that people exist permanently fused together and that anything less is not "true friendship" is pure ideology. People don't have to be bestest friends to not kill each other, but under eugenism, this concept must be made inadmissible. It has even less to do with these conceits about information and intelligence, which aren't things people would fight wars over unless they were truly given over to a torture cult.

"A better society" would be one where humans really have little to do with each other, and mutually understand that this state of affairs is desirable. Attempts to arrest history now and forever are necessary for aristocracy, but were never necessary for everyone else. Everyone else plans for a foreseeable future that would involve them and perhaps two generations down the line, and at heart they are concerned with the proximate relations they hold - their families, the associations they make which are definite and stable. It's not my business if someone in China looks different from me, or prays to a different god, or whatever, and the guy in China will tell you the same thing - it's something Chinese in particular take pride in, not getting involved in other peoples' shit, since they've had a lot of experience with how that goes. There are of course people of many types in any large social grouping, and somehow they form nations and organizations regardless of their differences. It is not a rule that different = deficient or that everyone should be at the same low standard eugenics sets for them (always lower, lower, lower). Most people don't give a shit about others being like them, and the people who think that is a thing are odious fags. I don't expect everyone to be like me or like any ideal I might imagine. I would like it if others were not trying to torture me, and despite exhortation to do so, most people are too busy and self-interested to spend their life making me suffer for nothing. Most people don't have it out for me because usually they know I'm right, and the people who rail against me usually are just pure fags embracing the thrill of torture and its maximization. The people who took perverse pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>The view of biology often presented to the public is oversimplified and out of date. Scientists must set the record straight, argues a new book.
>For too long, scientists have been content in espousing the lazy metaphor of living systems operating simply like machines, says science writer Philip Ball in How Life Works. Yet, it’s important to be open about the complexity of biology — including what we don’t know — because public understanding affects policy, health care and trust in science. “So long as we insist that cells are computers and genes are their code,” writes Ball, life might as well be “sprinkled with invisible magic”. But, reality “is far more interesting and wonderful”, as he explains in this must-read user’s guide for biologists and non-biologists alike.
>When the human genome was sequenced in 2001, many thought that it would prove to be an ‘instruction manual’ for life. But the genome turned out to be no blueprint. In fact, most genes don’t have a pre-set function that can be determined from their DNA sequence.
>Instead, genes’ activity — whether they are expressed or not, for instance, or the length of protein that they encode — depends on myriad external factors, from the diet to the environment in which the organism develops. And each trait can be influenced by many genes. For example, mutations in almost 300 genes have been identified as indicating a risk that a person will develop schizophrenia…..

Genetics is pseudoscience.
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DNA is real enough - you can detect it in a lab. Eugenics jumped on that to make a claim that it is the "gene", which anyone who paid attention to the heredity "debate" would tell you is not what heredity "is". Eugenics has to do this because the claims of eugenics are to control life at all of its levels, from gradle to grave. It can't do anything else, and so this discovery of chromosomes and material was declared to be "genetic material" and the entirety of such. The material is inherited - that is what life does when it reproduces - but it doesn't conform to this political conceit that "genes are destiny" or that heredity works in the way their stupid cult believes it does. This has always been known, but the victory of the cult insists it can never be wrong across all generations. The point of the "debate" is to make all discussion about life and its nature a recapitulation of the eugenic creed, and for no other concept of existence to be admitted. At first this is confirmed to a pseudoscientific clique, but it does not take long for it to dominate all other institutions, all other concepts of science, until there is no longer an act of "science" in the genuine sense - only pedagogy and the barking of edicts from the ivory tower.

What you can do with DNA is some low level chemistry, but to this day, scientists editing DNA are cut-and-pasting fragments and kind of hoping it works. If you designed any machine or computer program - "coded" - like that, you'd be laughed out of the room. But, eugenics must assert this and asserts it violently. In no other science or engineering problem would religious zeal be invoked to "believe the Science". Eugenics must do this because it is committed to ultraviolence, and it has always been a scam. If their theory of "genes are destiny" had the predictive power it possesses, then engineering life from base components should be trivial - it wouldn't be a "life hack", but straight up "here is some carbon, hydrogen, and osygen, now we can make life as we please". You might be able to do this, except life to be "life" is never really about substance or forms. It is always shown in functions - how the materials move to allow life to do anything at all. There is no substance "life" that you can find in a lab, and this is what the eugenists and German idealists always violently recapitulate, to defend their faPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


And the point I'm trying to get at with DNA is that it doesn't mean anything the cult believes it means. You could use DNA as a marker of heredity or to identify someone on record, ask where it came from. Even here though, DNA has been known to change during life, leading to the absurd belief that "genetic damage" is possible - literally an impossibility if you understand what "genesis" means. Here is where that old Germanic racism and volkisch faggotry comes in to shit up any discussion about what is happening, and they always jump in front if anyone calls bullshit on eugenics. Always. They don't want anyone interfering with The Plan or The Secret.

If humanity were not fucktarded, discovering DNA should have put the genetic myth to bed for good, and would probably be a step towards describing life-functions accurately for the first time. We may, out of necessity, find a way out of this nightmare yet. To really get over this though would require an elaborate deconstruction of the entire biopolitical myth, and ultimately the foundational, day zero myths of the human race, and if that happened, humanity in any recognizable form ends. It could not survive if all of the myths aristocracy told to prop itself up were eliminated, and aristocracy has no "backup plan". They are by their nature tied to the conditions of genesis, and cannot adapt to a world where genesis is rightly regarded as humans, like all things, rising from the muck. They can't stand that, and this is often their description of fascism - that Hitler is bad because he "rose from the muck", never mind that Hitler and those like him were thoroughly bourgeois in their constitution. It's not about Hitler doing terrible things or enabling others to do so, but because Hitler's background was unacceptable to the conceits of those who held the institutions. Hitler, being intelligent enough to see an opening and acting on orders of social engineers aligned with him, weaponized this animosity so that elements that believed they were left out could join an echo chamber and maximize their faggotry. Such is how the eugenic creed spreads, and once they taste that blood, there is no going back.


It's not just pretense - if you dig up family trees, you will eventually find some noble you're descended from. Kings got around a lot. The success rate at reproducing for men has never been much more than half in practice, and when men are cucks, it's not hard to see, nor have men really expected it was going to be any other way. If not for the fear that was instilled by society, the majority of men would opt out of the reproductive rat race entirely, because it's clear nobody wants them and they don't have any really good argument as to why they should sire children rather than some other asshole. It's not so much that children are a pain, but what the dominant institutions do to fathers or would-be fathers is designed to make the situation intolerable. No woman will ever seriously entertain the idea that it's going to be different or should be, even if they don't like the situation and are told they have to mate with slimy aristocrats. That's how the game really works. It's disgusting. Eugenics relies on maximizing the rot of this because it's a useful vehicle for inflicting suffering and creating the conditions of eugenics, where before, at the end of the day any penis or vagina would do and there wasn't that much of a selection to choose from. It's no secret that the upper class have already moved to artsem and surrogates, and clamor for the eggs of college females. They're getting rid of the family of old and the pretenses aren't going to survive much longer. Why would it? Everything about this society is designed to make an already terrible task of reproduction into something so nightmarish that death would be preferable. I don't know if it comes across to you all how horrifying it is to hear "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE" shouted exultantly and the repeated death threats I receive, that I'm told is not just normal but upstanding behavior when they do it. It's all so Satanic, and after enough of it, you do get the sense that humanity should collectively self-terminate and draw down their numbers to the barest minimum necessary to ensure the cycle doesn't restart. That wouldn't be about eugenics or the death cult though - it would be a necessary reaction, the final action, to end the nightmare forever, so that we can have the thing that we wanted in the first place. Most of humanity will fade from the world, finding whatever they were going to find andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>It's not just pretense - if you dig up family trees, you will eventually find some noble you're descended from. Kings got around a lot.
Of course it's pretense, Kings didn't have political power because of biology.


They make their temporal claims first into hereditary claims, and then create a spiritual authority around heredity. Biology proper has nothing to do with any "essences of life", but monarchy and aristocracy both have reasons to insinuate such things exist. What isn't doubted is that kings leave their mark on the world, usually by creating offspring and laughing at the peasant whose wife lines up to get fucked. Further, kings produced quite a few princes and princesses, who would eventually filter to the lower orders, with all of the luxuries inherited wealth allowed them to win the reproductive and social game.

It is an enduring myth that merit is based on moral goodness or civic worth, especially under eugenism. The merit of the proprietor is always whatever secures his property, whatever that may be. The merit of the aristocrat is the games of fuckery and double dealing that mark their class, or the influence of those who follow the aristocratic lead and aristocratic thought. None of this is about anything productive or useful - usually it is the exact opposite. Proprietors only want to produce as little as they need to continue holding their interests, and find useful that which is expedient towards that end. Aristocrats don't want to produce anything at all, and see it as their mission to police the proprietors and take all of their stuff, so it can be wasted on some lurid elite cult.

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Aerial evidence follows months of President Nicolás Maduro ramping up claim to Essequibo region

Venezuela is expanding military bases near its border with Guyana and deploying forces to the jungle frontier as President Nicolás Maduro ramps up his threats to annex the country’s oil-rich neighbour, satellite images have revealed.

Maduro pledged at mediation talks in December not to take military action against his neighbour but images shared by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington today suggest a buildup of forces.

Christopher Hernandez-Roy, deputy director of CSIS’s Americas programme, said: “The same day that the Venezuelan foreign minister is meeting with Guyanese diplomats, the Venezuelan military is conducting tank drills just a stone’s throw from Guyana. All of this tells us Maduro is pursuing a duplicitous policy.”

Venezuela has long laid claim to the resource-rich Essequibo region, which makes up two-thirds of Guyana, but Maduro has ramped up the country’s claim to the disputed territory in recent months.

After months of campaigning, the country held a vote in December in which Maduro said the Venezuelan people backed the country to take the vast swathe of jungle by force.

The aerial shots show that while Venezuelan diplomats subsequently met their Guyanese counterparts to calm simmering regional tensions, the Venezuelan military sent tanks and missile-equipped patrol boats to the border.

“This escalatory behavior on the part of Venezuela creates opportunities for miscalculation and loss of control over events on the ground,” CSIS warns in its report on the escalating dispute.
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Seems like a needless war in a already unstable situation. America could use this as a excuse to deploy troops.


An interesting observation. I wonder if anyone's thought of that.


fuck the socdem backstabber maduro, suppressing the PCV, making deals with the great satan and dengist china, and ignoring the awful conditions of the venezuelan worker. but he'll waste time and money on a useless war just to distract from his betrayals.


>America could use this as a excuse to deploy troops.
>I wonder if anyone's thought of that.
Maybe that's the point.

Venezuela can't conquer Essequibo if the US deploys its military. But the US will have forces tied up in a stalemate and the ExonMobile project in Essequibo would likely become indefinitely postponed. With the Exon Mobile project stalled, US reliance on Venezuelan oil production will continue, and Venezuela keeps it's negotiation lever to keep sanctions at bay.

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You gotta have thick steel barrier to your brain if you ever wish to become a communist. You must be able to see right through bourgeois ideology and mystification. Ask yourself the very simple question: does their analysis start of from the world as something existing outside us, or does their analysis suppose some idea outside the material world influencing it?

To combat bourgeois ideology you need to be a proper materialist. Read the philosophical works of Feurebach, Dietzgen, Engels, Lenin. Become a dialectical materialist - never fall into metaphysics or eclecticism, товариши.
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You don't have to be a physics researcher. Entropy being what's causing the arrow of time can be found in any summary of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics is more or less the only thing in physics that's not time symmetric. Everything else works the same both ways forward or backward in time. The alternative explanations are wacky. Like our universe needing a twin universe where time flows into the opposite direction.

But you don't really need physics to explain why materialism is correct. Thoughts only originate in brains and perhaps future intelligent computers. All thinkers are made out of matter, if thoughts and ideas could exist without matter, there would be evidence of immaterial thinkers, but there isn't any.

I sometimes think that there is a solipsistic impulse behind philosophical idealism. If matter is primary and ideas secondary, your personal thoughts and ideas can't be the center of the universe anymore.


>nature has no empirically observable contradictions
>nature has no empirically observable resolved contradictions


tbh I think its more mutual.
Men attach themselves to young nubile women.

Chivalry is the institutional channeling of male hubris in the nameof "defending the honor of maidens".


Men are sentimental beings that use logic.

Women are logical beings that use emotions.

Women only need to be be young and pretty and play hard to get in order to get mens attention.


Both are right.
Women are beautiful but mainly due to biological impulses.

Men can be beautiful too, but society doesnt allow male beauty to be normalised.

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 No.467207[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

San Francisco board open to reparations with $5M payouts
Cope and seethe CHUDs anti idpolers kek
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If you were to dial back the schizophrenic conspiracy theories a tiny bit and apply a materialist analysis, I'd actually agree with the part of technocratic managerialism being the dominant/emergent MoP today.


Reparations are something you demand after a war, not as a sop given decades after the fact. Everything I read about serious reparations proposals suggested a transfer of wealth from those who were financial beneficiaries of slavery to the ex-slaves; that is, the slave interest that used to be tied to finance in America. It was the language of people who were contesting the commanding heights of finance, rather than a "gimme" to the slaves.

If we wanted to set a situation right, or make it as good as we could, we would recognize what was done with slavery; but if we did that, we would see immediately the continuation of the slave power up to the present day, and it would be a question that went beyond the racist slavery and racism today. It would attack things which still rule to this day, and that was a bridge too far.

Of course, all of this talk elides what is obvious to us - the republic, or what's left of it, is a grotesque failure, and we have made the concept of either political or social equality impossible in the present society. If you don't have that, any talk about "racial justice" is nonsensical. The oppressor of the ghetto today isn't something in the distant past or some inchoate force that says you're a failure if you look a certain way. If you go to the street and see what daily life is like, and the political machinations at work, people in the ghetto can tell you sources of their woes, the forces supplying drugs and so on. It's not a great secret that crack was seeded in the cities by certain interests - and it came out during Iran-Contra, and subsequently memory holed by the power of Reagan's contagious Alzheimer's.


You wouldn't know what is material at this point. I don't even know what you're objection is, except to emotional associations you make and your infantile attachment to Satanic morality. You just want things to be "truthy" and somehow reconcile every analysis with your favored ruling ideas, which happen to protect you. It's selfish and faggotty.


theres no such thing as innocent victims in the grand scheme of things


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Slavery in America is not some thing of the past, there's more of it today than ever:


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<When the case was first filed, few people took notice. But the lawsuit quickly grew. By September 2022, the lawsuit had ballooned: More than 150 total defendant-artists, accused of releasing a staggering 1,800 infringing songs. In the most recent version of the complaint, filed in April, it takes a full 25 pages to list out all of the defendants

<“This case is jaw-dropping — the plaintiffs are suing over a hundred artists for over a thousand songs, 30 years after the release of their song,” says Jennifer Jenkins, a professor at Duke University School of Law who has written a history of musical borrowing and regulation. “If they win, this would confer a monopoly over an entire genre, something unprecedented in music copyright litigation.”

Tldr: there's a copyrape lawsuit where 2 copy-rapists are trying to copyrape a rythm. There aren't that many possible permutations for rythms in Music, so copyraping something like that can grant legal terror against an entire music-genre.

This lawsuit would at first only kill a genre called reggaeton, but if the precedent is set it might infect the rest of music as well. Worst case scenario is a single copy-rapist claiming most permutations of musical rythms and thus copyraping all music to death.

I wonder if this behaves like a rubber-band, and if they stretch it to far it will snap.


As much as I hate reggaeton, this is some fucking bullshit and those claimants can go to hell.


>this is some fucking bullshit
That it is, indeed.
Also a mask-off moment, it clearly demonstrates that Intellectual monopolies are born from malicious intent.

>those claimants can go to hell.

They just might.
If this goes far enough and makes enough waves, many more people will wake up to the fact that so called """copyright""" is in reality, intellectual liberty infringement.


>They just might. If this goes far enough and makes enough waves, many more people will wake up to the fact that so called """copyright""" is in reality, intellectual liberty infringement.

Idk. People will still see copyrught as potential revenue generators.
But they will reb against bullshit loke "copyraping."


>intellectual liberty infringement.
we have to meme this concept into existence

>Idk. People will still see copyrught as potential revenue generators.
Even from a capitalist perspective it's shit.

The best business-model is ransom-release.
Step_1 split your piece of "content" into demo/teaser-material and main-material.
Step_2 upload the demo/teaser online
Step_3 lock the main-material behind a ransom-pay-bucket
Step_4 When enough people have contributed to the ransom-bucket to cross your revenue-threshold, the main-material releases as creative commons or public domain.

The benefits are
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Does anyone have that salvation council general milley meme, I can never find it when I wanna use it. Figured I’d make a thread in case anyone else has any other memes they can’t find either


I wanted to request a meme but I forgot..

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