Statement from Noah Khrachvik:At times like these, a lot of people give up. I want to talk about why we shouldn't. Why we can't.
The progressive forces of the world suffered a very bad defeat as terrorists began their domination of Syria over the weekend. They're already kidnapping women, and the oppression of minority groups will begin soon. Mean while, people all over the US cheer. The "dictator" has fallen. Just as they cheered when the "dictator" Gaddafi fell in Libya, and terrorists ran freely over what was at one time the most prosperous country on the entire African continent. Now, Libya is a broken ruin. Literal human slavery returned, and the "brave" American ruling class, which had taken down this "dictator" ignores the suffering of the Libyan people. Mission accomplished, right?
Brothers and sisters, I'm here to tell you that this will only continue happening. Our ruling class is getting weaker with every accumulated debt that can't be paid and every country that leaves the dollar zone. Its empty economy, based on debts, rents, speculation, derivatives, and scams, cannot but lash out at the rest of the world as it reaches a moment of impossibility and impoverishes the people of America. It won't stop at Syria. It won't stop at these terrorists. It will use every terrorist it can, and it will continue spreading murder and terror - because it is under the impression that there is a way to save this dying system.
And many believe this is a bad omen, a sign of more victories for international finance capital to come. It is not. As Lenin teaches us, there is only ONE way to overcome this detritus, this chaos, and this bloodshed. And that is to find, within the existing society we have, that one social force capable of defeating this ruling class - to find, "in the very society which surrounds us, the forces which can—and, owing to their social position, must—constitute the power capable of sweeping away the old and creating the new, and to enlighten and organize those forces for the struggle."
The time for that action is now. Liberals, national nihilists, and ultra-lefts, I am talking to you now: if you are genuinely concerned about the people of other countries as you say you are, I urge you to join us in this fight, here in this country. Because their enemy is our enemy. Their cause is our cause. The people who are impoverishing our families are murdering theirs. You care about the people of Sy
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