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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Norman Finkelstein gave a pretty decent interview where he succinctly summed up the woke left.

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No discussion, no criticism. The marginal struggle of a stratum of the first world proletariat is to be at the forefront of the entire movement. There is nothing here than empty phrases. Individual proletarians have taken up the most difficult task of them all – to subvert billions of their comrades. They have taken up arms, guns, spears against the African poor, the Chinese industrial worker, the Indian farmer. They have accepted the nazifascistic semi-colonial Western holdings in the Far East, Eastern Europe and elsewhere and gladly march besides them. These do not endanger their purely individualistic need to satisfy the immediate want of changing themselves, however superficially, when the entire world is yearning to be changed. The western working class should walk arm in arm with the entire proletariat, be the vanguard that teaches the proletariat and is taught by them - yet this does not happen. The discourse is always preemptively silenced, the opposition is purged and only one thing remains - the identity, the Holy Ego, the Creative Nothing, the Unique. A nihilistic, petty-bourgeois ideology has wrapped the minds of our European comrades and it is our duty to get them back into the movement like the father accepted his lost son.

Sloganeering is the sign of a defeated mind, someone who wants to symbolically pay respect to the liberatory struggle of the entire proletariat by giving their dues to the most oppressed, most excluded, most ostracized stratum of the working class. It is wholly Christian in nature and it is utmost a reactionary practice. The footsoldiers of capital are no longer Freikorps or Junkers, but those unable to separate their personalities from the actual movement of history; comrades, which have fallen into the miasma of individualism and liberalism thusly justifying imperialism as long the ruling class gives them more concessions, violently taken from the Third World.

Our comrades don't want to accept that a non-European, non-Christian dictatorship of the proletariat is possible. They use any and all pseudo-Christian rhetoric, sometimes going as far as eschatology or Messianic complexes, to justify their reactionary and pseudo-bourgeois, pseudo-fascistic worldviews. They do not care about dismantling imperialism, they care only that they don't get the short end of the stick. The Western proletariat is a dead man walking and only total decolonization, denazification, demonetization and the end of western imperPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Cry harder


You aren't wrong about your criticism of pro-imperialist voices, however the western proletariat doesn't benefit from imperialism anymore. Imperialism is now having direct negative consequences for the western proletariat.

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>How large is the ruling class, in a broad sense.

I'm guessing 10-20 thousand globally wield significant power and wealth.

Alternatively, about a billion people fill some sort of broadly defined state role (bureaucracy, courts, police, legislation - on through media, education, public service).

Aside from that, likely another billion or more perform some other sort of techno-managerial-social engineering (marketing) role within the context of capital accumulation.
Of course, there are several billion people worldwide engaged in either service, physical, industrial transit, or maintenance labor. There are also, of course lumpen and subsistence classes too.

Some other numbers:

The Forbes richest 500 list bottoms out around 5 billion usd in net worth. There's over 3000 billionaires and 56 million millionaires.

<Thoughts and political implications?
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>I'm asking what is the quantity of people with extraordinary power
Not sure what you are looking for then. Please define "extraordinary power"


According to the book Giants: The Global Power Elite, as of 2018 there were 36 million millionaires worldwide and the richest sector of the bourgeois was about 5.000 to 10.000 people, of which 2000 were billionaires. The top 0.0001% of the population.

I guess the numbers might be a little outdated now, but the book is worth checking out.


Are you dumb?


Power could be defined a few ways:

The ability to influence behavior and actions of others or to consciously shape the course of events.

Or, more soberly, the ability to allocate scarce resources.

Synonyms of extraordinary include remarkable, noteworthy, exceptional, etc.

So back to the question. What is the approximate quantity of actually living people in the world today with a remarkable and grand ability to direct others' actions, behaviors, and lived habits, shape the course of events, and/or allocate scarce resources?


>The ability to influence behavior and actions of others or to consciously shape the course of events.
I somehow doubt that anybody can truly shape events, i think it's all just degrees of influence.

>the ability to allocate scarce resources.

I guess within regular functioning of capitalism that would be the people with the most money ?
Tho true power is the ability to transform scarcity into abundance.

>What is the approximate quantity of actually living people in the world today with a remarkable and grand ability to direct others' actions, behaviors, and lived habits, shape the course of events, and/or allocate scarce resources?

<how many puppeteers are pulling the strings of humanity ?
Marx thought that in class societies agency over fate was not possible. In Marx's view the degree of freedom for individual people is that they can choose which class interests they serve, but probably nobody can direct the system.

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Remember when the left was anti bourgeois globalism, big pharma, and sending billions of dollars in military aid to corruptanti-Russian Third World regimes.

Now it's all faggots explaining to you why they have the human right to teach children about gender identity in whatever bathroom they want.

>Pic related is massive wto protest in Seattle, 99



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>it's another "the left"-is-liberal-identity-politics thread

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In terms of the landscape of knowledge, information, and ideology, is pic related, along with kayfabe, a more apt metaphor than the matrix.


In the Truman-show the environment is fake, but it physically exists, while in the Matrix the environment sort off doesn't exist.

Maybe it'S a mix of both.


Both feature a sort of curated reality which, if one accepts, they feel inclined to defend.

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>"muh grandma is a victim x that mean my narrative of x is true and i know anything. if you disagree then you deny my grandpa die ?!?!?!. and you deny anything happend at all!!!!!".

people who have said to be from X country or have X country done something to them is still influence by lie & manipulation & deception. infact if its about some country that clash with the biggoybad mentality of the world it will always be influence.

fuck all victim story user. they all should be hanged in the middle of town. we should have a culture of shaming when it comes to them. they should all be publicly humiliated.

>what about le holocos vectem!!

i do not give a damn just because they/they're people are a victim of ethnic cleansing but with flamboyant brutality. fuck them too. the only reason they are tolerated is because they can be use to fight anti-communist and anti stalin/ussr propaganda. other than that they are fully responsible & is the main pillar of the victim-story and atrocity-story and the culture that cradle them.

once the revolution happen all victim story user and their group should be round up and killed. no matter if it's victim of the communist or the nazi or even a victim of non-people like natural disaster or virus or etc.

it is ridiculous the amount of protection & pampering & how we give them power at all.

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Here is an article about Bill Gates sounding like a comic-book villain
TLDR: he complains that not enough people have digital IDs and he shills his product to IDtag more people.

At best this sounds like a conspiracy to commit massive crimes against privacy, but also a megalomaniac billionaire trying to control people. By the way the first group to use computers to catalog people were the Nazis, they bought IBM punch-card computers for the holocaust logistics. Not sure if that's a structural problem. Maybe there is a bad tendency to put people on lists and that should not be amplified with technology or something.

Anyway once they try turning IDs into digital control-collars, people will grow to absolutely despise ID systems. And that means IDs will become a ideological liability. So i'm thinking we should consider making cyber-socialism work without IDs.

We could treat cyber-socialism like a computer system for civilization that people can access via anonymous accounts tied to cryptographic-key-gadgets that lack any identification data. Such a key would give people access to government services and the economy. People would obviously be able to get multiple keys. That can work to our advantage, if people spread their important life stuff over a dozen keys there would be a lot more redundancy and the equivalent of ID-loss, ID-theft and Fake-ID would be less dramatic. There would also be less incentive to steal/fake those keys.

Anybody have objections to this scheme ?
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I can see where people are coming from with this argument, but, it never really made sense to me. All the class dichotomies still exist just as they did in the industrial revolution. Not a lot really has changed.

Those who have nothing to sell but their labor power: Working class

Those who live off the labor of others: Bourgeoisie.

there's nuances, but, everyone on earth falls into these two classes of people.


I agree with you that capitalist class relations are still in effect.

But your definitions are kinda sloppy.
First there still are roughly .5 billion people living off subsistence farming, they neither are bourg, nor are they selling their labor-power.

Second "Those who live off the labor of others" is also true for children, old people, workers in the reserve army of labor, sick people and the hobo going to the soup-kitchen. None of these people are bourgeois. Maybe it would be better to define the bourgeoisie by private surplus appropriation ?


Even if some one is not selling their labor they still only have their labor to sell. rural peasants still meet this definition.


Also no because all those people don't live off capital. Maybe I was not clear enough.


Nope that isn't a robust definition either, some pension-funds are based on capital investment, and technically that means retired workers would be living off capital. Some workers are payed in stock-options, it's not very common but in theory they could potentially replace wages with some sophisticated form of stock options. There are orphanages that are funded by passive capital income and technically that would mean those parrentless children would count as bourgeoisie.

<private surplus appropriation

still seems like a more robust definition.

It seems like you are trying to avoid using the Marxist concept of surplus
Can you explain why ?

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<Style in work.

>I am not referring to literary style. What I have in mind is style in work, that specific and peculiar feature in the practice of Marxism-Leninism which creates the special type of Communist worker. Marxism-Leninism is a school of theory and practice which trains a special type of Party and state worker, creates a special Communist style in work.

>What are the characteristic features of this style? What are its peculiarities?

>It has two specific features :

>a) Chinese revolutionary sweep and

>b) American efficiency.

>The style of Marxism-Leninism consists in combining these two specific features in Party and state work.

>Chinese revolutionary sweep is an antidote to inertia, routine, conservationism, mental stagnation and slavish submission to ancient traditions. Chinese revolutionary sweep is the life-giving force which stimulates thought, impels things forward, breaks the past and opens up perspectives. Without it no progress is possible.

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There are "leftists" who will say tank man was the bad guy.


>b) American efficiency.
kek, amerikkkans are fat, lazy and dumb though


Deng probably was correct about a lot of things, but he shouldn't have undone the iron-bole policy. And arguably he overshot with the market liberalizations, China almost entered a crisis cycle and almost created a big bourgeoisie that got pretty close at destabilizing the Chinese economy.

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 No.369405[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

While there are surely some people interested in Maoism on /leftypol/, the tendency has no noticeable presence here. From my observation Maoism has been gaining traction in socialist communities online recently. Though the ideology's influence is still relatively small, I'm optimistic that we're witnessing the earlier stages of Maoists winning leadership in the movements of the working class which will result in the reconstitution of Communist Parties guided by MLM. I started this thread to spur investigation and discussion amongst potential comrades.

Why Maoism? https://tjen-folket.no/index.php/en/2019/08/14/why-maoism-what-is-maoism/
"Maoism is developed in the first place by six great communist leaders: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Gonzalo."
"The rightist line led China back to capitalism, and dismantled the dictatorship of the proletariat into a fascist state. (…) But the cultural revolution and Mao Zedong Thought inspired millions of people all over the world, and led to the creation of a number of new communist parties on a revolutionary basis. They started people’s wars in Peru, India, the Philippines, Turkey, and Nepal."
"Gonzalo and the PCP maintain that Mao’s mass line, the line for the protracted people’s war and the line for the cultural revolution are the foremost examples of Maoism’s universal applicability, along with Maoism’s advancement of Marxism’s philosophy and economy."
"Gonzalo Thought is Maoism applied to the concrete conditions for revolution in Peru, but it is the universal conclusions in these thoughts that apply to the rest of the world."

Maoist Resources:

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The PPW specifically refers to the military strategy for a semi-feudal country, with nowhere near the level of communications a modern imperialist state has. In our world(let's be honest maybe like one of you doesn't live in an imperialist country), where legions of cops or soldiers can go to any location in the country in a matter of hours(especially if you live in burgerland), what is the new military strategy of the proletariat then?

This is not to say to discredit all of MLM and its thought, simply the idea that "PPW is universal", which generalizes the term beyond all meaning.


It has been so long since PPW has had any success whatsoever, that I think that it can be safely consigned to military history.


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For the burger anons out there, what do you think about the thought expressed in Red Pages? I find their criticisms expressed about the application of PPW in imperialist nations pretty potent, but of course that could just be due to ignorance on my part.


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The previous attempts of applying MLM to the first world including the work of the Black Panthers and Young Lords did lead to pressuring the bourgeois state into producing many social programs once the proletariat saw what was possible, but at the same time the direct action groups(the Young Lords in particular) were directly limited by the meddling of the local street gangs.

It is obvious that the drug-peddling gangs and the state police force are the two utmost forces to struggle against for the party; the mass base tactics applied in the Philippines come to mind as an interesting solution to their grasp over these neighborhoods, so much so that I'm certain someone else has tried it first. Is there any theory published around attempts to build a people's army by in first world conditions as of recent? Most armed groups that I'm aware of are usually anarchist explicitly or implicitly(such as Redneck Revolt), so I'm curious of a specifically Maoist solution.

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Which burger dark horse outsider presidential candidate are you stanning this election cycle, and why is it pic related?
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No wonder every media outlet smears this guy so hard. He names names


Shame he's a Zioncuck.


Never understood the attempts by politicians to cozy up to Israel. As a friend/ally, they're about as trustworthy as the US itself.


Cornel West


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