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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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What does /leftypol/ think about the teachings and theories of Dr. Ray Peat?

Weirdly, he has become a bit of a health fad among right wingers on Twitter, but he is literally a Grover Furr-level Stalinist and Lysenkoist. He cites "Khrushchev Lied" in this interview at 01:09:33:

He also wrote an entire book about Soviet science, which I have attached.

Here's his website:
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More like picrel, plz.


What Losurdo?


no, not losurdo


Maybe 'Another View of Stalin' by Ludo Martens from Belgium?

What about Harpal Brar from the UK? He is a member of the British 'Stalin Society'.


sadly a dengoid and a vaxcuck


Waffle House workers walked off on STRIKE in Atlanta to demand an end to mandatory meal deductions and to fight for better working conditions, higher wages, and a safe workplace.

Waffle House’s mandatory meal credit policy means that at least $3 dollars is deducted from workers’ pay every shift, regardless of whether we actually eat.

What are we doing about it??

We submitted a complaint and request for an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor into this policy of Waffle House and its total financial impact on workers.


>Waffle House’s mandatory meal credit policy means that at least $3 dollars is deducted from workers’ pay every shift, regardless of whether we actually eat.

Dafaq? How is that legal.


I have no idea if it actually is legal. I assume it's a deliberate abuse of a 'loophole,' but sometimes those "loopholes" don't actually exist and it's just a big exercise in pretending that whatever wage theft "trick" employed is legal. Not sure.


<we didn't steal 3 bucks from our workers per shift, we deducted it
wow that's so petty


based, waffle house is easily one of the most obviously illegal and evil employers in the usa. maybe we should print out waffle house union propaganda and pass it around at our local waffle houses. only problem is the food is such disgusting poisonous proleslop that i can't think of a good reason to go there


I like waffle house


In Mississippi, six former sheriff's deputies have been sentenced to between 10 and 40 years in prison for raiding a home and torturing, shooting and sexually abusing two Black men, Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker, in January 2023. The six former deputies, all of whom are white, called themselves the "Goon Squad" and have been linked to at least four violent attacks on Black men since 2019. Two of the men attacked and tortured by the group subsequently died. To discuss the case and the verdict, we're joined by Eddie Parker and attorneys Malik Shabazz and Trent Walker. "Never have we seen this many police officers sentenced to this kind of time in one week," says Shabazz, who calls the verdict "historic." Jenkins, Parker and Shabazz are currently suing the Rankin County Sheriff's Department over its track record of civil rights violations and racist targeting of Black residents.

After this and the secret mass grave recently found behind the police station near Jackson, what's next for Mississippi?
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yeah i'm wondering about that too.


I believe that court case is still ongoing.


>goon squad


maybe they were self-aware on some level ?


Probably, yes.
That's a weird habit of certain kinds of tremendously evil people. Like the Ku Klux Klan with the whole dressing as ghosts and burning crosses thing, La Cagoule in France, the Romanian Iron Guard, Haiti's Tonton Macoute, etc.

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The United States has positioned troops on a tiny island chain less than 6km from the Chinese coast, Taiwan has admitted.

In an apparent escalation of the American military presence in Taiwan, a Taiwanese defence minister told reporters the country was running an “exchange” with the US to “figure out how to improve” its military.

Although the US has announced it was training Taiwanese forces on the country’s main island, Formosa, the Pentagon has never acknowledged the presence of American troops on the Kinmen Islands, which lie 6km from the Chinese coastal city of Xiamen.

In response to reports that US special forces were operating on the islands, Chiu Kuo-cheng, the minister, admitted on Tuesday that his country’s military was learning from American forces there.

“This exchange is for mutual observation, to identify the problems we have, figure out how to improve and to recognise their strengths so we can learn from them,” he said.

“We can learn from each other to see what strengths we have. This is a fixed thing.”

The Kinmen Islands sit on the far side of the Taiwan Strait, the 177-km body of water that separates Taiwan and China. They are around 160km from Taiwan, but easily visible from the Chinese mainland.

Taiwan has stationed its own amphibious soldiers, known as “frogmen”, on both the Kinmen Islands and other outlying islands, amid concerns about a Chinese invasion that US officials have said could take place by 2027.
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The Chinese can naval blockade Taiwan, and any military hardware and troops that the US parks there would eventually end up falling into Chinese hands. Analogous to loosing stones to an encapsulating move in the board-game GO.


>Analogous to loosing stones to an encapsulating move in the board-game GO.
I have no idea what this means.

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Dozens dead after gunmen open fire at Moscow concert hall, building set on fire

News reports say assailants attacked venue with automatic weapons, explosives

The Federal Security Service, Russia's top security agency, said there are dozens dead or wounded in a Moscow concert hall attack, Russian state news agencies reported Friday night, after several gunmen in combat fatigues burst into the venue and fired automatic weapons at the crowd.

Russian media outlets reported that between two to five assailants were involved in the attack and also used explosives, causing a massive blaze at the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow.

The attack took place as crowds gathered for a concert by Picnic, a famed Russian rock band, at the hall, which can accommodate over 6,000 people.

Russian news reports said visitors were being evacuated, but some said an unspecified number of people could have been trapped by the blaze.

Fire engulfed a third of the venue building, and its roof is almost completely engulfed in flames, state news agency TASS reported, adding that helicopters had been called in to help.

Shortly before 11:00 p.m. local time, Russia's Interfax news agency reported firefighting crews had contained the fire.
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Chechens tend to be the most determined fighters of the Russian military now, actually. After they wised up to being played by the West in the '00s, many see this proxy war as a chance for revenge.


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>Do you know more?
I'm just making assumptions based on what has been confirmed. This kind of attack is generally carried out by Islamists, and the gunmen were white, so that only leaves the Chechens. There is still a low-level IS insurgency fighting Russia in the caucuses too. Only earlier this month a few of them were killed by Russian security forces, and afterwards a Ukrainian-funded NGO were paying tribute to them on twitter.

>Chechens tend to be the most determined fighters of the Russian military now, actually.
Thousands of Chechens went to fight for Islamists in Iraq and Syria, and they made up the largest contingent of ISIL's foreign recruits. Chechen's are broadly supportive of Putin, but it only takes a few dissenters to carry out an attack like this.


>If that's what they're doing now, then it seems more conspicuous than ever.
Yes, but it's not like other states don't know that kind of stuff anyway, the only people left guessing, is people like us.
>If it was any more clumsy they'd strike China next.
Inviting China to the party ? I don't think they're that stupid.

Remember the failed color revolution in Hong Kong a couple of years back ? They stopped that without any police-state crack-down measures. The only other explanation is that they were able to find and shut down the CIA handler network that ran the op. That probably means massive amounts of field agents going on a spy-hunt. During the Hong Kong happening, Chinese counter intelligence probably didn't actively seek out to kill CIA handlers. But deadly attacks like that recent one in Moscow, that probably means a spy-war. The "normal" spy game is to have your guys find and fool their guys, not kill anybody. The CIA probably isn't very keen on having open hunting season on their guys by Iran, Russia and China all at once.


There are Chechens on both sides.
And what Russia did to Chechens during the Chechen war was still fucked up. Like, those attacks weren't ultimately just down to being played by the west, what Russian forces did to them was genuinely brutal.


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Putin says gunmen who raided Moscow concert hall tried to escape to Ukraine. Kyiv denies involvement

The suburban Moscow concert hall where gunmen opened fire on concertgoers was a blackened, smoldering ruin as the death toll in the attack surpassed 130 and Russian authorities arrested four suspects

MOSCOW – The suburban Moscow music hall where gunmen opened fire on concertgoers was a blackened, smoldering ruin Saturday as the death toll in the attack surpassed 130 and Russian authorities arrested four suspects. President Vladimir Putin claimed they were captured while fleeing to Ukraine.

Kyiv strongly denied any involvement in Friday's assault on the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, and the Islamic State group's Afghanistan affiliate claimed responsibility.

Putin did not mention IS in his speech to the nation, and Kyiv accused him and other Russian politicians of falsely linking Ukraine to the assault to stoke fervor for Russia's war in Ukraine, which recently entered its third year.

U.S. intelligence officials confirmed the claim by the IS affiliate.

"ISIS bears sole responsibility for this attack. There was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever,” National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement.

The U.S. shared information with Russia in early March about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow and issued a public warning to Americans in Russia, Watson said.
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So in the copyrite regime everything that gets published gets copyrited by default, automatically, by the mere fact of publishing.

If somebody re-publishes something but fake-dates it to an earlier date than the original release. It creates contradicting copyrite claims.

This design flaw probably wasn't realistically going to be exploited in the analog days. But in the digital age where the copyrite regime has imposed many automatic guilty until proven innocent automatic copyrite censorship mechanisms. This can be exploited.

It could be avoided by creating a central copyrite claims office where people have to register for a copyrite claim. The central data-base would have an authoritative record of who actually published first, preventing contradicting claims. If copyrite claims have to be registered, they can't be the automatic default anymore. Many people simply would not bother registering. Many works would simply be released as public domain.

I'm sure people are abusing this already. However I'm wondering whether there is a way to use this to bring about beneficial changes to weaken the copyrite regime so it can't be used as a means for censorship, monopolism, frivolous litigation, etc.

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 No.477700[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>475181

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 24,000.

The US House, with Biden's support, approved more than $14,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel.

South Africa filed a case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have attacked cargo ships in the Red Sea in an attempt to disrupt the supply line of Israel's ongoing carpet bombing campaign against Gaza. The Biden admin has responded to the Houthis with a retaliatory bombing campaign.

400,000 marched in Washington DC in protest of Biden's support of Israel's genocide.
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UK workers blockade factories accused of sending arms to Israel

Trade unionists in the UK are blockading weapons factories accused of alleged arms sales to Israel amid the devastating Gaza war.

Hundreds of trade unionists and workers have shut down arms factories in England and Scotland accused of supplying the Israeli military with essential components or weapons.

The action's stated aim is to disrupt the flow of arms to Israel as it prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah and to urge the UK government to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the workers' groups said.

It follows the Canadian government's announcement on Tuesday that it will halt future arms sales to Israel, having already reduced its weapons shipments to Israel to non-lethal equipment, such as radios, following the 7 October Hamas attacks.

Israel's war on Gaza has killed around 32,000 Palestinians, the vast majority women and children, while a blockade has led to deaths by starvation.

Workers, including teachers and artists who are members of trade unions, are shutting down GE Aviation Systems in Cheltenham and Leonardo UK in Edinburgh – factories that produce components for F-35 fighter jets, the world's most advanced fighter jet.

A Leonardo spokesperson told The New Arab: "This morning a group of protestors assembled outside the Edinburgh site. The safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, and neighbours is our first priority. Police were in attendance. Leonardo UK complies fully with all the UK Government's export control protocols, the legal obligations and the processes in place to operate those protocols."
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>Israelis pouring concrete into a well… in the West Bank!
I mean they're just going to dig another well. And when the cement is dried it can be chiseled into bricks for building material. But the level of mental derangement necessary for attacking life-support systems. Wow.

>Netanyahu suggests in the Knesset that the Biden pier can be used to remove Gazans.
So Genocide Ben wants it to be a deportation-pier.


>influencing operation has been targeting UNRWA
The Zionist propaganda narrative pushers stand out like a sore thumb, the dumb fucks are so incredibly pushy, aggressive and downright grating, that they generate anti-zionism as a core value in people they touch.

I think the article somewhat misses the core of the problem. The problem isn't that they can create sock puppet accounts on social media to spread bullshit, the problem is that they're a military using information war-fare tactics against civilian populations. This is a problem in the military hierarchy failing their responsibility.

>How so?

People will realize what's going on anyway, and the Zionist silence will be understood as malicious intent.


>So Genocide Ben wants it to be a deportation-pier.
Sounds like it, yeah.
>The Zionist propaganda narrative pushers stand out like a sore thumb, the dumb fucks are so incredibly pushy, aggressive and downright grating, that they generate anti-zionism as a core value in people they touch.
Hasbarists are remarkably similar to Swarmfront.
>I think the article somewhat misses the core of the problem. The problem isn't that they can create sock puppet accounts on social media to spread bullshit, the problem is that they're a military using information war-fare tactics against civilian populations. This is a problem in the military hierarchy failing their responsibility.
This is true. The fact that they have such a huge dedicated propaganda wing is an obvious problem, and it's a fact which their quislings in the west deliberately ignore.

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Why do leftists ignore central banks and the finance industry in all their economic analysis?


Every leftist publication I can find blames inflation and the cost of living crisis on "muh greedy corporations" and "muh incompetent politicians". Not a single mention of deficit spending, fiat money printing or fractional reserve banking. Why is that? Do you guys actually think that banks are completely blameless in this system you call capitalism?
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Good poast


Mostly because once central banks exist, what function they play is not about capital or a productive economy at all, but management of assets at the highest level. They are the stronghold of the proprietors, and indicate the victory of property over society. There is no more "revolution" if that happens. If that happens, the people have lost.
Humanity lost as a result of the war of 1914, and everything since has been the continuation of the end of the world. The future refused to change.


It is worth noting that Marxists believed the "second revolution" - anything you would call "socialism" - was far in the future, perhaps more than a century removed from the time they wrote or longer. Anything that would have allowed socialism as a meaningful proposition didn't exist as a worked-out plan until the last third of the 20th century. By then, socialism made clear that it did not include most of humanity, who were never wanted nor needed, and so we got the world we got. There was never going to be anything else. They were never going to let you in their society.

The early socialists mostly were reformers who wanted a nicer capitalism, and at most suggested that "hey, maybe we should have less wars and allow the world to unite peacefully instead of do the things we know you're all planning to do." Had it been allowed to exist on its own - had the middle class and proprietors seen correctly that they were being lined up to be wiped out, and their enemy was always above, not below - history turns out very different, starting around the middle of the 19th century, in ways that make 1900 nearly unrecognizable. Among the changes is that the British Empire is wiped out on all fronts, ending with an invasion of the island by the end of the century and a very violent extermination of the eugenists and their fellow travelers in all countries of the world. This is unlikely to ever happen for a variety of reasons, but that would be a bare minimum to avert the course we're on, with unknown results. Very likely the world would turn into a dystopian hell, and this would be better than the world we're going to become. There would have been an end to that world, when the next thing arises.

As it is, there is nothing that can possibly change this world that is realistically possible. It went on for too long, and it is now global. There isn't even an idea that suggests anything should be different, let alone could be different. That's how far gone we are.


In this "world line", you might have salvaged something until 1989, but it was increasingly little, and humanity didn't just lack any good in them, but were nowhere near as smart as they believed themselves to be. All of those brains chopped told the rulers that humans really were more animal, including themselves, and that's why the rulers embraced acting like Satanic retards.

After 1989, world history is locked in. None of what happens now would happen unless the rulers were not confident that this was inevitable and desirable and the only idea they have left. This idea was always at the apex of human civilization, so it is not surprising it did turn out this way.

Eventually this beast will do its thing, and the next thing will start - I expect in 40 or 50 years they will memory hole everything they did now and act like they dindu nothing. But, all that was done will last forever. Humans, in total, are irredeemably retarded. There is nothing intellectual in them, and the religion they chose will wipe out any sign of independent thought they have. There will be attempts to build something, but humans have become so degraded that it is improper to speak of the concepts that once held spiritual and political currency after long enough. Already, large swathes of humanity have given up completely, not expecting this to ever be different. For themselves, it is certainly over, and they're going through the motions out of a sense that maybe divine intervention happens, or because they have nothing better to do but live. There is nothing "up there" that would construct anything. Their last hope is that they have some super "wonder weapon" that will allow them to become immortal gods or super-computers, and this is the greatest folly. The Fall of Man will be complete. Failed race.


<dooomer misanthrope ramblings
>After 1989, world history is locked in.
After the Soviet fall, reactionary counter revolution undid a lot of progress in the world. However history is not 'locked in', because that's idealist nonsense. History is just stories about the past, which sometime are true.

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The supposedly left-wing desire to obsess over the "racist, settler-colonialist Zionism" of the Israeli state is a way to obscure how the conflict is connected to capitalism, specifically, how it emerges from the failures of capitalist politics. What the so-called left has managed to achieve through their exhortation to focus on the plight of the Palestinian people is to transform empathy for suffering into a thought-terminating cliche, wielding it as a a blunt instrument of censorship, and at the expense of the very people who they claim to have empathy for. In true Orwellian fashion, they have managed to reconcile their empathy for Palestinian suffering with unwavering support for Hamas, free from any cognitive dissonance.

The extreme rhetoric and spectacular protests of the contemporary left is little more than a means of pressuring mainstream capitalist politicians, and even the desire to "defund Israel” (a policy that far-right Zionists also support) is likely just a way to scrub away the issue of Israel/Palestine in U.S. politics. Ultimately, their goal is not to support the liberation of the Palestinian people, but to be “on the right side of history", to wield moral authority over others by appearing to side with the most vulnerable belligerents. They perversely enjoy the fact that Palestinians will continue to be slaughtered, proudly parading the numbers of dead so that their "progressive" mode of politics can remain relevant.

But the greatest crime that the contemporary left commits is to tell people that they can be petty-bourgeois radicals, nationalists and fundamentalists, yet also be progressive - that socialism is unnecessary for the cause of progress and justice. The post-colonial world is the history of peoples living together but being shoehorned into nation-states. This is the outcome of the vision of the League of Nations and of the United Nations; it is a world of nation-states, and therefore a world of widespread national repression. There is no way that the nation-states which emerged from decolonization can be accepted as progressive or liberatory in the socialist sense, and the reason why the Soviet Union refused to join the League of Nations in the first place was to reject this very vision of a world of nation-states.

How we should interpret the Israel-Hamas war is not as a noble struggle for liberation against the forces of oppression, but as a capitalist political negotiation through violence. The goaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Still writing it. I can post the incomplete version if you want.
This is pure capitalist realism. I critiqued this attitude in an article about the Russo-Ukrainian war. I can post it here if you want.


You're a wanker and you just want to feel smarter than other people, and fixating too much on this alienates you and makes it more difficult for you to effectively work towards change. If you want to make a difference, stop complaining about other people for not phrasing everything to meet your sensibilities. You can be of value, but you choose to sit around in your armchair jerking off to your own opinions instead. Reconsider your approach.


Speak for yourself. It's better to do nothing at all than to participate in pseudo-activity that only simulates change. I've chosen to spend my time critiquing that so that we can start genuinely acting towards a serious goal rather than participating in a glorified circlejerk masquerading as progress. You're the wanker, mate.


Sounds like you have a lot of straw men residing in your head rent-free, OP.


Ya I agree I didn't do a good job at fairly representing those I was critiquing

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 No.477809[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You need a license to:
- drive a car
- hunt/fish
-own a gun
- vote
- trade
-operate machinery
- do skilled labor

Yet, the most consequential job in the world requires no licensing: RAISING A FAMILY.

Is it any wonder why so many kids turn out all fucked up?
Too many halfass adults feel entitled by virtue of age to have a spouse and offspring.
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Enrichment is only necessary for certain reactor designs that rely on U-235. However, there are nuclear reactors designs that don't. Heavy water reactors and molten salt reactors can run on natural uranium or thorium.


>Enrichment is only necessary for certain reactor designs that rely on U-235.
>However, there are nuclear reactors designs that don't.
>Heavy water reactors and molten salt reactors can run on natural uranium or thorium.
I know, but we're talking about a kid from the 90s
for context see these posts
He probably didn't build an advanced reactor design as a hobby.
I'm still confounded how he build any reactor design.
Even a very basic nuclear pile would be very hard to pull off.


He used radioactive pellets from broken smoke detectors.


>He used radioactive pellets from broken smoke detectors.
Lol is that the reason those were banned for a while ?

Anyway did it work did he get any energy out of it ?


I think so. Look up "Radioactive Boy Scout." It was from the 1990s.

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