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 No.198097[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general thread for all South Asian related discussion.
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>can't even get a vaccine in private without muh gobermint documents
>banned tiktok and other apps from the market for bitch ass reasons

fucker can't decide to be a libertarian or a government stickler
i hate it here

independence my ass, stalin was right. the bourgeois only changed hands from british to indian



What the fuck is wrong with our region

This literally sounds like an insane strawman you would imagine some radlib making but it's fucking real.

Is it all just because of sexual repression and patriarchy?
Nobody is safe from getting assaulted men, women, children, animals

I don't think our countries will be ever safe unless we go through some kind of cultural revolution.


Thoughts on Narendra Dabholkar?


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This one pro-reservation meme made so many redditors seethe

Not to be unexpected since most of them are worthless, reactionary rich kids on a meme sub but still.

Other than the corruption aspect where people fake documents to pretend to be lower class, I don't get the hate regarding reservation.



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 No.465059[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Before Karl Marx wrote the political economy of capital, he was studying energy conservation laws. The tendency for the falling rate of profit is partially an expression of that.

Capitalist ideologues that are pretending that capitalism can go on for ever are basically peddling the same scam ass free energy perpetual motion devices.

In Marxist theory, the falling rate of profit is caused by the capitalist system changing the material conditions until it can no longer reproduce its existence.

Capitalism is not a perfect machine that will continue working until the profit-rate reaches zero. It will likely stall out some time before that. In this context perfect capitalism has perfect market-competition between capitalists, and all the capitalists are reinvesting 100% of their profits into new/upgraded means of production. No surplus goes into prestige projects, ruling class luxury, wars and means of political domination. All those expenses will make the system stall out earlier than the theoretical ideal of capitalism.

Marx also said that the mode of production changes once the old mode of production can no longer advance the productive forces.
That is also something that arises from statistical mechanics of thermo dynamics. In simple words low entropy increasing systems are statistically less likely to exist than systems that increase more entropy. The productive forces are really good at increasing entropy and the more advanced the better they become at increasing entropy. War is also very good at increasing entropy, so if you value peace, you value investing in developing the productive forces. It is not possible to choose a low entry path, like for example going back to agrarian society, because it will anger the gods of entropy.

Should we say it's a cooling rate of profit ?
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There is very little mass in the fusion plasma so it can hardly store any thermal energy, hence it can't impart much heat-energy to the reactor wall by touch. If the fusion plasma touches the reactor wall it just vaporizes the topmost layer of atoms from the reactor wall surface, and that doesn't matter, because that's an insignificant amount of wear and tear compared to everything else.
It won't melt the reactor, because the instant the fusion plasma goes out of vacuum and touches anything it will cool down below the temperature it can sustain fusion and it will instantly cease to produce heat.

Basically if the plasma touches anything the fusion gets extinguished and then it's just an incredibly thin gas.

On the off chance that you are interested in learning why you were wrong, you could read about the difference between thermal energy Q and temperature T.


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>still no working fusion reactor
didn't get enough funding.


This is mostly due to people freaking out about nuclear energy with no understanding of it. Things are changing.


this is simply because there are cheaper, easier and financially safer ways to produce energy in the short-term
its just le "market forces" at work


Well, there's that too, but, also what I said. It's multifaceted like all things. The anti nuke movent did play a large role in fear mongering about nuclear energy.

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 No.465309[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ok, I've never really heard anyone here explain what the left is (except the one dude with the asinine and convoluted definition about 'how the left doesn't exist because people don't perceive the left or it doesn't do the same thing as 100 years ago).

I've obviously used this place as a bit of a platform to rant against muhleft or the left (tm), and I genuinely appreciate the latitude the mods have given me to do that - since I feel like critique of the left has always been a tradition within the broader termed left. (Bolshevik split with the Mensheviks, the anti-revisionists broke from the USSR, in the west the 60s new left broke from the old, etc).

In some ways, the fake and ghey left is an example of a section of the broader left trying to distinguish themselves from the rest, albeit on a misguided cultural footing within the lap of finance capital.

But, this still an open question: what is the left.

I always find myself returning to the Marx quote - the free development of each is the free development of all.

This presents a sort of paradox, since development (on the individual and collective level) itself is never free. It always has an expense. Moreover, often development occurs faster through episodes of adversity, challenge, and even necessity.

At the same time you have a situation in which something is to lacking of freedom, has very little optionality or autonomy, it becomes stunted or dies, or it develops accordingly as cattle.

So you have these two (four really) qualities you wanted to maximize: collective and individual liberty and development. Of course, you cant completely 'max out' one without sacrificing stats in the others, but you can arrange a society in which all are raised a great bit.
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Well if you want to post nothing but pepes and le heckin soyjackarinos go to 4chan



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You really have a thing for that LARPer.
>Very ideological, don't you think?
No, it's narcissistic cosplay, which is what he did regularly in public.
>Nah, must be because he is just a madman and thinks he is a literal Hercules or something.
That would definitely appear to be the more likely scenario given how he liked to play at being a gladiator.
>nothing to do with politics..
Nothing about the reign of Commodus suggests that he had any political acumen whatsoever. We are talking about the guy who crashed the Antonine Dynasty.
>It must be that free citizens became coloni of some landlord out of the good life, because there was just so much "free fertile land" laying around.
Are we talking about Roman plebs or are we talking about veterans of the legions?
>and there was no such phenomena as raider takeovers of the polis lands by landlords and the arbitrary moving of the landmarks that required a special attention of the emperor with a rescript..
I seem to recall Augustus (or was it Tiberius?) dealing with that little scheme in his day, but he did so by convincing the senate to condemn the offenders so that it would be regared as an act of justice rather than an arbitrary assassination of his own political opponents. That is the way that someone who is good at politics handles such a situation.
>By that time the municipal slaveowners didn't need more slaves, they were struggling with their own.
How long had it been since there had been an actual slave revolt at that point? Two-hundred years? The slavers weren't struggling that badly.
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Go back, trawny




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Ok, I really need to expand on how I view the Roman history in general so you can understand where I am coming from.

First, the basic foundational element of the roman and ancient way of life is civitas - a polis commune. A commune with common polis lands, assembly, magistracies, division of labor by "orders" and all the bells and whistles that come with it. This commune by its very nature produces slavery because to enable expanded reproduction of the polis beyond the family unit and a mutual neighbor help you need non-citizens.
The foundation of the civitas, a citizen who can take part in the public life of the polis (including deciding agrarian policy) - a self-sufficient free farmer.
The polis ideology was such that wealthier citizens were morally required to "take care" of their poorer brethren. From this you have what in general could be called "bread and circuses" and later in the Empire basically basic income for the poorest citizens of Rome.
The poorest citizens of Rome in the course of its history have won some concessions including a say in the decisions of agrarian policy. They got land all around Italy and then the Meditterain.

Long story short, for the last century of the Republic for the large part the Roman state was conducting a program of the populares in its agrarian policy. The Emperors of the first century for the most part continued this program by confiscating the lands of large landowners and redistributing them to the citizens.
Then came the Antonines who were the henchmen of the senate, who branded the previous emperors as "tyrants", who ended the practice of land redistributions, and so you see a rapid growth of large landownership, with the first landowner and the feudal being the Emperor himself (the villas of the emperor were among the first to widely use colonate on their lands), which was a death warrant to the Roman civitas and the roman army and so to the Roman Empire itself as a political entity (which is what happened further down the line).

So in the light of all this, I see Commodus and the later soldier emperors as a reaction (and a belated one at that) to this existential threat to the Roman civitas.

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Canadian glowuyghur is also a pedophile. This is important news I must share with the entire internet. Please like and upv0te


4chan is a compromised glowop

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Syria got hit by the most severe earth quake in recent history. And most of the world send disaster relieve aid, even the western sanctions got lifted a tiny little bit.

Except for Israel they just fucking bombed Damascus.

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Any questions?

saved: https://archive.md/0wMAN

I mean, seriously, any questions left at this point?
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>china by every metric is capitalist
This book is the single book you will need to read in your life, m8. Just read it, "comrade,"… it ain't too long. If you think that a "comrade" should become accustomed to "both sides of the issue," than this fucking book is yours.


>ppl who use leftychan.net are using it because they are "fash"
lmao, kys


unironically, yes


These kinds of people don't require payment or control. They are just that stupid.


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Oh yeah the mods aren’t totally trooned out libs


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Is it reasonable to make a distinct between different types of capital at this stage of capitalism:

For example, we're all aware of:

Productive capital
Finance capital

But might we add onto this

Social control capital
Sales and business services (tertiary paper pusher) capital
Communication capital
Innovative capital (related to break out technologies)
Bureacratic or State Capital

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>Is it reasonable to make a distinct between different types of capital at this stage of capitalism:
Yes sub categories can make sense.

>Productive capital

>Finance capital
Marx made those same sub categories but called the latter fictional capital.

>Social control capital

Not sure what exactly that is but do elaborate.

>Sales and business services (tertiary paper pusher) capital

do you mean distribution ?

>Communication capital

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I suppose it would to someone who has no idea what those words mean.


"Capital" has a fairly specific definition tied to finance. All of these are just ways for people with nothing to pretend they possess something, and at the same time elide what capital even is and spookify it. There is a clumsy attempt to subordinate all political possibilities to wealth, and thus the manipulations of those who sit at the apex of the current regime. This also attempts to make the capitalist indispensible, when the typical capitalist does not involve himself in the management of anything. Capitalism implied a collective share in enterprises through stocks and so on. It's not the society of small shopkeepers, but the society of people paying in to prop up large corporations and the new nobility.

Control of the machinery - the things your money goes towards - is not so much financial control, but operational control. Those who operate the machines are in the position to change the system, but they see no reason to. The present situation relies on an alliance between those who operate the most important machines and those who dole out the wealth; and so it has favored propagandists, trained liars, and those who are tasked with depopulation above all. That is what is valued today.


>"Capital" has a fairly specific definition tied to finance.
Capital is simply the self-expansion of starting value. Finance capital is only one of its forms.


The point of capital is that you express it as equivalent to some sort of gold or currency, rather than capital being interpreted as any political force or force of nature. There is no such thing as "social capital". That's a bunch of ideology obscuring what actually happens and the nature of the present arrangement. There is industrial capital because industrialists need money to make money and serve a function in the system, but there's not "bureaucratic capital". Bureaucracies exist for reasons that have nothing to do with capital, and would exist if capitalism were abandoned.

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>Thought experiment:

Let's assume there are two societies. Within both these societies, the only thing produced is apples, which represents the sum product of labor. Also, for simplicity sake, let's assume each society only has 10 people.

In society A, a total of 10 apples are produced in a given period. They are divided equally, with each person getting 1 apple each. (This, of course, represents a society without class division or exploitation).

In society B, let's assume that 100 apples are produced during the same period of time. However, they are divided unequally. 1 person receives 82 apples, whilst the 9 other people each receive 2 apples. Obviously, this society has steep inequality, yet each member is twice as materially supplied compared to those in the first

Which society is preferable given this info?

Society A, which is egalitarian? Or society b, which is sharply divided but in which the lowest members each receive twice as much in absolute material terms?

We could say that, obviously society B, since it provides for its lowest members twice as much. Or perhaps it's society A, in which all people are poorer in absolute terms, yet doesn't have class divisions and antagonisms, comparison anxiety (so long as they aren't comparing themselves in society B) and social animosity owing to inequality.

What say you?
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>Omg, my brand no phone is a commodity and requires a service package. Why can't we have a perfect world like I imagine. I hate capitalism!!!
Maybe you're just dim and naive?


No, simply staying that it wasn't an alternative egalitarian mode of production which supplies those things.
>I wonder why the world isn't perfect
Literally naive


What the fuck is this faggotry? Computers exist in the first place because there were people who understood the market is not made of magic. That phone and that computer exist because someone figured out that letting petty-managers rule was stupid, and so they turn to the machine god since these managers are too fucking incompetent to manage effectively, and absolutely refuse to do basic shit. People like you are nothing but a cancer on anything we would want to produce, and you do it purely for the faggotry.


I'm arguing with an emotional child


You are not arguing at all.

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I think hat block chain has huge benefit to mankind and how we can allocate resources in society but even crypto like bitcoin itself I think needs to be defended. Bitcoin and decentralized networks of finance, whether you believe it or not is Important IMO. Even if it flies in the face of our own ideals. It is a step forward for people. Think about how many people have never even entertained the ideals of decentralization before bitcoin and blockchain? Now its fresh in the ears of millions of people who may not have ever known such a formation was possible.

There's many powerful interests that want to see block chain destroyed or controlled by their influence. (The same people who we want to fight against)

And this is why I think we should be defending crypto at the end of the day.
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I am not seeing how such a thing would play out. What is this "crash?" Is it caused by the hoarding that said whales are engaged in? If so, how? Even in such a scenario, why would they eliminate their own coins instead of exchanging them for other speculative assets?

What is "growth" in this case? Just line-go-up on the price of the asset?


I was more talking about a hypothetical scenario where some crypto replaces fiat
in this case a "crash" would mean a recession with a chain reaction
in such a situation the pressure on whales from the suffering bourgeoisie would be such that they will cave in

if we're talking about a situation where crypto remains on the margins of the capitalist system - then a "crash" would mean a crash in price, ie due to the decreasing influx of new investors
in such a situation whales may find it to be more profitable to increase the supply beyond the cap to attract new investors

>Even in such a scenario, why would they eliminate their own coins instead of exchanging them for other speculative assets?

Again, if we're talking about crypto as a reserve currency - in a crash all is going to be in red
the crypto would be the safest harbor if it's anything like gold

if we're talking about crypto as it is today - they just can't, even if they want
they need to convert to fiat first, and if the whales try to cash out majority of their coins - they will crash the price and the crypto market will run out of liquidity faster than a leaky bucket in a desert


>in such a situation the pressure on whales from the suffering bourgeoisie would be such that they will cave in
What pressure can smaller porkies put on big porkies? The big ones like to devour the weaker, smaller ones, not help them up when they fall down.
>in such a situation whales may find it to be more profitable to increase the supply beyond the cap to attract new investors
Wouldn't that likley come in the form of more mining?
>Again, if we're talking about crypto as a reserve currency - in a crash all is going to be in red
the crypto would be the safest harbor if it's anything like gold
I would hesitate to call something that is so prone to price fluctuations a safe harbor.
>if the whales try to cash out majority of their coins - they will crash the price and the crypto market will run out of liquidity faster than a leaky bucket in a desert
Just don't be the last sucker holding the coins.


>What pressure can smaller porkies put on big porkies?
the pressure of greater numbers
it's also not necessary that other, industry oriented, porkies are less bigger and influential
capitalists also try to diversify so I imagine whales would have assets across multiple industries, just like banks dabble in everything

>Wouldn't that likley come in the form of more mining?

miners live off transaction fees after network hits the cap

>I would hesitate to call something that is so prone to price fluctuations a safe harbor.

I imagine it would stabilize if it gets adopted as a reserve currency

>Just don't be the last sucker holding the coins.

that's the problem - the whale would be holding the bag long before he can completely cash out, there is just that little liquidity to go around relative to the market cap

it's more profitable to get a loan with your crypto "assets" as a collateral or something


>the pressure of greater numbers
Those greater numbers had better be expressions of capital value.
>it's also not necessary that other, industry oriented, porkies are less bigger and influential
Are you thinking like Bezos butting heads with Buffett? That would get ugly.
>capitalists also try to diversify so I imagine whales would have assets across multiple industries, just like banks dabble in everything
In this global capitalism, ownership of everything really is spread out across the entire ruling class.
>I imagine it would stabilize if it gets adopted as a reserve currency
Crypto would have to be currency before it can be a reserve currency, and it is really bad at that.
>it's more profitable to get a loan with your crypto "assets" as a collateral or something
Lel, it's funny how much of finance boils down to just scammers scamming scammers.

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What is leftychan opinion on forced vaccinations? I'm on the fence about it. On one hand I don't think workers should be loosing their jobs. On the other hand I think it's kind of selfish and stupid to be a fucking child about getting the poke when your inaction effects the lives of every one around you possibly with death.

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>Like censorship for example.
t. the exact sort of idiot we don't want running a post-revolutionary government.


Some people believe dictatorship of the proletariat just means a dictatorship. We call them retards.


>opinion on forced vaccinations?
In principle you do not want to have political interference in medical treatments, and leave the decision to doctors and patients.

Viruses are a communicable disease, that changes the dynamic a little bit, whether or not you vaccinate your self does affect other people too.

The history of mandatory public vaccinations is a huge success, countless nasty plagues have been eradicated, when those plagues were still around people voted with their feet for these vaccination programs.

Mandatory vaccinations programs have always been subjected to extremely high medical safety testing and that's why developing vaccines usually takes over 10 years.

Whether the vaccination programs will remain trustworthy in a grim dark capitalist future with even more corporate influence on institutions, is debatable. Like recently Bill Gates the monopolist computer software guy, was for some incomprehensible reason involved in world health affairs. Maybe they got confused because MS Windows also has viruses?

I guess that open sourcing vaccines and all the related knowledge-base and technologies would be a good way to have at least some structure that pulls towards more ethical conduct.

kek this guy has priorities


If anyone approves of vaccines by the fucking British Eugenics Society they are idiots. They knew they had to threaten people with termination to take those shots from the outset, which should tell anyone with a functioning brain all they need to know. It turns out "covid" is a nasty cold and not the fucking black death, which is a surprise to no one who isn't completely retarded about biology.

Anyone suggesting children, who are under coercive pressure from authorities from every direction, should go against the wishes of their parents after being threatened with consequences in private, is a piece of shit and should not be allowed to tell anyone anything about anything.

Mass vaccination has never been a sound strategy for controlling disease. We didn't always have a mandated schedule of a million different vaccines with threats of being shut out of society if you didn't comply. Putting any vaccine into someone was not something taken lightly, and always considered known risks of the process. Further, you can only grant immunity to certain diseases, and infectious disease by itself is usually treatable and does not spread far in any sort of sanitary conditions. It just so happens that eugenics destroyed standard of living and pushed everyone to live in filth and depravity - gee I wonder why. The idea of lockdowns is itself so absurd that I don't even know where to begin, and most people ignored that shit anyway. The only people who had to suffer were China, and they suffered more from the lockdowns than the supposed disease which doesn't even exist in the way Imperial Fucking College said it did. You know they were digging out of the trashbin of British academia when they were looking at Imperial Fucking College. But hey, if you want to follow the British Eugenics Society, you're a fucking idiot, but go right ahead.

From the start this discourse is poisoned with derails and red herrings, and ignores the obvious that the ruling class DOES NOT WANT YOU TO HAVE ANYTHING. I can't believe this is still a question on the left. Everyone should be opposed to this shit. Even a lot of libs are done with the mandatory vaccines and lockdowns. They would have to declare martial law to impose them again, because no one has any reason to trust this government ever again. They know damn well what this is and you're asshats for acting like it's something other than the obvious thing. Given that the ruling class has been screaming for blood, thisPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The "British Eugenics Society" didn't develop the Covid vaccine. Nice try, though. Not reading the rest of your post, plus you're a namefag. Kill yourself.

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