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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I am a Liberal
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So according to you in socialist countries people get mental health treatment and in capitalism they get homelessness and crack, am I getting that right?


Sounds about right. But it's not the hole story. The main cause of homelessness isn't mental illness. It's economic precariousness.


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Return the jacket back to the museum 1st, you reactionary lumpen bueraucuck (served you right btw).


>I enjoy democracy
No you don't. Democracy means Tr*mp will be the next president.

>the rule of law

No you don't. Rule of law means all the BLM monkeys will be in jail.

>freedom of speech

No you don't. Freedom of speech means there's no such thing as "misgendering" or "medical misinformation".

>and freedom of association.

No you don't. Freedom of association means no more hiring diversity.

>most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails
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That's gonna b3 a yikes from me dawg.


The U.S. military ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign at the height of the pandemic in the Philippines and other nations to sow doubt about COVID vaccines made by China, according to a new investigation by Reuters. The clandestine Pentagon campaign, which began in 2020 under Donald Trump and continued into mid-2021 after Joe Biden took office, relied on fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to target local populations in Southeast Asia and beyond. The campaign also aimed to discredit masks and test kits made in China. "Within the Pentagon, within Washington, there was this fear that they were going to lose the Philippines" to Chinese influence, says Joel Schectman, one of the Reuters reporters who broke the story. Schectman says that while it's impossible to measure the impact of the propaganda effort, it came at a time when the Chinese-made Sinovac shot was the only one available in the Philippines, making distrust of the vaccine "incredibly harmful."


>The campaign also aimed to discredit masks and test kits made in China. "Within the Pentagon, within Washington, there was this fear that they were going to lose the Philippines" to Chinese influence.

Did it ever occur to these people that what they were doing was going to discredit the US and push the Philippines towards China.


No, and tbf they were probably right not to expect that.
When that happens, it'll probably be because of even worse stuff.


>No, and tbf they were probably right not to expect that.
why ?
Are they so arrogant that they think that they're above it all, that their manipulations aren't being accounted for by other countries ? Even if they think the Filipino government can't penetrate US psy-ops the Chinese government almost certainly can and is likely to tip off the countries the US fucks with.
>When that happens, it'll probably be because of even worse stuff.
It kinda depends, the Filipino government may ask the question, what if this had been one of those terrible plagues that wipes out half the population unless people get vaxed. At the very least there is now uncertainty about the level of belligerency they ought to expect from the US.

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When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?

Think about it: a lot of hate that vegans receive isn't because people are overly hostile to eating vegetables. It's because vegans themselves brand themselves in a negative light: emotional, effeminate, weak, etc. Additionally, many younger people will naturally rebel against the professed values of the generation ahead of them. When will those who vehemently consider themselves part of the left realize they're actually helping to boost those they claim to oppose?

For context: pic related openly admits to being a cuck and gets offended if you don't praise him for it
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It wasn't impossible to "stop capitalism", as if this just happened by anonymous inertia. Throughout their history, the commons were seeking to enter the nobility, and that's what purchasing venal office was. The professions of the commoners that won in the liberal revolutions were already attaining the privileges of the nobility, and the commoners were not a united bloc with a singular ideology as such. It's the same with the ideologies as such of their associations like the Jacobin club and the secret societies. These outfits weren't united by an ideology or a singular thought-form, but were associations of men who climbed the ranks of that social hierarchy. There were liberal nobles who saw the revolution as a way to carry out their intercine struggle in new conditions, if we speak of France. How this worked in England and America is a very different story.


The ancien regime falls because the agents who would have maintained it saw no reason to continue it. There is a long trajectory of feudal privileges being displaced by the autocratic and despotic tendencies of the 16th-18th centuries, and that trend line didn't really go away with "revolution". It rebranded, found entry into the new way of doing things, and the game of musical chairs settled in the early 19th century.

The revolutions themselves all stem from 1776 in one way or another, and what the British Empire was aiming for to take the world, and their piratical approach to their Empire.


By time Louis XVI is there, he's a weak king, and doesn't have the heart for intrigue in him. Some would say he was a decent human being by the standards of his class, which doesn't say much, but mostly, the nobility were already distressed with the situation and the games played with the wealth of the nation - like entering the American Rebellion for spurious reasons that are the great "open mystery" of the period, which explains a lot of what was really happening and is a favorite of the conspiracist theory of history. This event was not self-contained in an ecosystem and then reproduced by "the theory". France faced conflict from the aristocratic order of Europe who were remarkably disinterested in the wages of war until they started losing and the French installed republics or kings of their choosing, and this was always understood as putting a rubber stamp on the effort to conquer Europe. At this time, no one but the French thinks of themselves as "national actors", and French nationalism is a new thing with the revolution. That was the thing that they really had to contain, and the most lasting effect of it.


If you look at how the French monarchy understood economics, they had their theory before the revolution, and the revolution wasn't really waged over economic ideas. The liberalizing tendency had more to do with the interests of actors in France and globally, then any belief that liberalism worked like magic. There was a theory of physiocracy, but the thing with them is that the physiocrats were more in line with the ancien regime than a naive faith in free trade. What the physiocrats wrote about was a precursor to both the idea of a planned economy - a precursor to the socialist idea - and a precursor to biological politics and biologically centered economic thought, using the example of economic life and the land as an organism with blood flows that could be regulated. That was what Quesnay invoked, due to his background as a physician.


All of these things are very interesting if you dig into them, and that's why I disdain these grand narratives that are divorced from history that can be independently verified. Any political event involves the agency of those things in the world that have the greatest stake in it - human beings, and particular human beings.

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Kermit the frog caused 9/11. In the 2002 TV film "It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", there's a part where an angel shows Kermit an alternate reality where he was never born. For whatever reason, the editors didn't really think about it, and continued to use footage with the twin towers still standing for this scene, however they aren't there in his original universe. Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.
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Ummm, idk man.
We had dyke bitch girls in the 1980s and proto SJWism.

Also in the 1980s, people were growing cynical and disillusioned.

Why else was punk so popular.


"End of history" is gen idpol shit.


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>My first Fatwa
Funny, but they were Sunni


lol that's a tent-sauna, but with her grinning, that caption does make sense.


Last I heard, there was some bratty CIA/(other αβ) department th@ was getting 2 liberal in checking on some highly secretive/illegal/generally unprofitable governance stuff th@ guys from the other agencies didn't want to get out or something like th@. So basically it's another tactical 5gon erasure attack on the parts of the government which are getting 2 unruly 2 contain.
In making the point 4 their colleagues feddos didn't even bother with timing the destruction & just blasted th@ thing into a fucking freefall LMAO. It's like this was done in such a way on purpose, "look how much of a fuck we are able not 2 give, unlike you".

Wasn't there some years l8r some skyscraper in Spain th@ was burning for a whole day or even more & despite th@ never even crumbled in any way?

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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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Gee, & I thought I am unhinged!




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Reactionaries tremble with joy by being placed into a system of relations, & their own position in this system in question doesn't even m@ter all th@ much, only the mere xistence of it. In other words, slaves by mentality will kill 4 remaining as slaves, 4 they cannot even imagine being free on their own. That's why their unhuman & unlife degeneracy is fused with necrophilia in its totality so much.
So yeah, mautism/turd-worldism/multiimperialism is just plain old nazism but for nonwytes.


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It's a very odd deal.
The criminal Biden admin is letting Assange go in exchange for a guilty plea.

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>thinking he will be safe in Australia
They didn't drop the charges he admitted guilt in exchange for getting out of jail. They could haul him right back in as soon as the election is over.

>he should probably just apply for citizenship in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
Well not North Korea he will starve in a communist country. I bet staying in Australia is probably part of the deal though.


The famine in the DPRK ended a long time ago, and their economic outlook is positive now that they've re-established diplomatic relations with Russia.


Kevin Gosztola made an interesting point on a journalist panel today: He and likely other peers have been spending all their time the last several days listening to each other, the sources they actually trust to cover Assange honestly and fairly. Conversely, they have spent very little time assessing the corporate mass media's reaction to it. I sure hope someone has been cataloging all the recent libel and slander slung at Assange, these propaganda outlets and propagandists need to be held to account for the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

Link to stream:



>the corporate mass media
>the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

There used to be journalistic activities within that structure, but is that still the case ? Before we yell at these people for failing at journalism, we have to ask our self whether we're not complaining about how spoons are terrible shovels.

Maybe we should consider whether they are more like PR companies now.

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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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I made this thread as a shitpost guys…


People hate the Zionreich for bombing children, schools, hospitals, aid trucks, for mass murdering a population via starvation, the list is extensive, and it's easy to list the war-crimes they haven't committed.
Those despicable actions deserve all that hate. Zionists attempting to claim victimhood while actively committing a genocide is fooling nobody anymore. Cry-bullying doesn't work for mass murderers.

We also have to talk about the 4 Zionist antisemitisms
1 holocausting the Palestinians who are ethnically Semites.
2 claiming that all this horror is done in the name of Jews.
3 weaponizing false accusations of antisemitism to attack democracy, eroding the protections for Jews
4 equating Zionism with Judaism


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Right and you're complaining that not enough people shat in it ?





Because you killed people for being NEETs or neurodivergent. Also makes the Soviet Union shit though and why socialists in general here are cringe.

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The US Supreme court has decided to hear the case, fueling speculation they will side with those wanting to criminalize public homelessness.

With the approval of the California governor as well.

This recently came to a head in Grants Pass Oregon, a small Republican county with almost 2% homelessness. Their approach so far was over 500 criminal citations being given to their homeless for sleeping in parks until a circuit court stopped Grants Pass from issuing further citations. Now Grants Pass is asking the supreme court to give explicit permission to all states to criminalize public homelessness.

The DOJ disagrees however, stating “Regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling, the law” is clear that “officers lack reasonable suspicion to stop people for merely sleeping on public property when they have nowhere else to sleep,” in a criminal complaint against Phoenix Arizona's treatment of the homeless. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-06-20-scotus-homelessness-doj-war-on-poor-phoenix/

The subreddit r/SanFrancisco is also celebrating the possibility of public homelessness being illegal.

What is your take on this /leftypol/? The war on the homeless is in full swing.
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>The first thing isn't really relevant - who the landlords are doesn't actually matter. The only people to worry about are single-home owners, and an exemption or reduction can be carved out for them.
>The government as it exists now literally prints money to pay for its military spending. We can't actually afford to do that when the US loses its hegemony, which technically means we can't afford to do it now, since the country has a fuckton of debt & the military spending isn't stopping China from outpacing us. The extensive militaristic spending is profoundly wasteful, and we'd have to stop doing it even if we didn't invest in housing and (other forms of) American labor. The handouts for the arms trade would have to stop no matter what we did, and investing in the wellbeing of the nation will have far greater returns, and will also be a much better deal if we fund it by taxing deadweight economic activity like land speculation which drives up costs.

Honestly good take, but the military industrial complex is not going to yield funding easily. They see the shrinking empire as proof that there needs to be more militarism. That investing into "the well-being of the nation" has to look and sound like it's still militarism. You see it's not universal health-care it's universal combat-readiness.


The government could pay off its debt in a heartbeat. The reason it doesn't is because finance capital has a vice grip on officials and directly profits every time treasury bonds are issued. It indirectly benefits from the debt ideology it imposes over the government and by claiming its interests take priority over the federal government's. Remember Obama's entire cabinet came from Citigroup.


The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places

In its biggest decision on homelessness in decades, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that cities can ban people from sleeping and camping in public places. The justices, in a 6-3 decision along ideological lines, overturned lower court rulings that deemed it cruel and unusual under the Eighth Amendment to punish people for sleeping outside if they had nowhere else to go.

Writing for the majority, Justice Gorsuch said, “Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many.” But he said federal judges do not have any “special competence” to decide how cities should deal with this.

“The Constitution’s Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy,” he wrote.

In a dissent, Justice Sotomayor said the decision focused only on the needs of cities but not the most vulnerable. She said sleep is a biological necessity, but this decision leaves a homeless person with “an impossible choice — either stay awake or be arrested.”



There's only one option left, the homeless have to become ninjas



Made a thread for raiding the liberal r/SanFrancisco forum who have been calling for the arrest of their homeless there in massively upvoted threads for weeks, join me in the raid


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 No.475365[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Be honest…

Has your life gotten materially better or worse since this faggot supposedly got elected.?
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"Real corporate profits" are not "the economy."

This statistic is just an artifact of two things:
- Inflation (CPI adjustment does not account for all inflation because CPI is rigged)
- Reducing the wage share (wage share goes down, profits go up)

Neither of these things are an improvement of "the economy" for the masses, they're a degradation.


this is a regressive economic boom where the lower classes aren't thrilled because not enough is trickling down and prices rose a few years ago

thing is, it's mainly the Fed rate hikes causing the tail end of this boom. Which is inherently inflationary.

A Dem Congress without gridlock would do better than Republicans in making it less regressive but we have gridlock now


we had like 5% GDP last quarters of last year

virtually every other indicator has been great

a recession requires 2+ quarters of negative gdp growth, and it is still positive with Republicans blocking everything

Biden did a better job than Obama at flooding the economy with money and if u can't get at it ur retarded because so much money got put into the economy


either Trump or Biden will keep flooding the economy with money, there really isn't any indication there's be a crash that'll bleed into the real economy unless the Republicans with the House and Senate again. A Dem Congress + Trump or a Dem Congress + Biden would keep money flowing into the economy for whoever needs it. Compared to that miserable 8 year money shortage under Obama. God those years sucked.


This is the first year in my 34 years on this planet I could conceivably live on my own and without help from others.

It's been an objectively good economy for myself.



This guy did a decent video, on an attempt at introducing a internet ID-law
<government ID for accessing a website (initially porn-sites).

It's hiding behind deceptive legislative speak.
<think of the children while we attack your civil liberties

Big tech companies apparently are supporting this.
<so it might spread to other parts of the internet as well

Obviously none of these people really care about the welfare of children, or else we'd be living in a very different world. They might be targeting porn because they think it's a way to get a foot in the door for an ID-access-wall. Or they might actually be trying to identify people's porn habits in order to facilitate discrimination based on sexuality. Even if that's not the intention right now, it'll definitely be the result. We don't live in a dark age theocratic society where the church regulates sex, because it's currently not possible. All the puritanical bullshit will come flooding back the moment it becomes possible. Every ruling class seeks to control sex.

The Internet ID stuff will get hacked so even if you're a gullible fool that believes in this.
<think of all the identity theft
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I possess an exceptional online tool that creates highly authentic and lifelike depictions of adolescent royalty, catering to a demographic characterized by youthful exuberance and unbridled potential. NO ROASTIE CAN STOP ME!!!


sus-ness aside, do i need a beefy computer to run this program and which program is it? or do you do it from online?


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(obfuscation sponsored by GPT4All)

To successfully set up your environment for "on topic" activities, follow these steps:

1. Acquire a used Nvidia GPU with 16GB VRAM at a cost of less than $200, and purchase a cooling fan retrofit to ensure optimal performance. Note that Tesla GPUs are suitable options but require additional power supply and do not come with built-in cooling systems.

2. Choose a hypervisor capable of supporting GPU pass-through technology. This will allow your "on topic" guest to directly access the hardware resources, including the Nvidia GPU.

3. Set up a VPN or Tor router as a guest within your hypervisor environment. This will help hide your "on topic" activities and protect your privacy while downloading files.

4. Install a Linux-based operating system on another virtual machine (guest) for the purpose of running "on topic" tasks. Ensure that you have installed the proprietary Nvidia driver to support the GPU operations.

5. Introduce comfyui into your "on topic" guest, and then install the comfyui-manager plugin for added functionality.

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This setup is designed to minimize potential risks associated with "on topic" activities by creating a secure, isolated environment within which these tasks can be performed without leaving any trace or causing unwanted attention. If you prefer not to engage in such activities, feel free to proceed directly on the hardware (metal) level without using virtual machines. However, if caution is your priority, utilizing VMs will help isolate "on topic" operations and ensure they are temporary and easily reversible by reverting to a previous snapshot or shutting down the guest within the hypervisor environment.

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