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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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"''A massive and fast-moving wildfire in California has burnt more than one thousand hectares so far and is now threatening thousands of homes in an upscale neighbourhood of Los Angeles.
Officials have ordered evacuations as they warn the winds could pick up."''
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what if the fire isnt real and its just a hoax?


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>in an upscale neighbourhood


Appealing for Climate change action based on Wildfires never going to work. Australia is the most climate change denying country on earth and is getting razed to the ground by wild fires are rapidly increasing frequency, once a several decade event became every decade, now its down to every 3-5 years.
Reality people still don't take it seriously because the mass of propaganda is still Climate Change denialism, and Liberals the world over, only pay lip service to Climate change while functionally engaging in denialism with shit like Greenwashing and Carbon Capture and EVs. So they lose credibility.
Average Conservative sees Wildfires and they think "They happen all the time and it was probably the fault of environmentalists stopping backburning", Average conservative doesn't question why it used to snow 3ft in their childhood, but Winter fells like a stiff Autumn now with not a hint of snow anywhere. They don't think.
There will be no climate change action at all, Trump only matters in that he's an even more active environmental vandal than most and will fuck up the last National Parks with grazing and drilling.


Normally wouldn't give a shit what Mel Gibson thinks, except I've been thinking, for the past year, that perhaps I judged him too harshly in the past and might owe him an apology.

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<In a letter to the editor of Scotland's Sunday Herald, Dawkins argues that the time has come to lay this spectre to rest. Dawkins writes that though no one
wants to be seen to be in agreement with Hitler on any particular, "if you can breed cattle for milk yield, horses for running speed, and dogs for herding skill,
why on Earth should it be impossible to breed humans for mathematical, musical or athletic ability?"
<"I wonder whether, some 60 years after Hitler's death, we might at least venture to ask what the moral difference is between breeding for musical ability and
forcing a child to take music lessons. Or why it is acceptable to train fast runners and high jumpers but not to breed them," Dawkins wrote Sunday.
Breeding humans for PEAK PERFORMANCE would be a good thing imo. Too bad it'll happen only in a technologically advanced communal society with
polyamorous kinship, which could materialize in the near future.

I don't know what's the issue, just don't let literal retards or people with disabilities
that can be passed down to have kids

literally who cares? there's no real argument against eugenics, not even moral arguments work that well, it's a win win situation

it would interfere with the bodily autonomy of the parent/s what do we do?
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>A lot of people seem to think that knowing how to solve advanced algebra equations without a calculator is more important than learning how to do basic home reapir.
Most of the blame for that goes towards industry that pushed for a throw-away culture. We could go back to repair culture, but you have to bully the industry to make stuff that can be fixed.

>Ive been saying that our popular culture plateaued in the mid-late 1980s.

>The technology, fashion, music, and media graphics.
Yeah that's probably caused by neoliberal economics. Everything had to go through the comercialism funnel, and new ideas rarely make it past that. Also the increasing rate of exploitation meant that people have less time and are more exhausted which isn't helping creativity.
Whether that also explaines stagnation in the "warbiz" I don't really know.

>Wrong. What is happening is the other way around.

I guess that's somewhat true, but if we invested into brain-science maybe we could figure out how to cure what ever brain-damage causes the neocons to drive towards human extinction through war. In that case scientific advances would lead to less militarism.


>I guess that's somewhat true, but if we invested into brain-science maybe we could figure out how to cure what ever brain-damage causes the neocons to drive towards human extinction through war. In that case scientific advances would lead to less militarism

Why do people think moral compasses are neurocognitively created?
Morality isn't something that's genetic. It's a transcendent force.

But,if you want my guess, methinks some of them are influenced by demonic entities.


>Why do people think moral compasses are neurocognitively created?
>Morality isn't something that's genetic. It's a transcendent force.
I'm setting the bar quite a bit lower than a "moral compass" , not trying to make your own species go extinct that's a reasonable ask.

The neocons baiting nuclear war, that's a behavior, like learning the guitar or reading a book are also behaviors. The brain causes behaviors. I have no idea what's causing neocon brains to malfunction. I'm quite puzzled why you jump to the conclusion it would be genetic, it doesn't seem very likely that evolution would select for "deliberate self-extinction genes".

Anyway i didn't intent for this to be entirely serious, i don't really expect anybody to medicate neocons away. Maybe people eventually grow tired of all the bullshit and they get thrown into a lava pit.

>But,if you want my guess, methinks some of them are influenced by demonic entities.

And the demonic entities are what ? Think tanks that come up with these schemes ?


>All he has done is stoke among the public needless hostility against biologists.

Maybe If your folks degree aren't the most useless among the STEM fields people would be less hostile toward your people


Curious how you came to that conclusion anon.

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It's coming out that Matthew Livelsberger, the guy who exploded a Tesla in Las Vegas, was a special forces operations director & intelligence manager. Shamsud Din Jabbar did a car attack on the same day, but in New Orleans, which killed 16 people and injured 35, allegedly in connection with ISIS, and according to The Independent, he was allegedly stationed at the same base as Matthew Livelsberger:


What are your thoughts, /leftypol/?
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The highlighted part is the bit I found more interesting.


>Maybe we learn from this and categorize back-doors and all similar types of access-schemes as a conspiracy to engage in espionage.
This presumed that "we" are in control of US gov't policy as opposed to a cabal of power-grubbing creeps who are extra paranoid because they are actively committing atrocities which people will want revenge for.


Israel is an american satellite, they aren't pushing shit nor are they trying to "cannibalize" the USA because the moment the USA stop existing or lose their hegemony it's the moment Israel is completely fucked as nobody wants to cover their dumb asses including most jews.


>Israel is an american satellite, they aren't pushing shit nor are they trying to "cannibalize" the USA because the moment the USA stop existing or lose their hegemony it's the moment Israel is completely fucked as nobody wants to cover their dumb asses including most jews.
Eh, it's not like the US can take back all the money and weapons if the US collapses.


Soldier shot self in head before Cybertruck exploded outside Trump’s Las Vegas hotel: Officials

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 No.456057[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
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it is happening again


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GameStop trading at $71 a share. Up from $10 two weeks ago.


What do you reckon this is ?
Speculators playing around ?


US credit card defaults at highest level since Great Recession

Credit card defaults in the US reached their highest level since the 2008 financial crash during the first nine months of 2024, according to figures compiled by BankRegData and cited in a recent Financial Times article. Credit card lenders were also forced to write off $46 billion in seriously delinquent debt balances through September 2024, up 50 percent from the same period the year before, and the highest level in 14 years.

These figures reveal widespread social distress and economic insecurity in America’s supposedly booming economy. With rising expenses and stagnant wages, tens of millions of workers and lower middle class people have been forced to rely on their credit cards to pay for food, gas, medicine, clothing and other living costs. Hit by elevated interest rates, they have not been able to make their credit card payments.

“High-income households are fine, but the bottom third of US consumers are tapped out,” said Mark Zandi, the head of Moody’s Analytics, told the Financial Times. “Their savings rate right now is zero.”

After government stimulus checks allowed borrowers to pay down their credit card debts in 2020 and 2021, credit card debt has risen by a combined $270 billion in 2022 and 2023, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It surpassed the $1 trillion mark in mid-2023 and reached $1.66 trillion in the third quarter of 2024. The average American household credit card debt was $10,757 in the third quarter, according to personal finance web site Wallet Hub.

“Nearly half of Americans still have debt from the holidays from last year,” said WalletHub writer and analyst Chip Lupo, adding that a third of respondents to his organization’s survey reported they would spend less this year on holiday shopping.

Unable to pay off their balances in full, borrowers sent the credit card companies $170 billion in interest payments in 2024. As of last Friday, the average credit card interest rate was 20.35 percent, according to Bankrate.

These loan shark rates have allowed the biggest credit card lenders—Visa, Mastercard and Capital One—to reap record profits. Visa, the largest, booked $19.7 billion in 2024 profits (up 16 percent from FY 2023) and enjoyed a 55 percent profit margin (up from 52 percent in FY 2023); 2024 revenues shot up 10 percent to $35.9 billion.
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A biolab exploded in Conyers, Georgia the other day. According to Jordan Chariton, it's now leaving 90,000 Georgia residents sheltering in place. Chlorine gas going into the air, 32 miles from Atlanta. This is after hurricane Helene just came just came through, and damage and flooding from Helene is still terrible in the southeastern states of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Earlier this year, Atlanta's neglected water infrastructure broke, leaving a huge part of the city without water for days. A lot of commentators are contrasting the dangerous deregulation of industry and middling response to Helene with the eagerness of the Biden admin to send billions to support the genocide in Palestine and brutal war in Ukraine.
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I haven't watched developments closely since the last post ITT, but apparently the local PSL is getting involved:
On Tuesday, Rockdale county commissioners’ outrageous plan to silence and prevent community members and activists from speaking on the #BioLab chemical explosion during public comment at the Board of Commissioners meeting failed.

In the end, following disruptions of the Board’s Chairman by PSL organizers who demanded that there will be no business as usual and that residents be allowed to speak, the commissioners were forced to hear public comments on BioLab.

These politicians who are in the pockets of corporations like BioLab are protecting the criminal executives who put profits over people’s health and lives. But working class people across are getting organized to fight back.

We are demanding that BioLab be held accountable for its crime of poisoning tens of thousands of people at a minimum. The demand is simple: SHUT DOWN BIOLAB! Join us at the next community rally this Saturday, Dec 14, 3PM in Conyers: 901 N Main St NW.


>We are demanding that BioLab be held accountable for its crime of poisoning tens of thousands of people at a minimum.
Basic demand but correct.
>The demand is simple: SHUT DOWN BIOLAB!
IMHO this is a bad play, the better play likely is demanding that the thing be converted into a worker cooperative.

The thing likely spewed toxic shit because it was mismanaged, not because it's a fundamentally bad design on a technical level.

The capitalist who owns this likely can't pay for all the damages, so converting it into a cooperative could be part of a deal for dropping some of the damage claims. The workers do not have an incentive to mismanage the plant because they live in the area that would get contaminated, and therefor it'll run smoothly.


A Status Coup video with recent developments, clips from a hearing where East Palestine residents also spoke. Scott Smith says the results of his chemical testing showed the "highest level of dioxins that he has seen."

IMO setting goals high is the best approach… although when you consider that "shut down BioLab" is essentially a euphemism for "revoke BioLab's business license," it sounds like a pretty modest proposal. I kind of wonder how easy it will be to even clean the plant up at this point, too, with this many instances. Working with chlorine isn't very safe in general, is it easy to clean a contaminated plant enough to maintain even a baseline level of safety after repeated fires? Idk.


>I kind of wonder how easy it will be to even clean the plant up at this point, too, with this many instances. Working with chlorine isn't very safe in general, is it easy to clean a contaminated plant enough to maintain even a baseline level of safety after repeated fires? Idk.
If the hole thing is a write-off, why are they pushing back against political pressure ?


Not directly related, but there was another explosion at a totally different plant in Camilla, Georgia on December 27th.

An explosion at a Tyson Foods poultry plant occurred in the early hours of December 27, sending shockwaves throughout the plant and affecting workers and their families. A scene of chaos followed the explosion as workers scrambled to find safety. About 1,600 people work in the plant.

Initial investigations suggest that the blast originated in a boiler room, although the exact cause is still under investigation by local authorities and occupational safety officials.

One person was killed, a 61-year-old woman whom the Miller County coroner’s office identified as Bajarma Batozhapov. The Las Vegas woman was sleeping in a truck when the explosion occurred, having traveled to the Camilla plant in search of work. Her husband, a truck driver, was not hurt.

Several other workers sustained injuries; some were treated on-site, while others required hospitalization. The Tyson Foods plant dominates the town’s economy, which has a population of only 5,000 people.

Katoria Peterson and her grandfather, Larry Thompson, live across from the plant, told WTXL they’d never seen anything like this before.

Peterson told the station, “It was a loud boom, and then you see the flames. It was about five to ten minutes of burning. And then the ambulance and everybody left, but it burned for a few minutes.



Per CNN:
Body-worn camera footage released Friday shows correctional officers at the Marcy Correctional Facility in upstate New York punching and kicking a handcuffed inmate in a fatal beating that is now under investigation by the New York attorney general.

Robert Brooks was pronounced dead on December 10 at Wynn Hospital in Utica, according to Attorney General Letitia James. Brooks, 43, had been serving a 12-year prison sentence since 2017 for first-degree assault, prison documents show.

CNN has reviewed the footage, parts of which show surrounding officers kicking and punching Brooks, who has his hands handcuffed behind his back in a medical examination room. Brooks’ face appears bloody in some of the footage.

At one point, an officer appears to shove something in Brooks’ mouth before repeatedly hitting him in the face. Another officer then punches Brooks in the groin before using a shoe to strike him.

The New York Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigations previously announced it had opened an investigation into Brooks’ death.



How often does this happen without cameras?


Probably a lot.


death penalty


probably more humane for the law to allow for them to kill violent prisoners then torture them like this

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Thread mostly for disasters, but also some good things. What happened this year?
I can think of a few things:
Genocide and regional war in the middle east
Fall of Damascus
War in Ukraine continues to escalate (and US starts arming Azov again)
BioLab explodes in Georgia (AGAIN)
Coup attempt in South Korea
Arrest warrants for Israeli leaders (and US president sued for complicity!)
That CEO got shot
Police states in western "democracies" brutally crack down on anti-genocide protests
Leftist coalition wins in France, Macron refuses to acknowledge it (and some shit happens in Germany, too)
Telegram guy arrested by France
Julian Assange let off (on the condition that he plead guilty to journalism)
TikTok ban
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I think this was a government psyop. They just needed a good reason to go hard against the liberals


>TikTok ban

>considered good things


So the man was shot multiple times and almost died out of some sneaky scheme to give himself more power?


That wasn't my thinking when I wrote the OP but I guess it's subjective.


>OP text:
>Thread mostly for disasters

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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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>what does it say ?
<they kept Kazan in fear for four years
<arranged shootouts with the police, bribed local authorities
<had their own people in hospitals and military registration and enlistment offices
<put everyone "on the counter"… …


When the worst person you know has a good point


Cross-posting this request: >>>/posad/758
Looking for a better quality/resolution version of the Fifth International Posadist video.

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This past year's "beef" between Kendrick Lamar and Drake was nothing more than a contrived plot in order to distract the masses from the genocide in Gaza. Both rappers are signed to labels which are under the umbrella of UMG which is owned by ultra-Zionist Lucian Grainge. Every stream from Kendrick's music is being used to fund Zionist genocide of Palestinians. But this goes far deeper and I'm entirely convinced Kendrick Lamar is being covertly funded and propped up by the CIA.
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Literally who?


when you take pride in how out-of-touch you are

how's the CPUSA?


There was a rap beef, Kendrick Lamar vs Drake (also others vs Drake, but mainly Kendrick). It was a sensation and most people would say Kendrick won, but it turns out UMG is owned by a Zionist and stuff.


Sorry I don't pay attention to gangster rap, the genre invented to divide and rule poor black neighborhoods.


<insane conspiracy theory about two celebrities being used to distract people
<ugh you're so out of touch

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From AJ yesterday:
The first cross-border strike inside Afghanistan since March came after a spate of attacks by the Pakistan Taliban.
Islamabad, Pakistan – The Pakistani military conducted air raids in neighbouring Afghanistan late on Tuesday night, targeting hideouts of the Pakistan Taliban, known by the acronym TTP, armed group in Paktika province, according to security officials.

While no official statement was issued by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or military media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), sources confirmed to Al Jazeera that the attacks took place in the Barmal district of Afghanistan, near Pakistan’s South Waziristan tribal district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The interim Afghan government, ruled by the Taliban, also confirmed the attacks but insisted that civilians had been targeted. The Taliban spokesperson’s office told Al Jazeera that at least 46 people, including women and children, were among those killed in air raids.

“The Pakistani side should understand that such arbitrary measures are not a solution to any problem,” Enayatullah Khowarazami, spokesperson for Afghanistan’s Defence Ministry, wrote on social media platform X. “The Islamic Emirate will not leave this cowardly act unanswered and considers the defense of its territory an inalienable right,” he added, referring to Afghanistan by the name given by the Taliban government.

The air raids, which were conducted for the second time this year, came just hours after Pakistan’s special representative for Afghanistan, Mohammad Sadi, met interim Afghan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul.

“Met Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi today. Held wide-ranging discussions. Agreed to work together to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote peace and progress in the region,” Sadiq posted on X.

Read more:
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There's a Pakistan Taliban?


>What's gonna happen, guys?
Dunno, but it looks like more countries getting drawn into the regional clusterfuck.

If I'm not mistaken Pakistan has illegitimately imprisoned a very popular socdem politician (Khan something or other), and that is becoming politically untenable with masses of people protesting for his release. Maybe they are trying to stir a conflict to distract from that.

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