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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It is time now comrades. Atlantic Oceans temperatures reach 98, Canadian wildfires continue to burn, and toxic algae continues to grow along the Californian coast. Why take drastic measures I ask? Well the answer is simple. You probably have family members, friends, or children who you would protect at all costs right? The reality is,that when the temperature rises, millions of animals are at risk, and billions of humans are going to die, which will not exclude those loved ones and family members of yours. You may be thinking, "how do we create a organized leftists environmental movement." To do this, we must get rid of all capitalist apologia that is common throughout liberal environmentalist circles. No laws that exist under bourgeois society are going to divert corporate interests in oil. It comes down to who controls the mode of production, and right now, it is the bourgeoisie. If the means of production were given to the workers democratically, oil would be the last energy source that would be invested in.

We call upon environmentalists and leftists to join us under the Socialist Environmental Coalition Front, where we will focus on direct AND lesser forms of direct action under a socialist agenda of abolishing capitalism, private property, and eliminating the capitalist mode of production. Starting Christmas day, we will bring back the older traditions of Christmas, by making it a holiday based off antagonizing the bourgeoisie and effecting their profits. This was common practice in the earlier 1900s in NYC, and I think it can be brought back under a cause of fighting humanity's possible detrimental mass extinction. We need comrades like you to do your work though, and spread this all across the web, make sure people are in on it, so that once we strike, it can be overwhelming enough to bring others in, and to destroy more of the security of capitalists and their profit machines.

The Socialist Environmental Coalition Front will be a movement making sure any forms of capitalism are less accepted in the environmentalist struggle. We allow any forms of socialists, anarchists, and communists alike to join us, since we believe the coalition of left wing powers. We also believe that the environmental struggle AND proletarian class struggle are interconnected. Join us Christmas day, and let it extend past that! Spread your propaganda, your memes, or just these exact words to get this movement out there. We need to establish an environmenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


How man "gifts of defiance" are we going to give them before the capitalist empire is over taken?


Decent post.

Just a few nit picks.
It's now juli and realy hot, what's with the christmas theme ?
Socialists would keep some oil production going for the nafta, which is needed for making plastic.
We can make a proletarian environmentalist movement but then it's got to be accepting of nuclear power, the masses need energy to be cheap not just environmentaly friendly.


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>It's now juli and realy hot, what's with the christmas theme ?


Not my problem. Im glad if summer temperature is over 20c but its not.

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Frente Obrero ("Worker's Front") just got 46.000 votes in the spanish elections

They're so-called patriotic revolutionaries who oppose mass immigration and are against gender ideology, pro-small businesses, pro-rent control and wanna pull out of NATO and EU

I'm thinking based
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>nationalization of key economic sectors
lol just because the party supports old macdonald or the sandwich shop down the road doesn't fucking mean that it's a fascist party. Entirely leagues ahead of the outright collaborationist attitudes of Chinese inspired parties like the KPRF. We need more info on the depths of their support.

Everyone else is so entrenched in culture war shit that you have to make a statement against fags or they will enter your party unopposed. I agree that the anti fag art on their homepage is pretty retarded though. They should keep it classy like CPGB (ML) uyghas.


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Interesting development, if you follow this, pls consider updating this thread from time to time.

Standard Marxist theory considers the chauvinistic reactionary imperial finance bourgeoisie, trying to establish an open bourgeois dictatorship as the source of fascism.


>patriotic (= reactionary faschizos) revolutionaries (= populists)
>pro-small businesses (the core of popular fascist movements, as opposed to elitarian types of fascism)

>Political position: Syncretic

>>the FO is not explicitly communist. Their political ideology is a syncretic combination of left-wing economic positions and usually right-wing social viewpoints (= NazBollz)
>>Factions: Hoxhaism

>they defend Hispanic identity (reactionary idpol, another faschizo point)

>They oppose surrogacy & cosmopolitanism ("me so speshul cuz muh genes daddy reich protect me social lebensraum" ‒ another one)

>It has also been accused of giving credit to the Great Replacement theory

>>Last week, excerpts from a video went viral on social networks in which a well-known personality from the world of the Internet gave a speech that ended up leading to a final conclusion: "The enemy right now is the one who defends open borders and globalism," he emphatically stated
>>On the other hand, just this week we have witnessed a tragic attack by jihadist aspirations against a Catholic church in Algeciras, where a man with a psychiatric history murdered a sacristan while shouting religious fundamentalist slogans. As expected and, despite the unanimous message from the members of the affected church and the Muslim community of the municipality who demanded that the event not be politicized, many people, including this well-known personality, were quick to use the event to stigmatize to the Muslim religion, to people of Arab origin and to the phenomenon of migration in general (bitch literally uses the' fascist principle of collective responsibility!)''
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Are there any radical environmentalist anti capitalist forums, threads, or private chats you know of?


no, i'm not a member of the communist party, officer


Radical as in?
Terrorism is bad pr.


>Terrorism is bad pr.
So is socialism.

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Now that the dust has settled, we can conduct an analysis of this confrontation as a struggle involving various parasitic and degenerating elements of France. Individuals of Arab or African descent with the class interests of benefitting from the exploitation of the third world, left their imperialized nations to become part of the privileged labor aristocracy in the imperial core. They intended to benefit from the welfare state's remarkable social-fascist agreement working on neocolonialism, but now ironically find themselves in an untoward predicament, following the gradual proletarianization of this labor aristocracy due to the imperialist's setbacks across Syria, Mali, etc.
The emergence of this amalgamated fusion of lumpen and downwardly-mobile labor aristocracy has propelled them to the utmost of extremes, with their ambition being the destruction of imperialist France, because they aren't able to reap the promised rewards due to the setbacks rendering this social pact unsustainable. These "lumpen-aristocrats" are determined to dismantle all the institutions emblematic of this state, such as hospitals and police stations, and harbor a desire to harm the despised people of this nation. Therefore, it appears relevant to cite the teachings of Marx:
>The lumpenproletariat, this scum of the decaying elements of all classes, which establishes headquarters in all the big cities, is the worst of all possible allies. It is an absolutely venal, an absolutely brazen crew. If the French workers, in the course of the Revolution, inscribed on the houses: Mort aux voleurs! (Death to the thieves!) and even shot down many, they did it, not out of enthusiasm for property, but because they rightly considered it necessary to hold that band at arm’s length. Every leader of the workers who utilises these gutter-proletarians as guards or supports, proves himself by this action alone a traitor to the movement.

These riots obviously didn't hold any revolutionary character, as opposed to the claims made by the Trotskyite and socdem factions LFI, NPA, etc. However, I do perceive a possible opportunity for an authentic revolutionary movement somewhere down the line. Our paramount task should be to reveal the underlying cause of France's fragmentation. This situation demonstrated the absurd character of cosmopolitanism and imperialism, born out of capitalism, resulting in pervasive disorder within the exploited nations. It is contriPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>The working class in the imperial core has higher wages
Nope the wages in the imperial core are not high, the wages in the periphery are just low.

You can't pretend to be a Marxist or Socialist, and then attempt to manufacture consent for lowering the wages of workers, by saying their wages are high. Socialists never ever argue against the material interests of the workers. Not even indirectly by the way they frame reality.


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reminder that our russkie multipolarist """comrades""" bring up those riots as an example of the west destroying itself with """irresponsible""" immigration policies

reminded me of those nazoid pogroms of the immigrant markets in the 00s
how they said "Russkia is for russkies!" lol

Gods, don't you just LOVE multipolarism kek


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>our russkie
the imaginary Russian 5th column talk is at best paranoia, and at worst anti-democratic attacks against opposing view points.


that are usually leftists that are opposed to imperialism and/or warmongering

>immigration policies

there are 2 groups of people that are opposed to immigration
The first one is people motivated by racism and/or xeno-phobia, that is not a valid motivation, and that has to be criticized. Fanning the flames of racialism is dividing and weakening the working class.

The second one is workers motivated by avoiding an increase in labor-competition from imported labor-power, that is a valid motivation. The working class always has an interest in keeping labor-power a scarce commodity. So in order to make immigration compatible with working class interests, the work-day has to be reduced in order to account for the influx of labor-power and prevent it from harming labor-power-scarcity.

You would be wrong to conflate all these disparate groups as the same. The only thing they might share in common is opposition the status quo in various areas. Unless you are motivated to uphold the status quo, you have little reason to stuff them into the same mental box.

You would also be wrong to attack criticism of the French state for cracking down on it's population, making a criticism is not the same as being a foreign agent. It has to be considered political persecution if opposing political views are attributed to an outside enemy.


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Rent free.
Do you really have to post this reddit-spaced drivel in every thread?


actually good post (op's)


Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are arguing that inflation is mainly caused by rent-seeking capital doing asset inflation. They are doing an economic policy that will cause a recession, and are doing this on purpose, a bad economy will increase unemployment, and that will harm the economic interests of workers.

So are recessions a type of class-war by capitalists against workers ?

If they do this, aren't they screwing them selves too?
In the present by letting China overtake the US economically even faster
And in the future through labor-supply shortages because recessions drive down labor birthrates.

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Price-gouging and monopoly markets are inefficiencies in the capitalist system, not economic drivers. They are the sort of thing that gets corrected during crises. They are certainly not creating inflation.
>From the socialist perspective inflation can be solved simply by switching from money accounting to labor-time accounting.
That would not solve inflation right now, because fiat currency is already fluctuating around the equilibrium of the value of future labor-power. Using Marx's half-formed idea of labor vouchers would address the ancaps' complaint about the Fed printing too many dollars, but that is not the actual problem. The problem is that capital is not growing at the rate that it needs to to sustain itself long-term, and, after 2008, nobody with any control over investment is buying the myth that eternal growth is possible anymore.


Colonialism or sovereignty?
How the global financial system traps countries in debt

<Political economists Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, and Ann Pettifor discuss how the international financial system traps Global South countries in debt, reinforcing a neocolonial order.


For those that would rather read


maybe you should read some actual theory, nazoid? even 19th century writings would be better!

hudson especially is a fucking clown




A nice animation that explains inflation in 3 minutes


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So the EU will require that all battery operated gadgets need to have user-replaceable batteries by 2027. It's kinda sad that these days this is reason to congratulate law-makers for consumer-friendly and eco-friendly rules, since it used to be universal praxis that batteries and other wear-parts were replaceable not that long ago.

However there is another more interesting part about this, this is the beginning of what is called "circular economy" which is a horribly vague marketing name for a push towards aggressive resource recovery from waste-streams.

That means potentially the beginning of the end for the natural monopoly on resources, given the abundance of waste that has accumulated in the last 200 years. Resources might loose their monopoly-rent and prices might begin leaning towards the cost of production (labor + machine capital). Mass resource recovery from recycling will in the beginning be more expensive then mining but it will cap how much monopoly rent can be extracted from resources, and eventually as productivity enhancement from automation start coming through, the monopoly rents should get squeezed out entirely. At least this should be the case in resource-poor places.

I wonder what the wider economic effects will be ?

Is this unwarranted optimism ?


I mean, before I even consider your question… I have questions of my own. Like, how effective, exactly, are our recycling methods now? How do we plan on recovering this stuff?


>recycling methods
>how effective
material recovery rates are pretty decent
Labor productivity is terrible, most recycling methods still involve people picking out bits from a trash-conveyor-belt.
Plenty of recycling methods are atrocious, for example in very poor countries people are made to burn electronic waste to recover metals
Some types of material recycling have fully automated separation processes tho.
There are huge gaping holes in recycling techniques, certain materials have not gotten any love in terms of somebody developing a recovery process.

You can use a high temperature electro plasma torch to heat up material until all molecular bonds dissolve and then separate out elements by molecular weight. Commercial machines that do this exist, but currently only do really small quantities. For industrial scales they need engineering investment to tag-on some thermal recovery systems to become reasonably energy efficient. The plasma recycler is best suited as a last stage in a recycling chain where it catches what previous less intensive recycling stages missed.
A industrial scale plasma recycler would be extremely potent technology that could be modified to extract and concentrate trace radioactive elements that are universally present in all stuff, so it will require nuclear inspections to make sure that it's not being abused for illicit fissionable material enrichment. Pretty much all technology that is sufficiently advanced is going to require this type of inspection, even in high tech botany there are gmo-plants designed for soil decontamination that carry a similar risk, so don't hold this against it.

As an industry the recycling sector is pretty underdeveloped, but that also means there is plenty of low hanging fruit.


One of the biggest issues I've heard is that recycling at best tends to break even in emissions and at worst can actually be less carbon efficient than just using raw material right out of the ground.

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Opinions on the Unabomber and specially his manifesto
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What exactly do you agree with him and what influences did he have on you? Because almost everything from him sounds like worthless ranting from some facebook boomer. I imagine there's better people to hear from if you just like living in the woods or think technology went to far, his hyper individualism and meme understanding of leftism and even fucking hating enviormentalists offers very little.


>What exactly do you agree with him and what influences did he have on you?
NTA, but his contempt towards academia and intellectuals in general.

His dismissal of marxism was not surprising considering all major marxists were academia fags. And he admitted as much.


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anon we have better examples than Mk-ACKzynski


>His dismissal of marxism was not surprising considering all major marxists were academia fags. And he admitted as much.
He targeted STEMcels and I'm not sure how left leaning those types of guys tend to be. In fact maybe he would've have a better and consistent ideology if he wasn't a STEMlord himself. Or if he wasn't MKUltra'd.


One criticism I heard of the Weatherman is that is was a bunch of white trustfund college kids stirring shit which just made the FBI feel more justified in brutalizing people actually trying to get shit done like the Black Panthers.
>Seattle Liberation Front exposed how the FBI would engage in false flags to discredit protest movements and this was one of the first instances where that information came to light in court
That I can respect though

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ITT: We help each other in our dystopian quest to sell our worthiness as a good candidate to be exploited in this hellscape society

Tips, Career Advice what not
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>I am creative director,started as a coypwriter
How'd you start as a copy-writer? I know I could write that bullshit.




>ITT: We help each other in our dystopian quest to sell our worthiness as a good candidate to be exploited in this hellscape society
Is this some kind of reddit-style shill thread to convince people to join the system?


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Does any anons have the sauce for the logo/1st image? think someone posted the archive/link of the possibly deleted youtube channel somewhere
Pls Halp


Not all of us can NEET freely

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I'm thinking Was Lenin the last great Aryan king?

Considering he's buried in a Ziqqurat (stone kurgan)


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He isn't buried, he's just sleeping.


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Take the Aryan pill, anon. The Soviet Union was a Scythian empire.

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I'm a trans girl, who lives in NL, which is generally considered gay friendly country. I'm not a dutch speaker, but everyone here speaks English, especially in IT. And still I can't get any employment. I don't have a BSc degree, but, AFAIK, BSc is not required for machine learning and I get rejected even from McDonalds type jobs. I also have schizotypal disorder. So I have to conclude I'm getting discriminated by employers due to my gender and mental issues. Why there is no affirmative action for trans girls? Black people at least can get employment inside of Black community, but there is no trans ghetto. Further more, I got kicked out of local LGBT spaces, like COC, due to refusing to accept and support children from AMAB life (cuz they make me dysphoric, and it is not my fault I had no puberty blockers and they got born) and threatening ministry of healthy with terrorism to get my HRT meds (NL has aggressive HRT gatekeeping policies). Other trans believe I'm dangerous and give them bad rep, so they refuse to help me getting employed. Yet the fact I have no mean to earn money doesn't get me less dangerous. I'm vegan, but if I can't afford to buy bread, I could relax my diet to include human meat.

What should I do?
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>yea, I'm sure terrorist troons who fail to pay their child support and want to get into machine learning can just stumble upon a board that doesn't even appear as the first result when you google "leftypol"

Maybe they went to both boards. Idk. Maybe they clicked one or two results down. How'd we get here if it's such an exclusive club?
>so the first time a copypasta is written it doesn't count as a copypasta?
Yeah, by definition. The first time it's posted, it's just a post, it's not a copypasta until it starts making the rounds and other people repost it. If you write something original down, the sheet you wrote it on isn't a "copy."

>the way pasta is written it's obvious that transhumanist himself told everyone about his kids "from the past life"

>it's a stereotypical image of a narcissistic radlib who just couldn't shut up about his personal life



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>Maybe they went to both boards. Idk. Maybe they clicked one or two results down.
if you need to add epicycles to your theory to make it work then it's probably wrong

>How'd we get here if it's such an exclusive club?

I got here because I was banned by jannoids. So you can add another epicycle of OP getting banned by the ogre transhumanist-jannies..

>The first time it's posted, it's just a post, it's not a copypasta until it starts making the rounds and other people repost it.

JUST NO. That's absolutely, utterly ridiculous.

copypasta is a feature of the STRUCTURE of text, not of the actual act of copying and pasting

you can write a copypasta that doesn't get copy-pasted EVEN ONCE and it STILL would be a copypasta by the end of the day


>if you need to add epicycles to your theory to make it work then it's probably wrong

I mean, I do stuff like that. Personally, I find it weird that anyone only clicks the first result. That seems like the way a goldfish would use a search engine. Your assumptions about other people's behavior seem bizarre to me, because it makes it sound like finding leftychan.net is some kind of Herculean effort, when it's actually quite easy. Like, "ohhhhh, I'm straining my muscles to click the 4th result on google, ohhhh it's so hard…"
Nukka do you read the things u type?

>JUST NO. That's absolutely, utterly ridiculous.

No it's not, and I told you why. The first time you write something, it isn't a copy. I have only ever heard people use copypasta to refer to actual copypastas. This could be a shitpost, but it's not a copypasta, and I doubt that it ever will be.

>you can write a copypasta that doesn't get copy-pasted EVEN ONCE and it STILL would be a copypasta by the end of the day

No, it would be a failure. Learn the difference.
A copypasta is defined by users' interaction with it, not its structure. There's no utility in saying "copypasta" to refer to an original post nobody ever copies when you can just say it's a shitpost or bait or something. Like, there are words for the thing you're trying to describe, but "copypasta" isn't it.


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>I'm straining my muscles to click the 4th result on google
it's 7th
and nobody looks past the 3rd if it's not something they are purposefully looking for

>The first time you write something, it isn't a copy.

Gods. It's not about if it's a copy. It's about STRUCTURE of the post.

>No, it would be a failure.

It would be a bad copypasta, but copypasta nontheless.

>A copypasta is defined by users' interaction with it, not its structure.


If a post was CONSCIOUSLY, PREMEDITATEDLY structured in a way that is characteristic of a copypasta - it IS a copypasta.
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>I'm a trans girl
lol kill yourself faggot

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