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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Nancy is no longer a trans woman, because evil leftist commies rejected her

Should we be ashamed?
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I don't care for transhumanists that much but everyone I've seen who's vehemently anti-transhumanist is always a rightoid or a "leftoid" who turns out to be racist in some shit and care more about some meaningless corproate pink capitalism than real material issues
I just fucking hate the transhumanist debate, let them cut their dicks off I don't fucking care


Majority of trans people keep their ding dong, I've said this many times before but the anti-transhumanist hate isn't motivated by facts. The majority of suicides are by white men but that still doesn't matter.


>Mental illness is real cause…well it just is OK?!


Explain Francis E. Dec Esq. without schizophrenia.


Maybe he was right

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Twitter always sucked but used to be diverse. Now it's an enormous right-wing circle-jerk

Facebook used to be very vibrant and now it's all just angry memers and old boomers.

Fediverse inherits all the worst features of Twitter, with the added bonus of criminals around you

Third party forums are now led by autistic sociopaths and petty LGBT freaks

Only somewhat decent places are obscure fbi.gov or irc rooms it seems now

if you know any good websites, or fbi.govs, or irc, let everyone know
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twitter sucks so why decentralize it?

it's impersonal and status obsessed


I have no faith in any soc media site, and all imageboards are shit. It's why I'm here of all places.


Tic Tac has a lot of rightoids, and I don't just mean altright memers, I mean redneck boomers too. But I guess that just shows how big it is.
But, look, I support dear Chairman Xi but the NSA looking at my dick and corporations selling my data on Amerioid sites is enough for me




To ctok is no where near as good as it used to be. So much trash sludge content it's insane. Also every faggot with a boilerplate opinion decided to start giving their half informed psuedo-intellectual opinions on everything where as before only people who were really knowledgeable on a subject would step up to the plate. Ftmp

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Turkish drone attack in Tirbespiyê kills three, including co-chair of Qamishlo Canton
Turkey bombed the village of Tal Shair (Til Şeîr) ten kilometres northwest of Tirbespiyê in the canton of Qamishlo and simultaneously attacked a car on the road to Beyandor with a drone earlier today. The drone attack killed the co-chair of the self-government in Qamishlo Canton, Yusra Darwish (Yusra Derwêş), her deputy Lîman Şiwêş and the driver, Firat Tûma. Qamishlo Canton Administration Co-chair Gabi Shamoun (Gabî Şemûn) survived the attack with injuries.

Knesset member threatens to 'blow up' Palestinian, Israeli orphans' summer camp
On Tuesday, Education Minister Yoav Kisch summoned members of Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace to a hearing on its possible removal from the ministry's list of groups authorized for external education programs. … After Milwidsky spoke, Cohen shouted at the Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace organization, accusing them of honoring the memories of Palestinian terrorists. "Kamel Abu Shaheb was commemorated by this organization. Kamel Abu Shaheb is a terrorist convicted of terrorism. Check that name. You don’t care? Then I will come to your summer camp, I’ll blow up your summer camp and shut you down, God willing."

Mexico asks Israel for second time to extradite ex-official accused of torture
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requesting help extraditing Tomas Zeron, head of Mexico's criminal investigation agency between 2014-2016 under the previous administration. Zeron led the heavily criticized investigation into the disappearance of 43 student teachers in southwestern Mexico in 2014 under a government to which Lopez Obrador was opposed. The current Mexican government accuses Zeron Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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why do leftoids always care what some other fags think?


because they r fags


It's not really a concern about alien opinion.

One possible solution to the Fermi-paradox is that aliens investigated earth and concluded that we were too uncivilized and barbaric to establish contact.

The reason for pointing this out is that we might be missing out on getting advanced alien tech. You know because aliens think we'd destroy our self if they gave us their toys.

Invoking the perspective of an external observer is also a rhetorical device to complain about Julian Assange getting shafted for speaking truth to power. Despite official ideology very explicitly stating that journalism has the duty to engage in a adversarial relation to limit the exercise of power.





I want to suck your cock for this sincere autistic bluntness in front of an obtuse dense faggot

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Is homeownership keeping whites from becoming revolutionary. Is white identity politics the real idpol poisoning the left?


Workers pretty much universally want to own a house therefore socialists always advocate for a housing policy that leads to workers owning houses. Socialist countries usually have a very high rate of home ownership, targeting around 90%

Socialists never advocate for a policy that would lead to worse material conditions for workers. If you do you would be considered a class-collaborator.

Identity politics is when you conceptually divide the working class into different identity groups, rather than making a class based analysis, race-identities are one example of that.

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Flowery Branch man facing more than 121 counts of sexual exploitation of children
HALL COUNTY, Ga. - A Flowery Branch man is facing more than 121 counts of sexual exploitation of children after forensic testing was completed on his electronic devices.
The Hall County Sheriff's Office originally arrested 39-year-old Jonathan Malinguaggio in January on child sex abuse charges. At that time, he was accused of sexually abusing a female under the age of 10 between March 18, 2020, and Sept. 13, 2022. Investigators obtained warrants for aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy and incest on Dec. 22, 2022, and Malinguaggio turned himself in on Jan. 3, 2023.
Preliminary forensic testing of his cell phone uncovered 20 separate images of child sexual abuse material and he turned himself in again just before noon June 6 and was held without bond on multiple counts of child pornography possession while forensic testing was completed.
The additional 121 charges were filed June 13, according to the sheriff's office.



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well atleast he was honest


Libertarian momento numero dos

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fuck wvobbly that fucking snake. anti-vol polemic? I'll show you fucking anti-vol polemic you limp-wristed lib


wvobbly is a fag but not as faggy as your shitty rhyme. what the fuck are you on about anyway shithead


Yeah, seriously OP, can you elaborate?
I have no idea what an anti-vol polemic is, is that something Wvobbly said? Is that a term I should know? I don't know what it is.


Like I'm all for you illuminating me on what stupid bullshit is going on on .org now, but just tell me. This isn't .org, you don't have to mince everything you say into twitter size here, you can elaborate and I'll actually read it.

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Mao Zedong is the sun of my heart!
Mao Zedong is the sun of the people!
Mao Zedong is the sun of the proletarian!
Mao Zedong is the Greatest Leader of History!
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I hate AI so much


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From Corbyn to Sanders and all their supporters. Why are "Parliamentary leftists" the biggest utter fucking cucks in human existence who seem to just take knife after knife stabbed into their back, but thank the Neolibs for doing it?
I honestly do not understand it, why don't these people defend themselves? It's honestly fucking insane the stubbornness the Parliamentary left will go to in NOT defending the left and themselves and against the most insulting smears and attacks.
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Titus Vespasianus, do it again!


labour/democrats would rather fund and help elect a right-winger from another party than Sander/Corbyn

So why they choose to run in these parties is bizarre. But they piss off righties for doing so nonetheless. Ton of my righty friends got freaked out Sanders became head of Senate finance. There's a role for both internal and external pressure, but they aint gonna get elected in these parties.


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These are neoliberal power-brokers, they have no politics, they see all parties as nothing more than organizations with a hierarchy. And the higher the position in said hierarchy they can get to, the higher the price they can achieve for selling out.

They don't oppose people like Sanders or Corbyn because they disagree with them, they see these people as threats to their ability to sell out, or as something that could lower their payoff. For those that have a sense of fairness, it doesn't go beyond everybody having the same opportunity to be a shill.

They also think that everybody is motivated by the same selfish goals as they are. And they're just better at it. They might be a type of idiot savants, they are extremely skilled at rising through the ranks, but when they gain a position of power they aren't actually able to do the tasks that these positions require. They rely on somebody bribing them to push this or that agenda and other people to delegate tasks.

They don't process information about the world beyond the relevance for social climbing, that's a major reason why they do self-defeating strategies. For example they do economic policies that cause massive de-industrialization and push social policies that result in rising scientific illiteracy but at the same time they try to build up military power which relies on a big industrial sector and a scientifically literate population.

If you try to explain the material reasons to them why the things they try to do aren't coherent, they get really mad at you because they think you are trying to trick them into doing something that harms their career prospects.


>still believing in politics
Either they get killed or they get corrupted (assuming they weren't power-hungry narcissist psychopaths to begin with).


Yep, in my early political days, did campaigning for Labour and holy shit the narcissitic weirdos you meet.
Pretty much all "young labour", "young Republicans", "young liberal" types are careerist, NPD/Psychopath freaks. You know it from talking to them as well.


the other incel thread got derailed into age of consent shit-flinging, and furthermore i have a larger point so i will make a new thread. overall, i am of the belief that blackpill ideology and the materialist analysis of sex can be reconciled with one another. it is of my opinion that the reason so many incels are traditionalists stems from a fundamental false consciousness that has its origins in the truth of sex not having fully actualized

both black pill thinking and radical feminist thought share a fundamental kernel of truth: that sex based asymmetries are fundamentally grounded on the ownership of particular reproduction organs. other sexually dimorphic traits of the human species which are not primary sexual characteristics still play a role in job market, but as evinced from the fact that we still have unequal representation in jobs that do not require manually intensive labor, it should be clear that their role is far more minimal. there have also been posited psychological differences between men and women, but while they might have some explanatory power, there is a care that should be made, on how substantial these differences really are, which hasn't been had. my problem with this direction is that it uses a continuous distribution of neurodiversity in order to justify a bipartite categorical structure. furthermore, such an explanatory approach is practically inept, as it either suggests that nothing should be done in asymmetrical sexual standards, or an impossible regression in the material conditions of sex (id est, traditionalism). such a regression is, on one side impossible under hegemonic capitalism, and on the other hand, unlikely with current technologies (viz, automation, proliferation of contraception/protection from STIs, mate finding technologies like tinder, etc). this isn't to mention that a social-material regression would be predicated on women turning back on their material interests, which, without copious propaganda is unlikely. not only that, but many men either prefer to have women that are genuine intellectual and economic equals, or are simps who would rather prioritize the rights of women over their own sexual gratification

not only is standard traditionalism insufficient, but so is socialist approaches. the material conditions which produce asymmetries in sexual relations are mostly invariant to economic distribution strategies. we've had patriarchy since agriculture. technology and the reality of diPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Well, I'm not an incel - not that it matters. Once rejected, always rejected. It will always be some bullshit.
If people really want to value this, they're only contributing to the nightmare. I wish I could say it's only their problem, but their problems become my problems because they're trained to go after me or anyone who wants to stay out of their faggotry.
You're not really "incel" unless you're in that hard lumpen class, and in that situation, your life is destroyed for far more than the lack of pussy. It's just a reminder of why the world is a living hell.
But go on. I don't know why you think you're going to win with your likely porn addiction or whatever pity sex you are getting, or why you think this ends well. Fags always revel in the rot.


Seriously, I'm glad I didn't accept being a fag, which is one of the objectives of this rot. That's worse than anything I saw in the incel world, and that's saying a lot. That said, one of the fates for incels was to become a fag or troon out.


Feminism is just liberalism for middle class white women.


SCUM manifesto has done more for both men's rights and women's rights than regular feminism has since it's inception by theory alone.


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>incel/female question
just call em lesbians

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<Xi Bros…. I don't feel so good

Over the past week or so, major protests have been escalating in China due to the Zero COVID policy. Apparently, Chinese visitors to the world cup were astonished that no one outside of China cares about the coof anymore, and shared their thoughts on WeChat, which has exacerbated existed discontent. Now, protestors in China are calling for the removal of Xi and the CCP. Maybe nothing immediate will come of it, but it does indicate that cracks in the social cohesion and unity in China are developing, and this may have longer term ramifications.
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There's 100's of millions of middle class people in the US, Europe and Japan. Also the result of the people's glorious revolution?


>Measuring poverty by porky metrics.
Meanwhile urban poor Chinese are more precarious and live in shittier conditions than they ever did as peasants.


The situation with China internal migrant workers has improved tho.


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chins arnt human but hymen for the west


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