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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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The US federal government and health insurers aren't the main ones charging most citizens extortionate prices for basic life necessities, including healthcare and housing.

Those charging such are simply… those who charge such: specifically banks, pharma companies, average land/homeowners, doctors etc

When you get a bill for a $400 doctor visit where no tests or equipment was used, that's not insurance's fault, that's the doctors fault for charging you $400 for 15 minutes.

That's a near universal practice, and every point of sale actor tries to point the finger at another as the source of extortionate prices. But no one is forcing them to buy expensive malpractice insurance, lavish offices, inflated tech service contracts, unnecessary equipment purchase, and their own lavish lifestyles.

The issue is, any of them could simply… not charge extortionate prices.

Private health insurance is a joke, but they aren't the root issue. The root issue are the doctors, landowners, homeowners, pharmaceutical companies, and other point of sale groups and individuals charging extortionate prices.

I'm not saying this to point to individuals as the issue, but rather the class those who provide or own expensive life necessities. There's a reason early unions mostly disallowed doctors from joining.

Also, on a tangent, most pushing for "universal health insurance" aren't really pushing for insurance, but a free, or near free private health care, paid by the government. Private insurance usually means you pay out the ass in the case of an unlikely event, it's was never meant to be a safety net for routine care.


>Also, on a tangent, most pushing for "universal health insurance" aren't really pushing for insurance, but a free, or near free private health care, paid by the government.
This isn't really accurate - the difference between what the US has now and Medicare-for-All is that the current model is largely a private insurance scheme and the proposed changes involve expanding the one major public insurance sector to cover everyone.

>Private health insurance is a joke, but they aren't the root issue. The root issue are the doctors, landowners, homeowners, pharmaceutical companies, and other point of sale groups and individuals charging extortionate prices.

The difference between the doctors and the insurers is that the doctors do, at least, provide a material service. It's true that the pharma cartels need thwacking, but the insurance cartels are much more difficult to redeem in popular consciousness than doctors because the insurance cartels are as extortionate but largely only serve as middlemen.


Another difference between doctors and insurance is that doctors are the ones charging the extortionate prices for their care because they set their prices

you didn't get my other point, insurance means paying out the ass to cover an unlikely or rare event. the "insurance for all" proposals, aren't really insurance because they propose more or less free care due to the size and frequency of the subsidies


>The issue is, any of them could simply… not charge extortionate prices.
As owners they have the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT of charging you whatever they want and if you don't like it you can go to a competitor g-d bless.

Or so that's the logic that free market zealots use. The reality is that this tendency will create friction (at best) with a big number people until something gives. But I think everybody here knows that.


Doc: ok Bobby your surgery is over, it took about an hour, are you feeling ok?

Bobby: yes.

Doc: That'll be $300,000

Bobby: And the health insurers won't pay for it! Those damn dirty bastards. I hate the insurers so much, they're practically villains.


I think OP is conflating 2 different things.

The CEOs of insurance companies are in the hot-seat because they made it a "business-model" to deny health-care. It's not reasonable to deny health-care to people. The acceptable debate-spectrum is entirely contained in how to provide health-care, not whether to provide health-care.

You're looking a bit like you're trying to deflect attention to get CEOs out of the hotseat.

I don't know enough about health-care to speak intelligently about cost efficiency. But from the point of view of a layperson it seems that this discussion starts with funding for medical research, there seems to be a funding bias towards perpetual treatments rather than one time cures.

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 No.486037[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Police search for gunman after Brian Thompson, 50, killed in Manhattan in ‘brazen targeted attack’

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They're not upset at the CEO dying they're just pointing out that isolated violence like this won't lead to real revolutionary action.


I get it, but you can say that about anything until something happens. People are at least finally feeling that there are others out there that feel the same way as them about their current conditions. And that's a huge leap forward.

You see propaganda aims to make people feel isolated and powerless and is incredibly successful at it. They will manipulate comments on the internet to create a fake consensus and silence any dissent.

The cheers for this guys death have been heard.


Judge presiding over Luigi Mangione case is married to former health care executive.

Damn, it's like they're trying to piss off their citizens.


it's not going to lead anything.

A narcissistic valedictorian bougie has only inspired some middle-class woman to do some stupid death threat over the phone to a random United call worker, got thrown in jail for terrorism, and then cried and said she never really meant it

that was all that happened


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Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
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not homophobic or anything, but there is just something really off putting with liberal/hbtq-utopianism.


>Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Always was.


Because it's basically Glowie shit for Westerners to pretend they are vastly superior people to anyone in the global south and that Western crimes against humanity were not as bad as anyone elses. Hence why for example Soviet "colonization" of Eastern Europe is treated as 100x worse than Western colonization of the Global South, despite Western colonization was actual proper colonization based on race science and basically turned a billion people into slaves with no rights living in abject poverty.
LGBT is the big western white wash of all their actions. Everything is justified because Westerners are just ideologically superior because gays can fuck on a parade boat in front of 5 year olds and Men can go into women's bathrooms and jack off in the stalls next to them.


why are imageboard leftists so obsessed with being anti-woke?


>Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society?
No, most "leftists" hate the working class and believe they need to be "saved".
>They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
And you came to this conclusion how?

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>One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the testimony of Otto Ernst Remer. In a 1997 interview, Remer admitted that he had received Soviet backing during his time in the party. Remer stated that he had met with KGB officials in East Berlin and had received financial and logistical support from the Soviet Union.[13] In addition to Remer's testimony, there are other sources of evidence that support the claim that the Soviet Union supported the SRP. For example, a 1953 KGB memo outlines the agency's efforts to cultivate and support right-wing extremist groups in Germany, including the SRP.

What the hell guys, I thought the USSR was heckin anti-fascist???? What gives???
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Trotsky keeps getting vindicated


Was Trotsky vindicated when he wanted to retain a rump Russian state with him as leader by giving concessions to Nazi Germany?


Did OP forget all of the ideologies Mussolini was inspired by?


anarchism? Syndicalism? Which other brands of liberalism


My brother, St*lin literally made a pact with H*tler and lead a bureaucratic counter revolution.

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>Am I gonna die?
Eventually, yes.

Last time i checked was maybe 3 years ago, i could remember incorrectly or what i'm about to say could be out of date:

H5N1 affects youthful and vital people a lot harsher than old or sickly people. It's not transmitted through the air, only through direct contact (infectiousness is low) and it's rather deadly (virality is high). About half the people who got it died.

That means it's not a particularly good candidate for a pandemic.

If a virus knocks out people who are fit, while it leaves weaker people relatively unaffected, that means it chose the least effective spreader-subjects, Grandma likely isn't going to a big concert where she can infect hundreds of people. Without areal transmission, behavioral counter measures are easy. And by killing off half the people, it cuts off many transmission vectors.

All that said, it could mutate, viruses do that a lot. Then all bets are off. If a mutation causes a "gain of function" that enables transmission through air, civilization could be fucked.

There are standard procedures that should nip this in the butt. People who work in these industries should have good protective gear, which is comfortable enough that it actually gets used. I'm guessing suits with portable cooling units, factory farms tend to be rather warm places. It's probably sufficient to ban raw products, you know cook the eggs, milk, meats and so on before selling it. And have veterinary doctors screen animals before they get transferred to prevent cross contamination. We are getting to a point where prevention has become much more economically viable and hatching viruses is less of a sanitary negligence anymore and it's slowly turning into a kind of bioterrorism.


Yeah the FDC has been tracking the spread of this for a while. Several hundred people in California have been infected. though, the thing is there is currently, or, was, no proof that it was being spread from PERSON to PERSON contact, but, that could be changing and it could be changing just in time for vaccine denialist kook to get in and chair the HHC!!! There is one patient that could have an adapted form of Bird flu that passes person to person now. I mean it's just a matter of time. All it has to do is branch off with certain protiens and it can spread human to human…. It's sad but the only thing you can do is pray he doesn't get approved, but, Elon is running around making demands of the fucking government now. I think this is going to be a disaster if we keep going down the path we are going.



>Keith Poulsen’s jaw dropped when farmers showed him images on their cellphones at the World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin in October. A livestock veterinarian at the University of Wisconsin, Poulsen had seen sick cows before, with their noses dripping and udders slack.

>But the scale of the farmers’ efforts to treat the sick cows stunned him. They showed videos of systems they built to hydrate hundreds of cattle at once. In 14-hour shifts, dairy workers pumped gallons of electrolyte-rich fluids into ailing cows through metal tubes inserted into the esophagus.

>“It was like watching a field hospital on an active battlefront treating hundreds of wounded soldiers,” he said.

>Nearly a year into the first outbreak of the bird flu among cattle, the virus shows no sign of slowing. The U.S. government failed to eliminate the virus on dairy farms when it was confined to a handful of states, by quickly identifying infected cows and taking measures to keep their infections from spreading. Now at least 875 herds across 16 states have tested positive.

>Experts say they have lost faith in the government’s ability to contain the outbreak.

>“We are in a terrible situation and going into a worse situation,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. “I don’t know if the bird flu will become a pandemic, but if it does, we are screwed.”

>To understand how the bird flu got out of hand, KFF Health News interviewed nearly 70 government officials, farmers and farmworkers, and researchers with expertise in virology, pandemics, veterinary medicine, and more.

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Big and little porky screw us again.

The unexplained cases are really worrying. Early on there was the question of whether or not the virus was being killed by pasteurization. Some study came out saying, oh, don't worry, it's all good, but I'm not entirely convinced. Apparently there are a few forms of the process and they might not all be effective at killing the virus. That's to say nothing about raw milk and the morons that drink it.

All we need now is Trump to come in and deport all these infected farm workers to really ignite a disaster.

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 No.480629[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.
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Just a reminder that you're a fucking retard.


>At least I don't cherry pick
You kinda do. You're fixated on this one media story while you ignore the rest of reality that contradicts your argument.

>disingenious to say, or, imply, you have to have a political lobbyu in public view to influence the motives of a government and it's people.

It's kinda unavoidable, any significant influence is going to get noticed.

>spent millions of dollars on media

You are in effect arguing that funding media is election interference. If you applied that as a principle, it likely would have very dramatic consequences. I wonder how the media landscape looked like if media could only get money from small donations from it's audience. Tbh i haven't investigated, so i can't really speak to this.

Regardless, if you are making the accusation that the political processes were interfered with, you kinda have to show what the alleged interference has done ? If this doesn't do anything, why care about this ? unless it's just a pretext for a political which-hunt.

Looking at the effects of the machinations of the Zionist lobby, very dramatic violations of democratic rights have occurred. There's an example for you.


>Of course I'm incredulous. Why would anyone with a skeptical bone in their body or any sort of critical thinking skills be anything but incredulous after eight years of endless lies and manufactured controversies about the Russian boogeyman?
Yeah they cried Russia-gate so many times. And they've made false accusations against anti-war people, almost equating opposing the drive to war with treason. That was the point where i checked out and filed the hole thing under warmongering.


>If you cannot take the time out of your day to read factual information
The mainstream media are sales people who try to sell wars, factual information is incidental.
They invented weapons of mass destruction and infanticide to sell a war in Iraq, they invented chemical attacks in Syria, and at some point they even claimed China was murdering between 1 and 2 million people in extermination camps.

If they say stuff that sounds like another sales-pitch for war, it's not unreasonable to just dismiss it.


>You faggots are literally just Russian spies lmfao
They said that about everybody who predicted that a Nato-Russia proxy war would back-fire.

kek we have a new unit of measurement
0.1 Rogan

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Why is no one talking about HR.4359? The "Crucial communism teaching act" Which is basically a bill that is being pushed to force anti communist teachings in public schools? This is such a disgusting fucking joke. Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
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Not OP but they've switched to state mandated anti-communist propaganda, which is explicit. At least that's how I interpret it.

Let's hope it works out worse than D.A.R.E and the war on drugs.


While this is surely an escalation, we have to realize that teaching can only ever go so far in informing people. The problem is that schools are a dependent institution funded by the government. And the moment you start giving students ideas that the system might not be the best possible system we can come up with is when you run into vested interests prepared to pull your funding. In Marxist terms they are a "subsumed class process". Leftists honestly need to do a better job communicating the class character of schools.


You can't actually use ideology to trick people that way. People who live in a broken system, know it, propaganda can't out-compete lived reality.

The goal of this shit, is to get everybody to pretend the system works.



Schooling has always been anti-worldly. Teachers have always pathologised students who express non-liberal opinions, use new tech, or adopt new slang.
Or homemade academic methods of solving math problems.
Teachers like to talk about how they love teaching and want students to learn critical thinking but they get offended when kids do t conform to the presumed role of wide eyed innocence.


>Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
We're heading rapidly into an era of outright dictatorship in the US. It's the long-term result/goal of the neoliberal project: remove functions of state from any semblance of democratic control through privatization and deregulation, and then use those privatized functions to do things which the government would come under fire for if it did directly, all while increasing control over national wealth and increasing capture over the political state itself.
It doesn't matter that the US really has no major united socialist movement to speak of. America's rentier capitalist elites know that a crisis is coming and are acting preemptively to protect their control over wealth and power. Meanwhile, workers are not acting and organizing quickly enough.

This year, we are going to see the next major recession… it will most likely begin within the next 6 months. This will be before or after the start of WWIII with a major war on Iran. Trump might be a dotard, but he is still intended as the "bad cop" of the American oligarchic state, although it's possible that he dies and they replace him with Thiel's Vance. What we're looking at is so much worse than most people comprehend, and they've been working on this shit since the '80s, and working even harder since the '00s. This insane red scare shit is the tip of the fucking iceberg.

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Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?
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É verdade camarada anão.


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Looks like the diamond billionaire caved and complied with Brazilian demands to ban accounts the government doesn't like.


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Y'all should get into Brazilian Maoismo

Procurem estudar o Maoismo



Just two short articles for fellow Brazilians to remember who Lula really is as our country continues to get raped by Bankers with the unconditional support by our Father of The Poor (trademark)



Lula é um comunista lixoso. Deu dinheiro para Maduro, Irã, puxa o saco da Russia. Apoia o ativismo juridico do stf e do cabeça de rola, so sabe cobrar imposto e aumentar burocracia, indicou advogado ao stf. Sem falar que ele É o protagonista dos dois MAIORES escandalos de corrupção da historia do pais e so esta solto porque tem amigos no STF que o soltaram. Petistas, pau no cu de vcs

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Aerial evidence follows months of President Nicolás Maduro ramping up claim to Essequibo region

Venezuela is expanding military bases near its border with Guyana and deploying forces to the jungle frontier as President Nicolás Maduro ramps up his threats to annex the country’s oil-rich neighbour, satellite images have revealed.

Maduro pledged at mediation talks in December not to take military action against his neighbour but images shared by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington today suggest a buildup of forces.

Christopher Hernandez-Roy, deputy director of CSIS’s Americas programme, said: “The same day that the Venezuelan foreign minister is meeting with Guyanese diplomats, the Venezuelan military is conducting tank drills just a stone’s throw from Guyana. All of this tells us Maduro is pursuing a duplicitous policy.”

Venezuela has long laid claim to the resource-rich Essequibo region, which makes up two-thirds of Guyana, but Maduro has ramped up the country’s claim to the disputed territory in recent months.

After months of campaigning, the country held a vote in December in which Maduro said the Venezuelan people backed the country to take the vast swathe of jungle by force.

The aerial shots show that while Venezuelan diplomats subsequently met their Guyanese counterparts to calm simmering regional tensions, the Venezuelan military sent tanks and missile-equipped patrol boats to the border.

“This escalatory behavior on the part of Venezuela creates opportunities for miscalculation and loss of control over events on the ground,” CSIS warns in its report on the escalating dispute.
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An interesting observation. I wonder if anyone's thought of that.


fuck the socdem backstabber maduro, suppressing the PCV, making deals with the great satan and dengist china, and ignoring the awful conditions of the venezuelan worker. but he'll waste time and money on a useless war just to distract from his betrayals.


>America could use this as a excuse to deploy troops.
>I wonder if anyone's thought of that.
Maybe that's the point.

Venezuela can't conquer Essequibo if the US deploys its military. But the US will have forces tied up in a stalemate and the ExonMobile project in Essequibo would likely become indefinitely postponed. With the Exon Mobile project stalled, US reliance on Venezuelan oil production will continue, and Venezuela keeps it's negotiation lever to keep sanctions at bay.


According to Redstream on Twitter, "Is the US preparing for war with Venezuela? Caracas says that US Southern Command is carrying out joint military exercises in neighboring Guayana."



More on that


Seriously wtf
Is Macron dictator for life now? What's happening? What's going on?
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>I feel like we might actually be at a turning point with this stuff. The pro-Palestine/anti-genocide movement in the US has comparable stuff going on, where the so-called "centrists" keep rejecting absolutely every generous concession and compromise from the people they characterize as "radicals," who actually represent an ever-growing portion of popular consensus.
What i found noteworthy was how surprised and befuddled the ruling classes were when they got so much shit for supporting a genocide. They appear to have mentally disconnected from the population. That's probably why they're rejecting every compromise that's offered to them.

Their blunt imperial smash strategies don't work either anymore, and they don't appear to be accepting that either.


France just ousted their prime minister.


>Macron dictator for life now


Which one ?



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