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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Hello leftists. I'm a dilettante when it comes to political theory, so I'd really like your help.

What is the projected end stage of capitalism? It feels like, long-term, Capitalism is just a highly efficient way of extracting all resources on planet earth and distributing them into the hands of an increasingly small elite, but unlike other economic systems, there is no equilibrium under Capitalism. All Capitalist countries work in tandem by pursuing infinite growth, but what happens when we run out of growth avenues? This seems way too complex to speculate about alone, so I ask you for help and reading if possible!
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First of all, capitalism isn't a "system", but a situation. No one was an "ideological capitalist" until the rise of the fascists. The reactionary elitists and idiot screamers embraced ideology, but their ideology suggested not "maximum capitalism" but oligarchy and slavery. That is the result of the German ideology, Nazism, the Austrian School, and so on. There were political elitists who did see the future as liberal and progressive, who believed themselves to be a new aristocracy, which makes diagnosing what this was difficult given the amount of lying involved.

The trajectory of capitalism as a situation is literally what Capital was intended for, and it was expected that this understanding would be expanded on by future writers. The questions Marx asks are not particular to him, so there are liberals and socialists and proto-fascists / elitists asking the same question. The Fascists themselves are directly responding to Marx, and to the situation they saw. It became the consensus of those who opposed the democratic movement that fascism was the only future society that would protect a political elite, and so that is by the admission of those who rule what they really want. They want to Nazify the world, and keep telling us the Germanic system is the only possible system, since the Germans dominated world fascism and cleared out every other type. In the main, fascism is the political system of eugenics.

This isn't the position of the "left", but the position history has shown us, and by the start of the 21st century, eugenics was all that remained. Ideology is for the slaves. Eugenics in the end supplants capitalism as the dominant situation. Rather than the capitalist's lordship being through command of money or financial institutions, eugenic society is dominated by command and control of people in a form of slavery more abject than any yet known. If you were to suggest a teleological view of history, human civilization appears to the present ruling ideas as nothing more than a progression of slavery to ever-worse forms. Chattel slavery gives way to serfdom, which gives way to the scientific slavery of the 18th and 19th centuries and imperialism, which gives way to corporate rule and the early efforts of the eugenists, which gives way to the national security states that could command all life from cradle to grave, which gives way to the eugenism which is currently seizing the world. There was never once, in the ruling ideas, a suggPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



Can you elaborate on the last paragraph?
This is a really interesting post.


There hasn't been any new current in "left" political thought that is genuine in a long time. It is so bad that the positions of the far right are sold as "leftist". It's why the "new left" is ecologist and lies so profusely to the masses. They've gone over to fascism, and were the most eager to roll into what is happening after 2020. The actual left has been disintegrated, lacks any worthwhile leaders, and mumbles weakly about their future in some small forum or cloistered location. Anyone who was of the older left got out of the US or accepted that it's a lost cause - so many became expats wherever they could flee. There is nothing left in this country and they knew it would be a wasteland. A lot of them want it to be this way, and got into the European ideological sickness. They hate Americans more than anything in the world, and increasingly they just hate the people. That was always something latent in leftism, honest or the "new left" posture. Long ago the left abandoned the people and chose the institutions - the same institutions most of us see correctly as the source of the problem. When left, right, and center align with the institutions and against our actual existence, there is nowhere to go - and their goal is to make a world that is completely unliveable. When done, the Hegelian view of history can operate in "lab conditions" - all inadmissible ideas have finally been swept away, leaving only "historical progress" to lead to the inevitable outcome. That outcome, predicted long in advance, was despotism.


Basically, if anything is going to be different, it would start from entirely new foundations. The left/right distinction referred to a historical divide in the republics rather than a universal position, and the fascists monopolized the "third way" to eliminate all potential worlds that could have been different.


In communism, there would be left and right tendencies inherited from the same struggle, but those concepts meant different things in the socialist society, as socialism was premised on very different settlements. In the main, the left communists desired the same social reform that left liberalism implied, and the right communists were the advocates of the retreat to the institutions and abandonment of the people. The history of the early USSR and the Stalin period is fascinating if you dig into it, but the revisionist history is that Stalin was le dictator who waved his mighty hand to move the world, which is absurd and something the actual "Stalinists" vehemently denied, with facts backing them up.

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Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin listed in Russian plane crash with no survivors

MOSCOW, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Russia's most powerful mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin was on board a plane which crashed on Wednesday evening north of Moscow with no survivors, the Russian authorities said, two months to the day after he led an abortive mutiny against the army top brass.

There was no official comment from the Kremlin or the Defence Ministry on the fate of Prigozhin, head of the Wagner mercenary group and a self-declared enemy of the army's leadership over what he argued was its incompetent prosecution of Russia's war in Ukraine.

A Telegram channel linked to Wagner, Grey Zone, pronounced him dead, however, and hailed him as a hero and a patriot who it said had died at the hands of unidentified people it called "traitors to Russia."

A Reuters reporter at the crash site at first light on Thursday morning saw men stretchering black body bags. Part of the plane's tail and other fragments lay on the ground near a wooded area where forensic investigators had erected a tent. Mourners left flowers and lit candles near Wagner's offices in St Petersburg early on Thursday.

Amid fevered speculation and an absence of verifiable facts, some of his supporters have pointed the finger of blame at the Russian state, others at Ukraine which was due to mark its Independence Day on Thursday.

Whoever or whatever was behind the crash, his death would rid Putin of someone who had mounted the most serious challenge to the Russian leader's authority since he came to power in 1999.

Others who have opposed President Vladimir Putin or his interests have also died under unclear circumstances or come close to death, including outspoken political leaders and journalists. The Kremlin has always denied any state involvement in such incidents.
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Besides a Kremlin-hit, there are other possible explanations.

They could have put burned corpses on the plane, and parachuted out just before it crashed, to fake their deaths and disappear. This isn't the first time Prigozhin was said to have died in a plane crash afterall.

It could have been a US assassination because they think Wagner might fight in Africa.

Prigozhin could have had other enemies too.

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The media seem to be pushing this story HARD for whatever reason, and it's all normies are talking about right now.

So is this an elaborate distraction from other ongoing events? Or is it morbid fascination fuelling the interest?

Predictions? Thoughts? Anal ysis?
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personally gotta say i like to imagine they all suffocated to death especially since the news makes a habit of stating blatant lies and at best half truths as undisputed fact with usually each story tied with a pretty bow all backed up by buncha quacks and shysters


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It's marketing for the remake of Critical Depth. Get Hype.


Wow This brought back memories


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I see memes and arguments about "China is communist!" "China is capitalist!" blah blah but what's going underneath the memes? How is the economy run day-to-day?

There seems to be a lot of free-market activity. There is a stock exchange. There is obviously wage labour.

Are major sectors nationalised? Is it illegal to set up private enterprises in some sectors (e.g. trains, telecommunications)?

Comradely thanks
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Xi Jinping has moved China's economy to the left so far. That's a pretty good sign.
We kinda have to see how well they deal with the US shenanigans like their attempts at starting a war in Taiwan.

I think the US attempts at toppling the chinese state won't go beyond 2030, and after that the Chinese socialist project has a reasonable chance at succeeding.

Also after the US empire is concluded the age of empire will come to an end. Not China nor any other power will play hegemon. The material conditions no longer allow for anybody to bootstrap a new empire.


>Those properties are UNPROFITABLE, and they are on the balance of the state municipalities.
Real estate hedge-funds aren't after profits they want rent.
The more real estate goes from large hedge-funds to the public-sector or individual people, the lower that parasitic drain. This is a W.


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Xi Jinping and His Republican Party-Style Contempt for Socialism
>The difference between the rule of capitalism-committed Communists and the rule of capitalism-committed capitalists is approximately zero. Even their maxims are the same.
>In a speech two years ago, the Chinese leader [Xi] said: “Even in the future, when we have reached a higher level of development and are equipped with more substantial financial resources, we still must not aim too high or go overboard with social security, and steer clear of the idleness-breeding trap of welfarism.”




here's the embed

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Why are rightoids so bent out of shape about this guy? As far as capitalists go, he doesn't seem so bad, especially considering his left leaning social views.
>Inb4 who dat?
Get with the program. it's Larry Fink, head of Black Rock, pioneers of socially responsible investing and the largest asset management company in the US today.
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>Muh pop culture Netflix reference
Psyoped opinion discarded


The right gets bent out over shit like this because they are to stupid to understand systemic issues.


they are to stupid


You think they'd be less "bent out of shape" if they understood it ?
I doubt it. I read a bunch of Marxist theory and roughly understand how monopoly capital formation and financialisation works, but i still find it infuriating. The anger won't go away until the broken shit gets fixed. There is only some alleviation from understanding it.

But maybe you're not entirely wrong, at least part of the right thinks that capitalism is exclusively small and medium sized enterprises competing in a utopian market where no capitalist ever manages to corner the market, and nobody can extract monopoly rent or super-profits. And when actually existing capitalism is corporate hell standing on your neck, it generates anger from broken expectations.

Maybe we should invent a new economic ideology that argues for automatic caps on the maximum size of companies and limits on capital accumulation. The chances of this type of utopian capitalism working in praxis are not great. But at least that could work as a entry point to structural thinking.


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>Maybe we should invent a new economic ideology that argues for automatic caps on the maximum size of companies and limits on capital accumulation.

If you're willing to compromise, just do Georgism.

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It is illegal to reject your state mafia protection by denouncing its citizenship that was brought upon you without your consent.

You can't even free yourself from a forced patronage of @ least one UN-approved government. This whole world is a marketplace made out of concentration camp administrations of different flavors which control their designated territories.
So much for the absolute freedom & total democracy!
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>the important part that there were regional differences

the differences in time are far more significant than regional differences


not an argument (also take meds)


>My imaginary version of feudalism had some upsides
Actually existing feudalism worked like this:
90% of the population had to do subsistence farming, which meant they lived short, brutal and austere lives. The nobility, the aristocrats, the barons,… and the theocracy, stole most of the food they farmed. People got subjected to physical torture, psychological terror and arbitrary punishment. Also feudalism regularly had severe famines where significant numbers of the population starved to death. People were kept artificially ignorant because even basic literacy training was suppressed. Religion was mandatory, and if you didn't believe their fantasy, they tried to stone or burn you to death.

The only thing about feudalism that didn't completely suck was that during agricultural off-season, people had a lot more free time.


and now you just do heroin instead of all of this


Yes you are correct, people are still being subjected to degrading conditions.
However the drug mafia can be defeated too.

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It's hilarious that so many leftists honestly believe their credibility somehow remains intact after they fell for and perpetuated the flu psyop.

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It is obvious that the fascists just went underground like the rats they are to rebuild power and start the psychological war to end all psychological wars. There is a global fascist conspiracy including Russia, the Republican party, billionares and C.E.Os including Elon Musk, and most likely other bad actors to overthrow democracy worldwide and establish a global fascist alliance to make sure that the entire planet is enslaved forever.

The psychological war has largely been focused on the U.S. and has involved psychologically grooming and condition American conservatives into becoming completely deranged genocidal cultists, while conditioning everyone else to tolerate them. The game plan was for Russia to establish an Eastern front in Europe while the Republicans work to overthrow U.S. democracy, purge the country of non-cultists, and then join the war to attack Europe from the West. If the U.S. falls, so does Europe, and if Europe falls, so does the world.

The question is now: how do we stop them and expose the conspiracy?
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Dugin is based


💎 all I drive are German cars and my lone suit is a Hugo Boss


>wwii never ended
>because trotsky said so!
kill yourself


USSR elites made new trade deals with IG Farben in the 50s. No surprise tho, summa their golden kids turned up @ evening parties in a full SS uniform, as noted by @ least one of the nomenclatura girls who participated in them.

fix your bot, fag.


>USSR made trade deals with IG Farben in the 50s
So they bought means of production for the chemical industry, if that was cheaper than industrial espionage, there's nothing particularly wrong with it.

>Somebody from the USSR wore an SS uniform shortly after WW2

Would've been suicidal. I'm guessing that's made up.

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Do you consider yourself to be pragmatic with your politics anon?
Or do you feel that making any ideological concessions is a betrayal of your values and beliefs?

I think it's interesting when groups with diametrically opposed outlooks and ideals work together for what they both perceive to be the 'greater good'. Pic related, and feel free to post more interesting examples of this occuring.
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Being right about everything all the time is the sole reason I even came to le ftard theories, along with finding reasons for the authoritarization of bols' governing so I could dunk on anarkitties too.
all of it is old outdated shit & got increasingly boring tho. gunna leave it all soon & move on


I have a public opinion-private opinion distinction as part of my worldview. Most of my private opinions remain close to heart, but a few close friends know how I am in my personal life.

However, I sometimes share the same public and private opinion. For example, my public opinion on leftypol mods is they’re all gay faggots. My private opinion on leftypol mods is they’re all gay faggots.


Honestly, instead of just throwing your hands up and reverting to your natural state drinking IPAs and eating hipster pizza at Telegraph Hill in SF, which I’m not saying isn’t a vibe, it’s just expensive and kinda gay also I definitely wasn’t eating delicious hipster pizza in that area recently or anything, just pick up on full contrarianism for fun. Be a Trotskyist on here or leftypol, tell other communists that China, Russia and Iran aren’t on their side this is actually true, etc. Debating is dumb and pointless, just mog other anons and make ogre jannies more paranoid and unhinged.



it's wrong to think mathematically about it. As in something being true or false but to envision it as a hierarchy of truth. For example, all left ideologies being a gradient of the 'truth'.


>Least ideological leftist


Here is a pop-sci video about Black holes that speculates about the possibility to remove the black-hole event-horizon and grant us an opportunity to study the singularity at the center of a black-hole. But for some reason they give the impression that this would unlock forbidden knowledge that unravels reality. It will take us many thousands of years until we'll be able to fuck around with black-holes, so even if there was a danger that warning will have faded away.

There seems to be an ideological sub-current that seeks to limit the bounds of scientific exploration. I'd like to understand where this is coming from.

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Technology could probably solve almost all of our problems, eventually. If we made technology for solving problems rather than technology for profit, that is.


nah, I don't buy it

too many technoutopist boys crying wolfs tbh

I still remember some retarded Heinlein book about a dude waking up from cryosleep in 2000 where everyone has flying cars and personal robots.


Every modern problem is the result of trying to solve an earlier problem


>If we made technology for solving problems
Their hidden point is that the system which led us to this ongoing ecological disaster is okay, we just need to invest into new tech-shit & after that we could continue to cumsoom @ the same rate we always did & maybe, hopefully, even more so.


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It's techno-utopist to think that capitalism will use technology to create a better world. But it's un-realistic techno-doommerism to think that tech can't be used in that way in a different economic system.

>Every modern problem is the result of trying to solve an earlier problem
Wrong, many problems aren't the result of previous problem-solving attempts. Also it's not a bad thing to stack technology, because it's very possible to work out all the bugs eventually.

>Their hidden point is that the system which led us to this ongoing ecological disaster is okay, we just need to invest into new tech-shit & after that we could continue to cumsoom @ the same rate we always did & maybe, hopefully, even more so.
You are disseminating green austerity propaganda, which is even worse ruling ideology. The hidden point in your statement is that you shill to cut consumption for the masses in order to preserve the current system in a way that it allows the ruling class to continue their consumption.

If you talk about reducing consumption, you have to focus on reducing the consumption of the super-rich to the level of what proles get first. If you are not putting that front and center you're just a hypocrite that shills for the ruling class interests. You aren't advocating for protecting the environment, you are advocating to destroy the environment on behalf of the super-rich instead of the masses.

If we ended the class system, we could build technology that benefits primarily the masses, and we could make it compatible with the biosphere too. It would eventually become possible to increase the consumption for the masses.

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