I see the ops are rolling everything into fascism and eugenics harder now. A lot of ground is being laid, and assholes like this are part of that - or hangers on who think they're totally going to be chosen, and aren't just fags.
Nearly everything in OP is flagrantly and proudly wrong and recapitulates its wrongness violently. Like, basic things about what a "society" is are replaced with this faggot ideology. I'm not even going to go there directly because it's a waste of time to respond to his stupidity. That this works shows just how pointless "leftypol" is, how utterly incompetent and feckless the people ehre have been.
All of this comes of course from a failure to regard the centrality of eugenics to everything that has happened - because for many a socialist, that IS "socialism", and they repudiated anything that would have been functional in favor of this institutional coup. It happens too often to be an accident, and it is done by various means, on various fronts, to ensure that the people never have a single thing ever again. OP screams pure faggotry and eugenic creed, and the people here still insist I'm the bad guy for saying what eugenics is, and why this keeps happening. Rather than reactively respond, I'll just write something about equality.
Political equality as you all likely know is a fiction. In politics, two agents are never equal in standing or interests, and never can be made into one. Every marriage, unhappy or relatively happy as far as these things can go, demonstrates that every day. Social inequality of the sort that is relevant - the sort where internal barriers are erected for no other reason than to make sure the "correct" people "naturally" win - was the argument of the socialists in the main, rather than political inequality which would never be resolved. I sbould remind everyone that the narrative that any of the liberal revolutions were about equality in any sense was a dread of the conservative order, rather than anything the OG liberals actually believed or said. The liberals saw themselves correctly as an emerging aristocracy with levers of control based on their technological knowledge, the development of science and industry, and an increased reliance on courtiers and specialists that early modern states favored. In France, this plays out as a battle between the sword and robe nobility, with the commoners siding with the latter (often because the robe nobility were those who bought their way
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