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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Keep your diarrhea in your containment thread, narcissist.


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This person Eugene posted the same thread over at Org siberia. Are we really gonna let that slide?


Previous Eugene-lit thread has been archived at >>>/leftypol_archive/22975


advertising your site is fucking cringe brah.
sage this bullshit


Moved to >>>/edu/7537 after vote. Please do not recreate threads while previous iterations are still active

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>Edward Said
>Frantz Fanon
>Michel Foucault
The fathers of Soycialism who ruined leftism in the west. there collective faggotry spearing to generations of leftists.
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tbh, most politics, regardless of left or right, is just ivory tower divas.


What's so bad about Said, exactly?


He was an Arab Christian who lived his entire life in the West and was deeply insecure about the fact that he couldn't connect with his own heritage. So, he blamed white people. But that doesn't change the reality that all those hated white orientalists were more respected by native Arabs than him. Edward William Lane, arch-orientalist though he may be, is vastly more important for the study of Arabic and all history involving Arabic because of his indispensable dictionary of Classical Arabic


I would also point you towards Bernard Lewis's critique. Lewis was a major target of the original book and I think that it is fair to say he and Said were nemeses.

The essential point that Lewis makes is that Said cherry picks authors to make the rise of Orientalism seem to coincide with colonialism in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century except that the authors he cites are arbitrarily only from Britain and France and ignores, explicitly, the scholars in very similar lines of thought from places that did not colonize the Middle East (again, Said largely ignores the rest of the East). He also ignores early research into the Orient. Seventeenth century scholarship is rather plentiful about the East at a time when no Western power had any aspiration or ability to conquer the Middle East.
Said attempts to tie intellectual developments to imperialism through a number of dishonest and dubious means. It is worth reading the article in its entirety if you have time.


said and fanon should not be lumped in with those french pedophiles

most people who quote said and fanon are shitty radlibs but guess what, so are most people who quote marx and lenin. their job is to shit up good theorists by selectively quoting them out of context in favor of liberalism.

 No.481737[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Sunak came out and declared they're on for July 4th. Corbyn's now running as an independent. Andrew Feinstein is running against Starmer, and maybe he'll knock him out of his seat - who knows?

Are you excited, /leftypol/?
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>that's the economic system socialists try to build
No it's not. Under socialism the product of my labor doesn't belong to me it belongs to Bob because Bob "needs" it more than me. It's a good deal if you're Bob which is why socialism only attracts losers who want to leech from others.

>but it's not like that now

It's not like that now because of taxes. If you are self employed then all the product of your labor belongs to you except what the state steals.

>you mean like the bail-outs for wallstreet

Yes. Free stuff at the top to keep the rich rich and free stuff at the bottom to keep the plebs voting and the middle class has to pay for it all. It's not your ideal version of socialism but it is a type of socialism.

>Those were capitalists not socialists

Nope. The government is the one giving the bailouts and when the government does stuff that's socialism. In a free market when banks go broke they go broke and if the CEOs owes money to the people then we throw they/them out of a helicopter.

>Can't have a working theory of economics without that

You are deliberately evading the question
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>See picrel.
I distinctly remember Blair abolishing hereditary peers, stuffing the house of lords with his own people and gratuitously banning fox hunting just to wind up the Tories but sure everyone you don't like is a secret Tory.

>Corporate deregulation

You're saying there are fewer regulations now than 40 years ago? Calling a big old bullshit on that one. The point of regulations is for corporations to use the government to screw over competitors so of course they are only going to pile up.


<refuse to work
<cry when jobs move overseas
Also this has nothing to do with government policy.

>union busting

Unions are the ones who destroyed your economy in the first place but ok.
Unions only exist because the government protects them anyway.
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Work in a primitive society, like ancient hunter gatherers, work is directly social, all the work is for survival. In a more complex society that has better tools, not all of the work goes into survival, that is what becomes surplus. In capitalism this surplus is mostly captured by capitalists as profits. The state also gets some of the surplus via taxes or state-run enterprises. A big chunk of the surplus that the states gets flows to capitalists, like with wall-street bailouts and arms spending. Only a small part is going into public well-fare. And keep in mind that most well-fare recipients only need it because capitalism denies employment to a section of society, because they want to have a reserve army of labor on stand-by. So try not to be a worm that kicks down.

You're right that socialism isn't 100% efficient either, it'll have overhead as well, but you'll get a much bigger part of your surplus back than in capitalism. Btw socialism isn't synonymous with when the government does stuff

The relations in capitalism aren't really voluntary because You can't choose another economic system.

Given how much damage the financial crash caused, you're idea with aviation based disciplinary measures, is understandable. However I would like an economic system where the accounting and transactions system is stable and doesn't operate like a casino.

Nazis used gas as a weapon of mass destruction in the extermination camps. They didn't use it on the battle field against advanced military because it was obsolete. That is not a display of morality it's just basic grasp of military tactics. The use of chemical weapons in later wars was just stupid, it doesn't prove effectiveness.

The Soviets failed to ensure food security and that led to starvation, the narrative that it was done on purpose, was propaganda by the Nazis that was later re-used in the cold-war. It's wrong please stop repeating this.

Some of Mao's polices were indeed retarded and backfired catastrophically, however China did industrialize under Mao. Live expectancy doubled. And yes most of China's early woes can be attributed to the decade of colonial subjugation, the Communists inherited a huge mess. China's introduction of market elements into it's economy are indeed responsible for a chunk of China's economic rise. However you also Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


<refuse to pay decent wages
<cry when the low wage periphery uses the outsourced industrial power to dismantles your empire

>The only reason a government would burn votes like this is because they are broke

They're broke because they blew it on pointless militaristic schemes.


LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Bolivia’s President Luis Arce warned Wednesday that an “irregular” deployment of troops was taking place in the Bolivian capital, raising concerns that a potential coup was underway.

He called for “democracy to be respected” on a message on his X account came as Bolivian television showed two tanks and a number of military in front of the government palace.

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales, also in a message on X, denounced the movement of the military in the Murillo square outside the palace, calling it a coup “in the making.”


vid unrelated



And how come a government/president doesn't have control over its military?


Might just be a flash in the pan. Telesur says it's already "neutralized"


Pro-coup troops chased out by protestors.


Yeah the hole thing was basically a reminder to the MAS coalition that they have a common enemy.


Interesting TrueAnon episode on the coup attempt.

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So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.
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If someone says "Eugene, you're an American hypocrite" - I don't profit from any further enclosure of Indian land, and what was done was done. America has a lot of questions to ask itself if it is to be a "thing" in the future. But, those questions won't be asked. Eugenics won. This is the world eugenics creates. So, I think only about that, and I will work with anyone who will kill eugenist filth.


Amazing read Eugene, after you finish your work here, I would like you to reconsider seeking a Phd or Masters at Cambridge.


Also publish on demand is a thing, I would very much like to read your work in hard copy.

If you need help typesetting, which tbh fam I reckon you could do yourself; We can help.


I know how to format it to look "professional" or something close to it. Just a matter of obtaining materials to make the hard copy.
I have most of Book 3 finished but want to edit it for clarity, to make it clearer what I'm referring to. It looks like "rant at highest volume", which it will be since Books 4 and 5 tone down the "doom is nigh". It comes off as doomer because I'm writing about concepts which are basically trans-historical - that is, what it means to speak of the concept of the political and economic, which are rather grody if they are distilled to their essential characteristics, how we speak of them. I really need to make the point that you won't find answers to the political within the political itself, especially formulations of it written by aristocracy - written traditionally by religion and for the purposes religion serves. Religion itself gives some of the answers of where to look, since no religion is a "total system" in that sense, and I'm opposed to "total systems" as an explanation of anything useful for us. The only total system that is relevant for me is the world itself, and even there, the world is not a "system" in that sense.

I have a supplemental I was writing but it needs to be edited, since I want to avoid "rant mode" and clarify what I wrote in the first book about the concept of systems, and how this concept could be worked with in the future. My main goal there is to demonstrate how a systems thought could be reconstructed from simple components, rather than reliant on pedagogy to assert a fixed system in minds that aren't able to defend themselves against it. My more long-term hope would be to write something accessible to a young reader, so they can do something to guard against the poison of education and we might have far less of this toxicity. I believe this will happen without me doing anything out of necessity, but the fear is very strong now and there is something very real to fear. If there is nothing but "the system" that we're getting - if what they did to us in the 1990s is allowed to continue but worse when the brats around me are the elders - it will be terrible to live through that. That whole thing was set up so that the favored would have their private and special education and everyone else will get nothing but "retard! retard!" shouted at them from cradle to grave. Since it's not Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.
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I assure you I suffer no mental , nor psychological disorders . But you on the other hand might be . Hating your own skin , your own kind , your own tribe just because they made fun of your head containing 2 brains mass . Such a pity . I'm at least non less , in constant becoming into what the cosmos will be . While no futur for you or the likes of you have anything to partake in . I was actually looking for a clue about this and I found it . So humble yourself and come close or whatever dude . This comment is for the writer of that first text. Not for any newbies here .


I don't mean offense 😅 anyway . I'm your fan your work throughout the history is fascinating. If anything is happening in reality it always has it's causal reasons so anyway life is life and it is what it is . Please do accept my friendship invitation on telegram . Xoxo . If I'm redpilled schizophrenic it'd be fun talking to me 😉


Another day another conspiracy theorist gone completely mad . How the fuck you can control 8 billions of breeding people like how do you control each individual's choices and thoughts


silence those people who keep speaking about "diversity is beautiful", "inner beauty!", and "non-whites are beautiful too!". we will do the breeding program after a red victory, then we can do the program without much of a hurdle. because in truth, actual victory is achieved when we can steamroll those delusional "diversity"-people.


You need a cute brown girl (or boy idc) to blow your pent-up load into. Doctor's orders to cure your eugenicist brain-rot.

 No.481432[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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China is now getting involved, they brokered a reconciliation between fatah an hamas. Something along the lines of uniting all the Palestinians as a prelude to establishing Palestinian-statehood.

They managed to get the Iranians and the Saudis to bury the war-hatchet. Given how deep that conflict went, they must have used especially potent diplomacy to make that happen. With that in mind I'm wondering whether this is a sign that shit will get done now, or whether this is just more declarative non-happenings.









New thread: >>483169

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I have 2 questions.

Why is it that as different political parties become more similar in terms of policy, the greater the political strive and conflict in the political arena ?

For example in UK politics tori and labor parties have grown ever more similar, or in the US republican and democrat parties only have very few policies that differ. And yet the political hostilities have reached a fever pitch.

Without understanding the nature of this samer-angrier dynamic, i ask another question should the left have lumped those parties with similar politics together. As in referring to a Labori party or a Democrublican party ? In order to create a new 2-way choice the-left vs the-other-lumpbable-parties
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Defect or not, conceptually a "third gender" is nonsensical. It's funny how "third genders" which are very clearly relitigations of male and female sexual roles to essentialize behavior, are considered free standing forms. They are defined entirely by compliance with the roles of males and females, exaggerated and fused with psychology and personality. That was always a test of the eugenic creed and compliance with it, and with the method of internalizing and torture-programming and pornification.


Same with Intersex - it is always understood as malformed male or female traits. "Gender" conceptually is an essentialist view of sex, while "biological sex" was always understood to refer to function - the bodies of males and females always orient around the functions of hormonal development and the function of reproduction. But, this thinking contradicts the eugenist ideology about natural selection, where "nothing really changes". By their own ideological thinking, the only way evolution could work is through degradation - nothing new could be possible except by "freak random chance". This was always used to justify a hereditary aristocracy, which always believed it was a distinct race from "base humanity".


Since there are abnormalities among marked males and females of "wrongsex", it's not like the sexes are ideal forms or "hardcoded structures", and this hasn't been a problem for anyone with common sense about the body. It doesn't mean that there is a "spectrum of sex". We know what a penis does and weren't not as retarded as the ruling ideas require us to be.


And like I said, "intersex" conditions are both from early development (and never from hereditary defect since everyone who reproduces has to be a viable male/female, so there are no "intersex parents"), and from damage where someone becomes a eunuch or female equivalent. Guess what else has been pushed hard - sterilization and various forms of outright castration of males and females. That's what birth control is - chemical castration.


>Males inseminate the females, females can carry children.

Except there's more than this in nature, and more than this in human sexuality as well.

>Most intersex people hate this ideological shit by the way.

It's not strictly ideological, and there are plenty of intersex people who've campaigned for recognition.

Based on what exactly?
Saying it's sexual variation is way more objective than trying to decide on whether or not it's a defect, which is a pretty meaningless value judgment without any absolute material basis. To say someone has genitals which do not conform entirely to categories of male & female is objective and requires no ideology; to say it's a defect is subjective, and requires ideology.

>Defect or not, conceptually a "third gender" is nonsensical.
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Masoud Pezeshkian was elected the new president of Iran on Friday. He's reportedly a moderate. What do you think of him? Will he be up to the challenges ahead for Iran, in its struggle against imperialism and Zio-fascist savagery?


I think he'll be open to restoring relations with the US. Although not at the expense of Iran's relations with Russia or China. He'll likely pursue an open foreign policy, but only to the extend it excludes foreign impositions. Basically this is an offer towards the US to choose economically beneficial relations rather than block-confrontation.

Everybody in Iran sees Israel the way Europeans saw Nazi Germany at the end of ww2. Evil and weakened. Basically Israel either gives up its malevolent comportment in the region or it chooses to self destruct with a Lebanon war. In the latter event, Iran would emerge as the uncontested regional hegemon. Israel doesn't have the leverage to get concessions from Iran.

Iran has all the components for building nukes, they're offering to remain a non-nuclear power as long as Israel doesn't threaten them with nukes.

From the perspective of the west this is the best deal we'll get. And the price is exceptionally cheap: bully Israel to turn down the belligerency-knob.




Didn't Gaddafi increasingly demilitarize toward the end of his life? We saw what happened to Libya.


>Didn't Gaddafi increasingly demilitarize toward the end of his life?
Qaddafi gave up on Libya's nuclear weapons program. And that likely did shorten his life.

The golden path would have been to max the pursuit of a Pan African Union, and make Libya the center of an African block, that played all the other power off each other. He'd have gotten nuke-technology and imported industrial development out of that.

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Hello, Im a graffiti writer, Im interested in using my skills to make some anti-Zionist art here in the heart of the imperialist machine. Is there a way to make a completely anonymous IG acct and Website so that I can post photos of my work without getting caught? Obviously graffiti is illegal but anti-Israeli graffiti is going to attract much more attention. How do I cover my digital tracks?


I guess the correct way to handle something like this was to let other people discover your art and let word of mouth do the work. At least assuming you got artistic talent and skill, that'll happen naturally. I may be wrong but the culture of graffiti artisans has always been about avoiding personal fame and not tell anybody. Graffiti-culture developed before the internet and it was a sort of a local artistic exchange.

If your main goal is to put stuff on the internet you can just use plywood as a canvas. You can remove that after you're done taking pictures.

If you really want to irk Zionists, you should jump through all the necessary bureaucratic hoops to get the official stamp of approval for displaying your artworks. That'll make it really hard for them to have your stuff removed. And they might even fail all-together and your stuff will stay up.


That's a good question.
You could have a friend register a website for you in their name. That would work, and it would be more anonymous than registering it yourself. I think there are ways to technically register websites anonymously, too, but that seems to be pretty rare, and I'm not sure how.

With instagram… you could use a friend's phone or perhaps get a burner phone without your name on it. It's been a bit since I've bought a phone, I'm not sure how you'd do that. It does really suck that many big social media sites, like instagram, require that sort of info, now. I remember when none of them did. It's kinda classist, frankly.


In the meantime you can post some of your work here over Tor or I2P, those are both technologies that hide your IP address from the website. If you are careful and remove Exif data from your pictures that's the most anonymous you can be with current technology.

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