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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
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Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
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New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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Yeah it happened.
Basically, Caballo was refusing to follow his own rules and constantly stepping out of line so there was an attempt to create some democratic methodology by Comatoast, Zero, and Watermelon with the supprt of some other users, but, they had a backdoor in Krates which had been inactive for like a year at that point.

Can't believe that's you, what a twist.

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 No.285223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
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yes, marxists.org

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ط.ع.ع (سابقًا : جماعة العمل البلشفي) هي حزب ماركسي لينيني ينشط في مصر سرًا، نقف مع الثورة الإشتراكية العالمية ودكتاتورية البروليتاريا العالمية، ننتهج مباديء الماركسية اللينينية بخط تمايزها الثوري النقي الذي أسسه الرفيق أنور خوجا.


Vanguard of Al-Urabi Workers
Marxist Leninst Party in Egypt that stands with worldwide socialist revolution and worlwide proletarian dictatorship with the ideals of comrade Hoxha.
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That's entitled as fuck, first of all no one said this board is for English speakers only, no one is obligated to give you shit, and second of all that's super lazy considering that every browser can auto-translate a website, and deepseek is free.


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>first of all no one said this board is for English speakers only
rofl who is the entitled one here? Someone expecting English communication on an obviously English-speaking forum, or someone assuming we all ought to be able to read and understand Arabic? Where do you think you are?


sir this is مجلس شيوعي شرقي


>I'm too lazy to use one of the many translation apps and now I'm going to act out.


Wow so true sister. OP should've just translated the entire thing

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 No.487384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>484995

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 61,000. Excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

In early January 2025, Israel agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner exchange. Despite all of the killing, Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, appears to have largely replenished its numbers, and threw parades celebrating the exchange. The ceasefire is on terms Hamas had already agreed to in May 2024.

Following Hezbollah strikes on Tel Aviv, a ceasefire in Lebanon was agreed to on November 27th. Israel proceeded to violate this ceasefire more than 600 times, and has refused to leave the country at the agreed-upon 60 day deadline, prompting unarmed civilians to stage protests and drive them out of parts of south Lebanon.

Lebanese Army leader Joseph Aoun was elected president of Lebanon.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was overthrown by US-backed al-Qaeda operatives. Israel proceeded to steal more land from Syria and launched a massive bombing campaign on Syria and Syria's arsenal without any resistance.

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US confirms attacks on Yemen

The US’s Central Command (CENTCOM) has published a video on X of fighter jets taking off from a runway with the words, “Give ’em Hell Harry!!!”

This may be a reference to the USS Harry S Truman aircraft carrier, which is currently stationed in the waters off Yemen.

The post in the early hours of this morning came after Yemeni media reported renewed US attacks on the northern province of Saada. The Saba news agency said at least two people were wounded and a cancer hospital was destroyed in the latest raids.

Yemen’s Houthis, meanwhile, said they had launched attacks on the US aircraft carrier, as well as Israel’s Ben Gurion airport.

US forces destroy cancer hospital in north Yemen

More on the US strikes on the Saada province.

The Saba news agency is reporting that US forces have bombed Al-Rasool Al-Azam Oncology Hospital for the second time in a week, “leading to its destruction”.
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Sure the probability of winning such a definition struggle is low. Not as impossible as you think, but relatively low none the less. Maybe winning is not really the point. Just by making it "contested terrain" you increase the difficulty for their narrative.

By the same token we probably should no longer accept Israel as a nation-state. They haven't defined their boarders, so technically they never completed their claim to a state. Also the other source of national legitimacy that Israel could have is that UN resolution, but they reject it because that one also grants the Palestinians a right to a state. I will admit that i'm mainly really sick of hearing people say that massacring children by the tens of thousands is "exercising the right to national self defense". Maybe by contesting Isreal's status as a nation state, we can shift the debate to that. Because i don't want a euphemistic debate about whether or not it's ok to mass murder children.

They've been doing shit like this since forever. I want diplomatic solutions for conflicts, and they redefine every conflict party as terrorist and then diplomacy is blocked because it got redefined as "negotiating with terrorists". So you are definitely wrong to suggest that the battle of words has no material effects.

Lastly the Zionists are trying to criminalize critical speech, since that essentially means it becomes illegal to talk to them, there is no longueur a reason to maintain any conceptual common ground with them anymore. If we can only talk to Jews that are either indifferent or opposed to Zionism, that means that for all practicle purpose those might as well be the only Jews. Israel can be reduced to a mechanism for dropping bombs, interfering with humanitarian aid deliveries, a source of attacks on democratic rights in western countries and a cause for increasing hatred towards Jews.

We have reduced fascist Germany to a big military machine that destroyed Europe during WW2 and the perpetrators of the holocaust, because that is a sufficient model for us to reason about this time period. The same logic applies here.

We made all those conceptual and rhetorical concession to Zionism for the purpose of being able to appeal to Zionists to practice live and let live with regards to Palestinians. Do you think this approach still has any merit ?

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>This is "changing the name of the thing changes what the thing is" level thinking
i believe that you are committing a serious mistake here
first of all, thoughts do matter. you might not be arguing against this point, but i must stress this point for the second one to make sense. acting like ideas are wholly irrelevant is anti-materialist, because belief is itself a material force. if you are a materialist, you cant deny this unless you deny that human beings have agency, in which case you might as well abandon leftism since change through collective agency is all just an illusion.
second of all, did you even consider for a moment that this is already happening? in other words, what if the zionists *do* believe in this, and therefore twisted the definition of "jew" to mean "zionist"? in that case, separating the two again would mean to *fight against* this way of thinking.


US again bombs north Yemen: Report

The Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV is reporting that US forces have launched two raids on the Sahar district in the northern province of Saada.

The latest raids come hours after the channel reported three attacks on the same district.

US continues bombarding northern Yemen

We are getting more reports of US raids in the provinces of Saada and Amran.

The Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV is reporting renewed attacks on the city of Saada and its surroundings, as well as the districts of Al Salem in the province of Saada.

The channel said there has been at least 17 US raids on the province in recent hours.

It also reported two more raids on the district of Al Sufyan in the Amran governorate.
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More from Yemen, where the airforce of a country which stands, at best, for absolutely nothing and for nihilism and chaos, continues its ruthless attacks against those who have standards of justice and oppose genocide. Or, as RedStream more succinctly summarizes this clip:
A Yemeni shopkeeper stands firm as US bombs fall beside him.

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>"""rules-based international order"""
>there are no rules
>it's not based

Who comes up with this shit??
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kids named capitalists:


I think the idea is that states live in anarchy with each other. They want the opposite of this that is one state enforcing rules to other states.


>one state enforcing rules to other states.
The world's a sphere, can't be done. Even ignoring the complications of geography, sphere's will produce at least 2 major centers of power. Power projection diminishes with distance to the center and if you live on the surface on a sphere, you get 2 optimal spots for a center of power. If you add in geography you probably get between 5 to 7.

>states live in anarchy with each other

Unification by power of Dominion can't solve this, we need to find a different way.

Maybe the offices of politicians need to have globes.


<"freedom and democracy"
>you're either at work or in prison
>no one can influence public policy
I miss the times when this narrative was believable.


this is the standard realist position, the dominant position
id argue that the US is the global state, though this may be changing
often we call "authoritarianism" or "dictatorships" are actually forms of anarchy, a lawless system of laws where disorder becomes a tool of control
what they call the "rules-based international order" might in practice be a reflection of that

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On March 9, 2025, US permanent resident and Columbia University graduate student was abducted without charge or trial and sent off to a shady Louisiana site on White House orders over his protests for Columbia to divest from Israel's war crimes.

From DropSite:

NEW YORK CITY—On Saturday night, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents entered a student residential building at Columbia University in uptown New York and detained Mahmoud Khalil, one of the lead negotiators on behalf of pro-Palestine protesters at 2024’s Gaza solidarity encampment. In a sweeping attack on the First Amendment, the Trump administration said this week it would begin revoking visas of “Hamas sympathizers,” specifically citing Columbia University students. The detention followed a two-day targeted online campaign against Khalil by pro-Israel groups and individuals, including Columbia’s high-profile pro-Israel professor, Shai Davidai.

Khalil, an Algerian citizen of Palestinian origin and an American green-card holder, was detained by DHS officials around half past eight as he was entering the Columbia residential building he lives in. He was returning from an iftar, breaking the day-long fast observed by many Muslims during the month of Ramadan.

Khalil’s wife, who is eight months pregnant, was with him at the time. A statement by the pro-Palestine group Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG) stated that he was “abducted and detained without the physical demonstration of a warrant or officially filed charges.”

Khalil was detained at a DHS facility in New Jersey, according to a database for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But when his wife went to try and visit him she was informed he was not there. "He is not at the ICE facility in New Jersey. I can confirm he is not there,” Khalil’s attorney Amy Greer told Drop Site. "At this time, we have an idea [where he is] but we cannot confirm that 100%.”

According to WAWOG, the DHS agents told Khalil that the U.S. Department of State had revoked his student visa. The group said this was “despite the fact that he has a green card, not a visa, and is a lawful permanent resident.”

In response to a request for comment from Drop Site, the DHS first stated, “You need to reach out to the White House.”
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>Monday night, Georgetown researcher Badar Khan Suri was abducted by masked DHS agents
Why do they wear masks ?
Are they the robbers, from those children's stories ?


Judge bars deportation of pro-Palestine Georgetown University student

We have been reporting on the case of Badar Khan Suri, an Indian man studying at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, who has been detained by US immigration authorities and is facing deportation for allegedly spreading pro-Hamas propaganda.

US District Judge Patricia Giles in Alexandria, Virginia, has now ordered US President Donald Trump’s administration not to deport Suri until the order is lifted.

Suri’s lawyer welcomed Thursday’s ruling and called it “the first bit of due process Dr Khan Suri has received since he was snatched from his family Monday night” outside his home in Rosslyn, Virginia.

Suri, a postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown’s Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, is living in the US on a student visa and is married to an American citizen.

His arrest comes amid the Trump administration’s efforts to deport foreigners accused of taking part in pro-Palestine protests, including Columbia University student and US permanent resident Mahmoud Khalil.



University student suing Trump administration faces deportation

A Cornell University research student suing the Trump administration to stop deportations of pro-Palestinian foreign students has been ordered to surrender to immigration authorities for deportation.

The Guardian news reports that Momodou Taal, a dual citizen of the UK and The Gambia, first became aware he was being targeted for deportation when unidentified law enforcement officers came to his home seeking to detain him.

The visit took place just days after the lawsuit was filed.

In a statement published to social media, Taal’s lawyer, Eric Lee, said the government’s actions were unconstitutional.

“We are outraged, and every American should be too. We urge the population to defend the right to freedom of speech against the urgent threat of dictatorship by exercising that right actively and vigorously,” he said.



Yunseo Chung, a 21-year-old Columbia University student, and former high school valedictorian, is suing the Trump administration over efforts to deport her. Chung, who moved to the U.S. from South Korea at age 7 and holds lawful permanent resident status, participated in pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia. Following her involvement in a protest on March 5, ICE agents visited her family’s residence and searched her dorm room, claiming her presence in the U.S. obstructs the administration’s foreign policy goals. Chung’s lawsuit alleges that ICE’s actions infringe upon her freedom of expression and are part of a broader crackdown on pro-Palestinian activists.

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 No.487075[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Big massive thread for American politics.
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>but they've also gotten pretty good at hitting targets within Russia without the help of the west
As evidenced by the fact that missile strikes within Russia almost entirely ceased the moment Trump cut off US intelligence assistance.


Essentially yes, Trump is a racist pos.


>I don't know, man. Did you see that poll in which they immediately changed their programing about Zelenski? These are basically lizard people in a cult.
I haven't seen that poll so I'm out of context. But in general, there is a type of propaganda echo chamber, that contains the careless opinions. This is about topics people lack any interest or motivation to put any effort into knowing stuff. Zelenski-opinions are for the most part such careless opinions , because it doesn't affect people if what they know about Zelenski is wrong. And for that reason careless opinions are just a type of noise people make where they repeat the same noises they hear in their environment.

Propagandists often celebrate this as brainwashing wins, but careless opinions do not form the bases for anything real. As soon as people have to use information to make decisions, the effect of manipulating careless opinions is almost nonexistent.

So if you can see them flip the narrative about Zelenski, that means people didn't gave a shit in the first place.


>As precarious as it is, Ukraine has probably never been in a better bargaining position
It appears that Ukraine isn't even at the bargaining table, it seems to be that the US and Russia are going to decide Ukraine's future.

>Not only they captured some Russian soil,

The Kursk incursion doesn't represent a bargaining chip imho, because the Ukrainians are not able to hold on to it. It's unlikely the Russians would choose to bargain for territory they can recapture. Last i heard about this was when the Russians said they would consider Ukrainian soldier in Kursk as terrorists rather than prisoners of war and the US was bargaining with the Russians to not just liquidate those men.

>but they've also gotten pretty good at hitting targets within Russia without the help of the west.

The Ukrainians did manage to shoot drones and stuff into Russia, but not at a scale where it causes lots of disruptions, so mostly militarily ineffective. I think the intended purpose of those attacks was about torpedoing diplomatic efforts, and to create a false appearance that Ukraine was on the offensive.


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From the people that brought you The Great Recession:

Wells Fargo envisions a postal service where the mail is kept as a taxpayer-funded government entity while the package and parcel components, which are more profitable, are “sold or IPOed.” In order for the new private company to earn a decent profit, “USPS would need to raise prices by ~30-140% across its product line.”

A privatized postal system would also take aim at the Universal Service Obligation, which requires mail to be delivered to every address six days a week. Such dedication to equitable service “would be a challenge for a third-party operator to profitably move mail and packages,” the memo complains. This move would also put pressure on the proposed mail-only service, which would likely be financially hobbled, to downgrade from six-day delivery as well.

DOGE’s assault on federal workers has seemingly given Wells Fargo inspiration. Citing “recent DOGE efforts on federal cost control,” it recommends that postal employees be given a “deferred buyout offer to leave or layoffs could ensue.” Taking a page from the UK’s Royal Mail privatization in 2013, it suggests that the government take over all pension liabilities and not offer them to workers at the new private company.

With surprising candor, the memo admits that privatization will cause “less job security amid inevitable loss of union protections, loss of pension benefits, higher healthcare costs and employee/wage restructuring.”

With post offices in every zip code, it’s not surprising that Wells Fargo is also looking at real estate as a major source of profit. The company estimates the real estate value for the USPS to be as much as $88 billion. This includes “smaller post office facilities” Wells Fargo would love to sell off or lease. These post offices serve as critical pieces of public infrastructure, especially in small towns and rural areas.




Ekrem İmamoğlu, the mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and possible presidential candidate for the Republican People’s Party (CHP), was detained on two separate charges in a police raid on his home early Wednesday morning.

The police-state crackdown sparked mass protests across the country. After hundreds of municipal workers demonstrated in front of the Şişli Municipality, hundreds of students at Istanbul University organized a protest, defying Istanbul Governorship’s four-day ban on all protests.

Police reinforcements were deployed by the police chief to the security directorate in Istanbul where İmamoğlu is being detained, while crowds gathered behind the barricades to protest his detention. Thousands took to the streets in many cities, including Izmir and Ankara.

Police detained İmamoğlu on charges of “leading [a] benefit-oriented criminal organization” along with 106 people, including mayors, municipality officials, journalists and artists. İmamoğlu and seven others, including Şişli and Beylikdüzü mayors and municipal officials, were also detained on charges of “aiding the terrorist organization,” i.e., the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The Sosyalist Eşitlik Grubu (SEG), the Turkish section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, issued a statement on X condemning the Erdoğan regime’s police state repression, which abolishes basic democratic rights, including the right to vote and be elected, and calling for the immediate release of those detained.



>the Turkish section of the International Committee of the Fourth International
Is this a real organization or… a couple guys in an apartment that wooswoos wants us to think are really important?


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Football fans and Gregg's connoisseurs from around England are currently rioting following the murder of three schoolchildren by an asylum seeker (Axel Rudakubana) and subsequent non-response by the courts. The riots have only escellated following Starmer's absolutely braindead response & the response of local law enforcement.

Bongs to follow for updates:
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UK’s poorest households now worse off than poorest households in Slovenia, analysis shows

At Scawthorpe Community Playgroup in Doncaster, a group of toddlers hurl themselves at a formidable collection of plastic toys.

The children have been born in the sixth largest economy on the planet.

Britain is a rich nation, but its wealth is unevenly shared and life on a low income is hard.

“By the time you’ve paid all your bills, you’ve got nothing left,” Gabbi Lumsden said.

Gabbi is sitting with Becky Hall.

The two of them have been friends since primary school.

Between them they have six children, five of whom tumble around the community hall while we chat.
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But I don't understand. The red team won the election and the read team are the good guys. Why are things getting worse?


>The red team won
Nah Jeremy Corbin and the other leftists got purged from the Labor party. Now it's just "the party".
I think they set up a new party tho.


Labour has been an increasingly Thatcherite party economically since Blair, yeah. My bet is that poster above you is an oblivious sufferer of duopoly brainrot, though, and doesn't realize this & so resorts to strawmen based on the presumption that anyone on the left likes Sir Kid Starver.


>Labour has been an increasingly Thatcherite party economically since Blair
Yeah Blair getting into Labor, kinda wrecked it. I think the neolibs think in terms of power-brokers, meaning they seek out positions in organizations and society at large in order to sell out. I bet you they think that is what everybody is doing. From the perspective of social democrats this was hostile infiltration.

I sometimes wonder if the left could have done something like this too. Except, you know, the other way around. You know in the 70s when neo-liberalism began to spread the rot. To be fair i don't really have a clue how to invert the power-broaker dynamic.

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 No.456057[Reply][Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
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GameStop trading at $71 a share. Up from $10 two weeks ago.


What do you reckon this is ?
Speculators playing around ?


US credit card defaults at highest level since Great Recession

Credit card defaults in the US reached their highest level since the 2008 financial crash during the first nine months of 2024, according to figures compiled by BankRegData and cited in a recent Financial Times article. Credit card lenders were also forced to write off $46 billion in seriously delinquent debt balances through September 2024, up 50 percent from the same period the year before, and the highest level in 14 years.

These figures reveal widespread social distress and economic insecurity in America’s supposedly booming economy. With rising expenses and stagnant wages, tens of millions of workers and lower middle class people have been forced to rely on their credit cards to pay for food, gas, medicine, clothing and other living costs. Hit by elevated interest rates, they have not been able to make their credit card payments.

“High-income households are fine, but the bottom third of US consumers are tapped out,” said Mark Zandi, the head of Moody’s Analytics, told the Financial Times. “Their savings rate right now is zero.”

After government stimulus checks allowed borrowers to pay down their credit card debts in 2020 and 2021, credit card debt has risen by a combined $270 billion in 2022 and 2023, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It surpassed the $1 trillion mark in mid-2023 and reached $1.66 trillion in the third quarter of 2024. The average American household credit card debt was $10,757 in the third quarter, according to personal finance web site Wallet Hub.

“Nearly half of Americans still have debt from the holidays from last year,” said WalletHub writer and analyst Chip Lupo, adding that a third of respondents to his organization’s survey reported they would spend less this year on holiday shopping.

Unable to pay off their balances in full, borrowers sent the credit card companies $170 billion in interest payments in 2024. As of last Friday, the average credit card interest rate was 20.35 percent, according to Bankrate.

These loan shark rates have allowed the biggest credit card lenders—Visa, Mastercard and Capital One—to reap record profits. Visa, the largest, booked $19.7 billion in 2024 profits (up 16 percent from FY 2023) and enjoyed a 55 percent profit margin (up from 52 percent in FY 2023); 2024 revenues shot up 10 percent to $35.9 billion.
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Dialogue Works: This is the Background Music of a Collapsing Empire | Richard D. Wolff and Michael Hudson

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