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 No.285223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
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Does Trotsky cover it at all in his History of the Russian Revolution?

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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
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Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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i don't know why anyone even care about ogre

it's user interface sucks and they censor too much

haven't used or browsed it for more than a few hours

 No.481432[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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>Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told the Financial Times newspaper that Iran will support the Lebanese Hezbollah movement with “all means” if Israel launches an all-out offensive against the group.
>But Kharrazi added that his country was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation.
>“There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged,” he told the newspaper. “In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hezbollah by all means.”
It might go further, the Russians might end up installing nuclear missiles in Iran because the Zionist threaten nuclear escalation.

From a rational perspective the US should take Zionstan on a shorter leach, but all those MIC profits…


>Thousands gather in Tel Aviv for peace conference
>Israeli media and social media users are reporting that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have gathered for the conference, titled “The Time Has Come”.
>They are demanding an end to the war, the return of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip and a deal to secure future peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Do these people have a chance at gaining enough political influence to steer the situation towards peace before the escalation spiral with Lebanon reaches a crescendo ?


US official resigns, says Biden administration funding and enabling ‘Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’

Maryam Hassanein, a former Special Assistant at the US Department of Interior, said in her resignation statement that she could not continue to work for an administration that ignores its staff on the issue.

“After months of Israel’s brutal violence, including the murders of over 37,000 Palestinians and the intentional starvation of millions of Palestinians, the only way I know how to make my voice heard and meaningfully represent my community is to leave,” Hassanein, who identifies herself as a Muslim American, said.

“Arab and Muslim communities in the US have watched in horror as the Israeli military has struck mosques, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and schools, destroying entire cities in Gaza while killing thousands of people in Gaza of all religions and ethnicities with US-supplied munitions,” Hassanein added. “Instead of using US leverage to stop the killing, President Biden has continued funding this violence, while fueling hate crimes against Palestinian Americans by repeating anti-Arab tropes and outright lies.”

Yemen’s Houthis claim attack on Israeli target in Haifa

The Yemeni rebel group, which controls much of northern and western Yemen, says a missile attack had been conducted in cooperation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

The target wasn’t specified although a Houthi spokesperson said the attack on a “vital target” in Haifa was successful.

The Houthis have announced a number of joint operations targeting Israel with the Iraqi group in recent weeks.
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Thrown out of Biden's rally in Raleigh for wearing a 'Jews Say Ceasefire Now' shirt, Roger Ehrlich, son of a holocaust survivor and member of Veterans For Peace.
No disruption or yelling, simply an idea on a shirt that challenges the genocidal monsters at the podium.


🔻Brave heroes of the Palestinian defense forces' Qassam Brigades run up to a tank of the Western-backed genocidal Zionist enemy and plant explosives directly on it, destroying it. While depraved cowardly Zionists starve & slaughter babies, Palestinian warriors fight like lions🦁

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“The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding,” Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor wrote. “When the president uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."


I mean, this is pretty much the definitional opposite of "left wing". This is a mostly right-wing country by law now.
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Name a single president in US history who has ever been held to account for their law breaking while in office.


William McKinley.


I am in favor of the break down of American liberal democracy because it means there will be a chance for something new to emerge very soon. Historically speaking a failing liberal system leads to a lot of civil disorder - and a lot of political opportunity for those who are organized and large enough to take it. The number one job of American Communists right now is preparing for that chance. The Bolsheviks were a tiny group before gaining strength and power in the span of a few years before Russia's political crisis in the first world war. American Communists need to get their head in the game so it can be the same way for them.


Well, I'm curious if the ruling does what the dissent said. But it probably does, yeah.

That considered, I saw this from… well, to be honest, I can't say "a mile away," because we weren't a mile away from it. We were and are extremely close to it, and it's obvious to me that the DNC is as enthusiastic about Project 2025 as the GOP is. That's why the red carpet is being rolled out right now, that's why Biden expanded warrantless surveillance law (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/22/wyrz-a22.html), that's why the Dems have had no real answer to the biggest state-level attacks on abortion & trans medical care in at least the past 20 years, that's why Trump was convicted for fucking a porn star and not anything related to the fake electors or January 6th, that's why the constitution is irrelevant when it comes to Habeas Corpus or freedom of religion or freedom of the press, but isn't irrelevant when it comes to whether or not a senile man or a man who cheats elections can be president, that's why the Leahy laws are being totally ignored to aid in a genocide, that's why Biden himself has helped further militarize the border with Mexico (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/06/06/czjy-j06.html), that's why Biden has sought to slander anti-genocide protestors as racists, that's why the DNC & GOP have both moved to crush dissent against their genocide with police force, that's why NYC is having the national guard come in to "police" their transit system, etc., etc., etc.

I knew this was happening, I warned people about it, some people know, some people have kept trying to pretend. What's really important is that those of us who have come to terms with what is going on act like it. We are in the final stages of a protracted version of the "Business Plot," a slow coup backed by the MIC, finance interests, and (actual, capital F Fascists in) Israel. They've bought and paid for the Republican and Democratic parties of the United States (same interests own both), and they've grown tired of having to deal with this semblance of democracy we've got - they would much rather they just have an outright dictatorship.

Here is what all need to do. Reach out to everyone yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I'm against the breakdown of American liberal democracy, but we should be preparing anyway.
Amazing how easy it is to bridge gaps.

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When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?

Think about it: a lot of hate that vegans receive isn't because people are overly hostile to eating vegetables. It's because vegans themselves brand themselves in a negative light: emotional, effeminate, weak, etc. Additionally, many younger people will naturally rebel against the professed values of the generation ahead of them. When will those who vehemently consider themselves part of the left realize they're actually helping to boost those they claim to oppose?

For context: pic related openly admits to being a cuck and gets offended if you don't praise him for it
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It wasn't impossible to "stop capitalism", as if this just happened by anonymous inertia. Throughout their history, the commons were seeking to enter the nobility, and that's what purchasing venal office was. The professions of the commoners that won in the liberal revolutions were already attaining the privileges of the nobility, and the commoners were not a united bloc with a singular ideology as such. It's the same with the ideologies as such of their associations like the Jacobin club and the secret societies. These outfits weren't united by an ideology or a singular thought-form, but were associations of men who climbed the ranks of that social hierarchy. There were liberal nobles who saw the revolution as a way to carry out their intercine struggle in new conditions, if we speak of France. How this worked in England and America is a very different story.


The ancien regime falls because the agents who would have maintained it saw no reason to continue it. There is a long trajectory of feudal privileges being displaced by the autocratic and despotic tendencies of the 16th-18th centuries, and that trend line didn't really go away with "revolution". It rebranded, found entry into the new way of doing things, and the game of musical chairs settled in the early 19th century.

The revolutions themselves all stem from 1776 in one way or another, and what the British Empire was aiming for to take the world, and their piratical approach to their Empire.


By time Louis XVI is there, he's a weak king, and doesn't have the heart for intrigue in him. Some would say he was a decent human being by the standards of his class, which doesn't say much, but mostly, the nobility were already distressed with the situation and the games played with the wealth of the nation - like entering the American Rebellion for spurious reasons that are the great "open mystery" of the period, which explains a lot of what was really happening and is a favorite of the conspiracist theory of history. This event was not self-contained in an ecosystem and then reproduced by "the theory". France faced conflict from the aristocratic order of Europe who were remarkably disinterested in the wages of war until they started losing and the French installed republics or kings of their choosing, and this was always understood as putting a rubber stamp on the effort to conquer Europe. At this time, no one but the French thinks of themselves as "national actors", and French nationalism is a new thing with the revolution. That was the thing that they really had to contain, and the most lasting effect of it.


If you look at how the French monarchy understood economics, they had their theory before the revolution, and the revolution wasn't really waged over economic ideas. The liberalizing tendency had more to do with the interests of actors in France and globally, then any belief that liberalism worked like magic. There was a theory of physiocracy, but the thing with them is that the physiocrats were more in line with the ancien regime than a naive faith in free trade. What the physiocrats wrote about was a precursor to both the idea of a planned economy - a precursor to the socialist idea - and a precursor to biological politics and biologically centered economic thought, using the example of economic life and the land as an organism with blood flows that could be regulated. That was what Quesnay invoked, due to his background as a physician.


All of these things are very interesting if you dig into them, and that's why I disdain these grand narratives that are divorced from history that can be independently verified. Any political event involves the agency of those things in the world that have the greatest stake in it - human beings, and particular human beings.

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So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.
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tbh I think imageboard users dont really care about actual pokitics beyond a substitue for having a life.
theyre so morally obsessed with cultural norms


I'll be honest, at the time in 2016 I didn't think Trump was going to win, because I was naive - not that I believed this was an actual contest, but I believed that the country was putting up Trump as a trial balloon and would give the Democrats what they needed to move as far right as they cculd and jettison what was left of labor. I didn't think the rulers of this place really were that evil and that degenerate in their thought. I still believed they had some scheme or plan to keep going, but it turns out all they ever needed was faggotry.


Well, I think the reason why Trump won is because he appeals to indignation.
And the Democrats love tussling with him.


Trump won because that was the script, not because "you" chose anything. There's enough insinuation to nudge numbers to whatever they need to be, and they wanted a "close, thrilling race" for this operation.

For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act put an end to any part of the republic that functioned as you would think a republic would. The only thing that remained was eugenics and the general fear, and that refuses to die.


I don't buy the "Trump is the candidate of the downtrodden" horseshit. A few desperate rubes latched on to any faggotry that was going on and given to them, but most of us were too defeated to expect much. Then you consider that many who vote at all are motivated by hatred of the other assholes, and I don't mean a fickle or performative hatred. There are people who believe that Obama and Biden would be the end of them, and that they'd rather be dead than live under that… except, they're getting that anyway, and Trump didn't give those people a single thing. Their thinking was purely defensive for what little the Republicans might have offered them (because believe it or not, the Republicans aren't 100% starve and austerity when they have to go down to the yokels and do a little pandering, and when you look at the Democrats, they play the same game of placating parts of their base and playing interests in their tent against each other). The political system in the US relies on this poverty pimping where desperate people latch on to the few things that they sense they have some control over. Most of those people were not voting for anything Trump said but against the Democrats and the stated liberal agenda, and had no reason to care about any of the pablum in the discourse. Whatever Trump said was some bullshit that wasn't unfamiliar to them.

After the fact, the narrative of "the useless eaters actually love Trump" was just more child abuse, and affirming a story aristocracy always tells itself. Trump offered not one substantial thing. It was ridiculous how he talked about his plan to destroy Obamacare, because he had none and had no intention of doing any such thing. Why would the Republicans cancel a policy they had a large part in manufacturing, that the entrenched interests like just fine? The entire thing is a gigantic cash grab. They'll never give that up. They only think about how to build new excuses to give less and charge more rent. Any time it would turn to anything substantive delivered in health care, it must be attacked. That was always about maintaining the doctor/eugenics cartel on health care.


Sunak came out and declared they're on for July 4th. Corbyn's now running as an independent. Andrew Feinstein is running against Starmer, and maybe he'll knock him out of his seat - who knows?

Are you excited, /leftypol/?
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>So what the neo-liberal anti-democracy infiltrators ended taking over is now an empty husk ?
Not quite, but let's hope it gets there.
>The neo-libs are power-brokers, they infiltrate organizations and capture important positions in order to sell-out the functions of their position to the highest bidder. So if the democratic people periodically dump the old org, and regroup in a new org, the neo-lib infiltration process will get interrupted and they will have to begin from scratch. By making democratic organization a moving target, will it become less vulnerable ?
In a sense, yes.


3 days


W-what happens in 3 days?


I will be voting for my town's independent candidate


You know what's happening.

Which flavour of independent? Vaccine schizo, old bloke kicked out of the Tory party for racism or local muslim leader running on freeing palestine and the ummah?

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I am a Liberal
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most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails

i think it's less a feature of capitalism, and more a feature of not-being-socialism

regardless the poor would fare the best with the means of production being given to some class other than the worker class or the business class

like the a collection of old liberal women who aren't in business roles owning the means of production


So according to you in socialist countries people get mental health treatment and in capitalism they get homelessness and crack, am I getting that right?


Sounds about right. But it's not the hole story. The main cause of homelessness isn't mental illness. It's economic precariousness.


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Return the jacket back to the museum 1st, you reactionary lumpen bueraucuck (served you right btw).


>I enjoy democracy
No you don't. Democracy means Tr*mp will be the next president.

>the rule of law

No you don't. Rule of law means all the BLM monkeys will be in jail.

>freedom of speech

No you don't. Freedom of speech means there's no such thing as "misgendering" or "medical misinformation".

>and freedom of association.

No you don't. Freedom of association means no more hiring diversity.

>most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails
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Kermit the frog caused 9/11. In the 2002 TV film "It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", there's a part where an angel shows Kermit an alternate reality where he was never born. For whatever reason, the editors didn't really think about it, and continued to use footage with the twin towers still standing for this scene, however they aren't there in his original universe. Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.
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Ummm, idk man.
We had dyke bitch girls in the 1980s and proto SJWism.

Also in the 1980s, people were growing cynical and disillusioned.

Why else was punk so popular.


"End of history" is gen idpol shit.


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>My first Fatwa
Funny, but they were Sunni


lol that's a tent-sauna, but with her grinning, that caption does make sense.


Last I heard, there was some bratty CIA/(other αβ) department th@ was getting 2 liberal in checking on some highly secretive/illegal/generally unprofitable governance stuff th@ guys from the other agencies didn't want to get out or something like th@. So basically it's another tactical 5gon erasure attack on the parts of the government which are getting 2 unruly 2 contain.
In making the point 4 their colleagues feddos didn't even bother with timing the destruction & just blasted th@ thing into a fucking freefall LMAO. It's like this was done in such a way on purpose, "look how much of a fuck we are able not 2 give, unlike you".

Wasn't there some years l8r some skyscraper in Spain th@ was burning for a whole day or even more & despite th@ never even crumbled in any way?

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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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Gee, & I thought I am unhinged!




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Reactionaries tremble with joy by being placed into a system of relations, & their own position in this system in question doesn't even m@ter all th@ much, only the mere xistence of it. In other words, slaves by mentality will kill 4 remaining as slaves, 4 they cannot even imagine being free on their own. That's why their unhuman & unlife degeneracy is fused with necrophilia in its totality so much.
So yeah, mautism/turd-worldism/multiimperialism is just plain old nazism but for nonwytes.


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