What actually is "Fascism" these days?
Leftists these days will seemingly call, quite literally anything, that isn't the most ultra-liberal, "progressive" position of the day "Fascism", that adhering to social beliefs that were literally the mainstream even among most leftists a decade ago, is "Fascism", that mild center-right neoliberalism is "Fascism", that the policies of the CPC or CPSU are "Fascism", that positions even Marx would hold are "Fascism", hell, even .org is now claiming Cockshott is a fascist.
This is slightly bizarre to me, because I was under the impression that Fascism was a very specific ideology born out of Italian Futurism, Nietzschean master/slave morality, adaption of tradition to a new modernist futurist framework and a concept of social/state organism (all elements of society are an living organism, the family unit being cells etc, capitalism the brain, the state the body etc If any element is sick, like families are all unhealthy fatties, then it harms the wider "body") and suddenly I'm learning that literally everyone who isn't a radical shitlib suddenly adheres to this ideology.
I didn't realise I was so blind for so long. Can I read about Trump's statements on the application social-state organism? I didn't know that Cockshott believes Christianity as a slave morality should be abandoned and the return of heroic folk paganism should be returned, what work did he mention that? What? Norm Finklestein questioned the current zeigeist of gender and race politics so is "Red-Brown" now? Does that mean he considers Pasta as a food that caused lassitude and should be replaced by brown rice which promotes virility? (yes, this was a core belief of Fascist movements)
Oh wait, none of this is true because the idea that Fascism exists anymore, or that completely mainstream miquetoast opinions that weren't even controversial among Leftists before Tumblr brain is completely and totally fucking retarded.
The only lasting legacy of Fascism, is the fucking loser scions of Eastern European Nazi collaboraters who try to sully the memory of the Soviet Union in WW2 by whitewashing their nazi collaborater grandparents as "Anti-Bolshevik, anti-totalitarian heroes" and this is generally all now purely done because they seethe at Russia for winning and their grandparents being fucking loser traitors, not because they actually adhere to Fascist beliefs.
Fascism literally doesn't exist anymore. It's the Dubstep of ideologies. Yes
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